association « Load « JPA Q&A

1. hibernate eagerly load an association that's normally lazy

I have these 2 mappings:

    <class name="sample.Operator" table="OPERATOR">
        <id name="id" >

2. [Hibernate] about loading associations

Hi i have a question about Hibernate I have a service called StatisticService that has to handle entities of class Route. I did a routeDao.loadAll() to get all the Routes from my base. Then, i go to a POJO (i.e. no longer in any Hibernate session), and there, i do a myRoute.getPoint(). Route and Point are linked in the base, so ...

3. (Hibernate) lazy loading even when no association between classes ?

I got a hibernate error and it shows something related to lazy loading. By simply adding "lazy=false" in th hibernate mapping file the problem is fixed. But I am surprised --- In my mini example I have only two tables. One of them includes a foreign key refering to the other table. My tables are like Department(id, chairman_name, address) Person(name, phone) ...

4. Hibernate lazy-loading and many-to-many associations

Hi, Problem 1 : I'm developping a bank system, and I need to load operations relying on a customer. At first, I m interesting to customers, so I do not need operations, I have choosen the lazy loading for operations set. But once I want to get a customers operations, I need to limit them, of course, because each one, can ...

5. problem with loading associations

Hello I need to load table 'T1' with table 'T2' connected via many-to-one using left join (coz there can be no rows in T2 for given T1 row). When I do: Code: Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(T1.class); crit.add( Expression.eq(...) ); crit = crit.createCriteria("dttrintnSet", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN); // dttrintn ...

6. How to prevent loading of association

Hi, I have two classes, Item and Order mapped as One-to-Many such as: Code: class Item... @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.PERSIST }, targetEntity = OrderImpl.class) @JoinColumn(name = "Item_ID", referencedColumnName = "Item_ID", nullable = false, updatable = false, insertable = true) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL) ...

7. Selective load of mapped associations

Hi everybody, I have this problem and I couldn't find any post that helps. Suppose I have an @Entity named Monument which has a description in 7 languages through a internal collection of @Entities List What I want is to query for the given Monument by id and to load only one language, let's say French (I know the language id). ...

8. re-loading all associations

removeMeetingTaskButton.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, new EventListener() { public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { ...

9. Selective (or lazy) association loading at runtime?

Is there anyway to tell Hibernate (at runtime) to NOT to load an association at all? I have several screens in my web app where I need to show a child collection, for example a portfolio of 100 real estate properties, from which the user will select one to view/edit. Loading that collection involves a lot of SQL due to a ...

10. Example class loads associations?!

11. lazy loading with one-to-one or many-to-one associations

suppose I have class A : Long id, B b class B: Long id, String name table A: ID table B: ID, A_ID, Name where A_ID is the foreign key references A. here I want to move from class A with a lazy loading of matched B object session. find("Select from A"); mapping filez: ...

12. Eager Loading of 1:1 association

Hibernate Version : 2.1 Database : Oracle 8.1.7 I have two classes Loan and Borrower, and they have a 1:1 relationship between them. The Java files are as follows : Code: package tavant.platform.persistence.hibernate.simple.model; public class SimpleLoan { private Long id; private SimpleBorrower borrower; public Long getId() ...

13. Loading a lazy collection association on demand efficiently

Hey. I have read the HTML manual and bought Hibernate in Action and I am still none the wiser about exactly the best thing to do for a basic Class A has a List collection. By default we do not want to load the list. At some point we decide to load Class A and we now want the collection loaded. ...

14. Laxy loading for one-to-one association not working

I've been playing around with this and can't find anything that will prevent the extra query. In fact, even when I force outer-join fetching on the one-to-one attributes, it STILL does the extra select (in addition to doing the outer join in the query for the parent!!). I'm completely lost on this one and will have to start debugging the hibernate ...

15. Loading more than one one-to-many association?

Im trying to figure out the best method of loading more than one association. Ive been looking through Hibernate in Action, the reference and this forum and everything seems to be focused on one association at a time. To keep things clear Ill use the auction system example found in Hibernate in Action. Now, say the Item class had two one-to-many ...

16. Eager loading of "one-to-one" association

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 Problem description: I have a problem concerning a "one-to-one" association. I have not been able to figure out how to tell Hibernate to load the association along with the owner objects, i.e. I want to make an eager load of the association using a left join fetch. Debugging through Hibernate, I see that the SQL is as I ...

17. Need help making an association lazy loading

Page 1 of 1 [ 3 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message JasonG Post subject: Need help making an association lazy loading Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:22 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:25 pm Posts: 3 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... ...

18. Eager association loading

Hello, I have a question regarding eager fetching an association in an object graph. I am not sure that posting all the config files will help my issue, but perhaps someone ran into this and has an explanation. I have an association where object A is 1..n to object B, object B also has 5 many-to-one associations. My HQl looks similar ...

19. Lazy load association not working

lazy=true has been working for me. I don't know about your User.findUserForUsername("super"); without seeing the underlying code, but the session.load has always worked for me. Are you sure that you aren't doing a toString or something else after the load that causes the lazy relationship to be instantiated? Maybe try a println of Hibernate.isInitialized(user.getRights()) right after the load?

20. Not loading Set with unidirectional non-lazy set association

Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:12 pm Posts: 2 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I have a unidirectional,non-lazy, one-to-many association between the class ServiceStatus to the class ScheduledOutage. The association is declared as a set within ServiceStatus. I do not want a bidirectional association because I want to be able to store the child entity ...


I have a problem when I'm loading an object (A) having two one-to-one relationship with another kind of object(B): the associations are bidirectional and lazy loading seems not function. In a few words, when I get the object A, hibernate retrive immediately from database two objects B. Hibernate: select this_.HDHAND as HDHAND102_0_, this_.PRPARCOD as PRPARCOD102_0_, this_.HDPARKBAY as HDPARKBAY102_0_, this_.HDPARKRO as HDPARKRO102_0_, ...

22. Lazy Loading 1:n associations makes Hibernate session dirty

Newbie Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:00 pm Posts: 4 Lazy Loading 1:n associations makes Hibernate session dirty when associations fetched in different transactions We are developing a J2EE application that uses SEAM 2.0.1 CR1 with JSF 1.2 and EJB 3.0/JPA using Hibernate as the JPA provider. All of the persistent entities have dynamicUpate=true so we update only the modified columns. ...

24. Forcing the lazily mapped association to load.

Hi All, I use Hibernate3 along with Spring 2.5 and JSF1.2. I need a way to load all association in my DAO where connection is available. Either by calling Hibernate api method or by some other means. Use case. User logs in and sees different groups. (These groups are lazily loaded and required so) After clicking on one group, he sees ...

26. How to load association info into collection property object

Class A has a set of Class B. Class B has properties which are only relevant to its relationship to Class A, and Class B may have different values of these properties for mappings to different instances of Class A. It makes sense for this data to be stored in the join table such as: id, classa_id, classb_id, score, reviewed I ...