Self join « Join « JPA Q&A

1. HQL Self Left Outer Join

I want to have a self Left outer join on the table using HQL(Hibernate Query language), can anybody please help... Here are the classes public class Job implements Serializable{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name="JOB_ID") private Integer id; @Column(name="JOB_STATUS") private String status; @Column(name="JOB_USER_ID") private Integer userId; @OneToMany(mappedBy="job",cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.MERGE},targetEntity=JobItem.class) private List jobItems; } public class JobItem implements Serializable{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name="JOB_ITEM_ID") private Integer jobItemId; @Column(name="JOB_ITEM_STATUS") private ...


3. help!! How to coding a "self left join" ?

Hi,all! I want to write a HQL like this SQL: SELECT begin.subject, sum(begin.debit) AS bgdebit, sum(end.debit) AS enddebit FROM VoucherItem begin LEFT JOIN VoucherItem end ON begin.subject = end.subject WHERE begin.year='2009' AND begin.month<'05' AND end.year='2009' AND end.month='05' GROUP BY begin.subject But,I don't know how to write this in HQL. No 'on' , No relationship.How to write it??? Thanks :)

4. How to do self left outer join using JPA Criteria API?

I'd like to convert the following select * from region_tree country left outer join region_tree region on country.REG_CODE_PAR=region.REG_CODE and region.LFT < country.LFT and region.RGT > country.RGT and region.REG_CODE_PAR = 'ALL' and COUNTRY.STATUS_CODE = 'A' and REGION.STATUS_CODE = 'A into JPA Crtieria based query. I created an entity to represent the self join. Code: @Entity @Table(name = "REGION_TREE") public class RegionTree implements ...

5. SqlResultSetMapping with self join table

I have a query with a self join that looks like this, select t1.*, t2.* from table t1 left outer join table t2 on t2.LFT < t1.LFT and t2.RGT > t1.RGT AND t2.REG_CODE_PAR = 'ALL' AND t1.STATUS_CODE = 'A' AND t2.STATUS_CODE = 'A' I'm using @NamedNativeQuery with a result set mapping to get the result. Code: @NamedNativeQuery( ...

6. Self Join using hibernate

Hi All, I have a table user with following structure userid number, username varchar(100), parent_user_id number I want to have annotated class for it and want information how to use hibernate to query this data. I have tried to google out for answers but could not get much help. Please help me out. Thanks and Regards, Vikash Anand

7. Self Join

8. [newbie] Self Join in HQL?

Hi All, OK I wish to write a bit of HQL to detect, say, all Cats who are more than 2 years apart in age. In SQL thats an easy self join, but as far as I can see in HQL you can't self join unless a pre-existing relationship has been set up in the mappings for the Cat class. So, ...

9. joining to self - preferred way?

Consider the table below: case_id long case_dt date reference_num string In this table, case_id is generated and unique. Each row contains a value in the reference_num column and sometimes the value will be the same for many rows -- this represents related cases. What is the preferred way to represent this? Is there a mapping that would work? It looks similar ...

10. Avoiding intermediate tables with indirect self join

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.2 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5.0.18 I am implementing a retail site where products have addons and warranties. Addons and warranties are really products themselves. I have intermediate tables for addons and warranties with the parent product id and the child product id. ...

11. Using Criteria to have Self Join

Hi All, I am using hibernate 3.0.5 with JDK1.5 on oracle 9i. I want to know how I can use Criteria API to have a self join. Given below is the simplified example of what I want to achieve. I have address table which has following columns Address_ID, line, zip, country I have Students table which has following columns Student_ID, Name, ...

13. Self referencing table via Join Table

Newbie Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:26 am Posts: 2 Dear fellow developers, I have been searching through this and other sites on the web for a solution to my problem but have had no joy as yet. Here goes.... The database schema I'm using has the following table structures defined HL7_Structures table Code: CREATE TABLE ...

14. do hibernate support self join ?

15. Implementing self join in hibernate

There is a table which is as follows: Type Value Rel_Id type1 val1 abcRel type2 val2 abcRel type3 val3 abcRel type1 val4 defRel type2 val5 defRel type3 val6 defRel I need to fetch all the values which satisfy following condition: Rel_ID= abcRel and Type =type1 and Value = val 1 and Type=type2 and Value = val2. I feel there is a ...

16. self-referencing, many-to-many and join table

Dear all, I've been trying to establish a self-reference (many-to-many) via a join table for many days, but still don't manage to achieve it. However, my problem seems to be pretty simple and common. I have a class (let's say group) which contains a set property. At the end of the day I would like to obtain a table named group ...

17. Criteria API doesn't handle table self-joins...

18. Self Join help

Hi I have been trying to implement following query using Hibernate Criteria APIs but cannot find the way to do it. Select table.* from Table table where table.field1 in ( select table1.field2 from Table table2 where table2.field3 = value ). To summarize it is a case of SELF-JOIN. Help is appreciated. Thanks.... Regards, Hemant

20. Help with HQL (Self join ?)

If I have four Employees: E1 1000 E2 2000 E3 3000 E4 4000 The query: select e1, count(*) from Employe as e1, Employe as e2 where e1.salaire > e2.salaire group by e1 gives only: E2 2000 1 E3 3000 2 E4 4000 3 But the query select e1, count(*) from Employe as e1, Employe as e2 where e1.salaire >= e2.salaire group ...

21. how to do Self join in hibernate

how to execute sql equivalent in hibernate : select e.*,d.ename from emp e, emp d where e.empno = d.empno; String sql = "SELECT E.*,E.ename FROM emp E, emp D WHERE E.mgr=D.empno"; SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); List results = query.list(); I'm able to get the result for results List type but I dont know how to extract that from that results. please ...