Join « Key « JPA Q&A

1. How to add a separate Primary Key to a Join Table in Hibernate

I have a question about Hibernate ManyToMany mappings. I have two classes A and B and the mapping between them is a ManyToMany mapping resolved by Hibernate:

public class A {


2. join on foreign key with hibernate

i am a hibernate-beginner and have a problem when trying to join 2 tables with hibernate. What i am trying to do is get the list of products a certain store ...

3. How to join in JPA using foreign key directly?

Having two tables

 - id
 - name
 - bId

 - id
 - name
In the entity classes, because A is sent over a Webservice (in large amounts), I don't want to have ...

4. [Hibernate] many-to-many, invalid primary key in the join table?

Hi. I am having some problems with my hibernate mapping. Please take a look at the hbm files: and

5. Hibernate join and key tag

Hi all, I've a problem with hibernate xml mapping and join. This is my scenario: Table Resource id, Pk code message id_locale Table Locale id, Pk code description On the table Resource I've a fk on id_locale referencing the column id of the table Locale. Java Side, I've created a pojo ResourceBean with getter/setter for id, code, message, localeCode and this ...

6. primary key question in joined table

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to add primary keys on joined table generated by Hibernate. So if i add something like this in my parent class: @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.FALSE) @Cascade({org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN}) @JoinTable(name="ATTRIBUTE_LINK") private List Attributes; Hibernate create this ATTRIBUTE_LINK table which link the parent object to one or many attributes in ATTRIBUTES table. However that ATTRIBUTE_LINK table does not ...

7. Join without keys

Newbie Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:25 am Posts: 1 Hello In this project I'm working on, I have to show related data from a few tables. Simple enough, except those tables aren't relational, they're just separate tables. The tables are like this. Code: private Long ciscoworks_id; private String ciscoworks_mac; private String ...

8. Join Table many-to-one issue - join by non-primary key

Hi My main table is PTNT_DATA_MSRMNT_CLCTN & join table is PTNT_PRCTC_PRFMNC_YR. I want to join these 2 tables by a non-primary key (in the main table), but it does not work. Tables: Code: PTNT_DATA_MSRMT_CLCTN : PTNT_DATA_MSRMNT_CLCTN_ID (PK) PTNT_PRCTC_PRFMNC_YR_ID DEMO_PRCTC_DATA_CLCTN_PRD_ID PTNT_PRCTC_PRFMNC_YR: PTNT_PRCTC_PRFMNC_YR_ID (PK) DEMO_PRCTC_ID DEMO_PRFMNC_YR_ID PTNT_ID Mapping: Code:

9. Joining Table on Foreign Key of Primary Table

11. Join two tables with 2 keys

12. Joining on a candidate key

Is there any way to define a composite candidate key in a mapping association? I have two tables: table 1: id properties- candidatekey1 candidatekey2 table1name, etc table 2: somecompositeid properties- candidatekey1 candidatekey2 table2value, etc I would like to define a one-to-many set by candidatekey1. I realize this ...

13.  outer joins?

Is it possible to specify an outer join for a relationship? Specifically, I have a persistant object A with a composite key. One of the elemets of those keys is an associated key-many-to-one assiciation with class B (I hope I have the terminology correct). I would like that when I load class A, class B would be loaded in an ...

14. how to join on other then primary key?

Hello. I have these two tables: Person personID personName personAddress CountryID GroupID houseID Group groupID groupName Now, what I want to do, is to select a person's ID, its name, and join this with Group, so that I'll get a resultset like this: Code: personID personName groupID ...

15. One-to-one join using primary key

I have two tables A and B. The primary key for both tables is USERNAME. Also, the USERNAME column in B, in addition to being a primary key, ia also a foreign key to the USERNAME column in A. When I use MyEclipse to generate a hibernate mapping for A and B, and then write a query like: sess.createQuery("select b from ...

