junit « Load « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate 3 Not Loading Values Into Child Set In JUnit Test    coderanch.com

I"m trying to use Hibernate 3 with Spring. I've got two classes with a unidirectional parent-child relationship: QuestionnaireResponse and Answer. A QuestionnaireResponse has a child Set of Answers. I've attached the Hibernate mapping below (just to keep the narrative together). Of course I'm writing JUnit tests. I've got a test where I query for a particular QuestionnaireResponse and check the result ...

2. hibernate + junit screwy classloader problem    forum.hibernate.org

My junit test for my hibernate store is failing (see stack trace below) if i run it from ant, but if i run the test from my IDE or if i uncheck the 'reload classes every run' in junit, it passes. clearly this is some kind of crazy classloader problem. I have the ehchache.jar file in my CP, and i have ...