style « Join « JPA Q&A

1. Join style -- join on vs theta

I noticed that a query I am running is using a theta style join. It will likely run faster with standard join syntax. In this case it is fast enough, but I was wondering how the decision is made. Here is a piece of the mapping: ...

2. Collapsing a theta-style join

I am currently using a theta style join to do a query between two classes which don't have a mapped relationship (for Hibernate). I am wondering if there is any way to get Hibernate to collapse the result, which in this case will consist of the same object as the first array element in every returned row. So I do this: ...

3. Multiple theta style inner joins causing trouble

It appears that I have developed a mapping, where certain HQL queries result in problematic SQL code. Using hibernate 2.1.4 I have the following (shortened) mapping: Code: ...

4. How to do a SQL join Hibernate style

Suppose there are 2 tables ... Table A : a_id number, a_val varchar and Table B : b_id number, b_val varchar, a_id number Hibernate classes exist for tables A and B. a_id is the primary key for table A b_id is the primary key for table B a_id is a foreign key in table B referencing table A. We want to ...

5. Support of 'old style' joins as opposed to ANSI style joins

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:01 pm Posts: 1 Working with legacy database which does not accept ANSI style joins generated by Hibernate association mappings. Can only use 'old style' joins, for example *= . Is there any way that we can set Hibernate to output old style? Using Hibernate version 2.1 2005-01-06 12:37:33,715 ERROR [net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] Could not execute query ...

6. HQL Left Outer Join with Theta-style join and aggregate

With the mappings below, i am trying to run this HQL query: SELECT, SUM(c.regularCredit + c.overtimeCredit) totalCredit FROM ReviewRecord r, Employee e LEFT OUTER JOIN e.creditItemCalculations c WHERE r.employee = e AND = :sessionId AND r.currentQueue = :queueId AND r.checkOutTime IS NULL AND NOT IN (:idsToIgnore) GROUP BY ORDER BY totalCredit DESC I am not sure if ...

7. Theta style join criteria

Hi folks. I have a query that looks something like: from Provider p, UserSettings s where p.settingsId = s.Id and s.user = :someUser ... I know that typically you would just establish a normal many-to-one relationship and add UserSettings as a property of the Provider object. In this specific case though I can not do because we have found that the ...

8. Criteria API. Real need for theta-style join / Spatial Data

Hibernate version: 3.1 Name and version of the database you are using: 9.2 Hello everyone. We are starting a new project here which we are going to manipulate spatial data (Oracle SDO) and we intend to use Hibernate. We are building a service that knows how to perform spatial operations over our domain. And many applications will connect to this server. ...