16. joining a table to get set keys

Hibernate is great, but I can't come up with a way to accomplish the following: I need to join another table to get the keys for a set. We have three objects: an abstract Account class, a SimpleAccount, and an AggregateAccount. An AggregateAccount is exactly like a SimpleAccount, only it also contains a set of it's subaccounts. The database schema consists ...

17. Join w/ Foreign Key within a Single Object


18. One-to-many, join-tables, foreign-key best practices

Hibernate version: 3.1 (3.1 beta6 annotations) I have a typical one-to-many relationship between parent and child. In our case, however, the parent has a lot of these one-to-many and I don't want to put the mapping for all of them in the parent class (don't want to have to load the entire database). Plus, in the UI, most of the child ...

19. Help with simple join tables with no primary, foreig keys...

Hibernate version: 3.x Name and version of the database you are using: db2 8.x I am trying to work with legacy Databases where there are two simple tables with no primary keys and no foriegn keys but there is a common column. Table EMPLOYEE - Columns ->EMPNUM, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME Table EMP_PHONE - Columns ->EMPLOYEE_ID, OFFICE_PHONE In these two tables EMPNUM/EMPLYEE_ID in ...

20. Join and foreign key

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: ...

21. join tag - joins only on the primary key of the first ta

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Hello all, Working with a legacy database, I am supposed to map a a couple of direct JDBC queries into Hibernate mappings. The mapping overhead will be measured. I don't want to negatively affect the results just because I didn't made the right mappings : Here it is the (simplified) query : One of the queries I need ...

22. Joining 2 tables in Hibernate with different PK's

Newbie Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:12 am Posts: 13 As far as Hibernate is concerned, a composite key may be handled as an assigned identifier of value type (the Hibernate type is a component). Suppose the primary key of our user table consisted of a USERNAME and an ORGANIZATION_ID. We could add a property named organizationId to the User class ...

23. Foreign key to primary key one-to-one join

24. Join multiple tables with foreign keys in primary table

Hi All, I have a problem mapping a legacy datamodel to a classmodel (which I am also not allowed to change). The issue is this: I have three tables. The main table here is PRIVILEGE, which has two foreign keys pointing to two other tables, PRIVILEGE_TYPE and BUSINESS_OBJECT. On the Java side, I need to map fields from these three different ...

25. Naming Foreign Keys with a Join Table

Core: 3.2.5 GA Annotations: 3.3.0 GA Dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect I have associated two classes via an optional one-to-many association with a join table. I established this pattern based on the "Java Persistence with Hibernate" Manning book. I am now attempting to explicitly name the Foreign Key constraints but it is not working as I expect. I am defining the ForeignKey name on ...

26. Joining tables w/o using a table's primary key

How can I use join w/o using the tables primary key when mapping an object? seems to only allow using the primary key. tag seems to require that the property being set is another defined in the xml file ex: Java Object: public class ServiceUser { ... private Integer idIndex; private String loginId; private String serviceCd; private String ...

27. Non primary key join with Hibernate JPA

28. Simple Join with two keys

I've been searching for hours and it's starting to make me feel like Hibernate isn't all it's cracked up to be. I have two tables, and I need to create one class from these two tables. One of the tables, I only need one field, so I figured I would use a to get that property. Well the table I'm ...

29. Join tables without keys

I have 2 tables: Table1 -a1 (PK) -a2(PK) -a3(PK) -a4 -a5 ...... Table2 -k1(PK) -k2(PK) -k3 ..... So there 2 tables (both with composite IDs, but I don't think makes too much of a difference in this case) that have no database driven association. But I need to be able to do a query that joins these two: ie select * ...

30. Joining on a non-primary key in a secondary table?

As I understand it, there is support for mapping a join on a non-primary key value, but it doesn't seem to work on secondary tables. Consider the following hypothetical table structure: Code: CREATE TABLE APP.FOO ( FOO_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, TYPE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY( FOO_ID ) ) ...