result « Join « JPA Q&A

1. How to SQL join two tables so that all entries of the left one are in the result even if there is no matching entry in the right one?

I have spent several hours with this SQL problem, which I thought would be easy - I still think it should be, but obviously not easy enough for me (not an ...

2. unexpected JPA results

Im learning JPA and having problems. My main problem is when i join my entitys and dont quite understand why im getting the results i am .. and its realy slowing ...

3. Hibernate Critieria join two tables with condition on 2nd table and result the 1st table

I have a question using Hibernate Criteria, I need to convert this query using criteria. SELECT * FROM A a_ INNER JOIN B b_ ON a_.column1=b_.column1 AND b_.column2 IN (X,Y) AND active='Y'; I ...

4. Efficently display results from multiple joins

In a JPA project I need to display a table whose data comes from 5 related entities. Without JPA I could write a sql query which joins the 5 database tables together ...

5. Result for two tables and left join

6. no result for left join with empty set

7. getting distict results when joining two tables

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hello , Can anyone please tell me how do solve this. I am using hiberante to query from a legacy database model. Hibernate version: 3 I have two tables Customers and Products Customer table has the folowing columns cust Id, registration key, company name, and other customer details. custId and registration ...

8. Joining four tables, result contains duplicate rows

Hi I have a Hiberanate query return getSession().find(select s.brCode,, sc.status sa.valid from BranchPOJO s join s.XYZs sa join sa.ABCs sab join sab.EFGs where + someclause); (someclause is the where clause --- generated from the fields selected from the screen) My issue is the result has duplicates in it each row is fetched 6 times can anyone point me to the ...

9. Criteria join results in empty Set

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hallo support, I have an hibernate object named CnePlatformEdition where a Set of CnePlatformComponents is defined. In the hibernate object CnePlatformComponents another object CnePlatformPackage is included. See concerned mappings below) |CnePlatformEdition| -- Set --> | CnePlatformComponents | -- Component --> | CnePlatformPackage | I tried to get the properties of all ...

10. Why Left Outer Join results in Cartesian Product ?!

Hello, Let's say we have: - Table TableA (idA is a primary key) which will be considered main. - Table TableB (idB, idA is a composite primary key) - Records in table B may, or may not exist. - A.b maps as one-to-many to Table b We want to get access to: Specific record set from TableA with joined specific elements ...

11. Wrong results when using JOIN table

Hi, I have two tables tbl_object_relations and tbl_objects. It is the B tree relation - each object can be related witch other objects. So tbl_object_relations is related with tbl_objects twice by object_relation_id.object_id and object_relation_id.related_object_id. When I would like to find which objects are related witch object_id I do join SQL query (see bellow). Query is working properly and I tested it ...