openjpa « Load « JPA Q&A

1. What should be considered using subselects in queries with haevy loaded databases?

We are developing an application with a persistence layer using OpenJPA1.1 and an Oracle DB as backend storage. I will use queries with subselects (see my question at Solving JPA ...

2. Load persistence.xml from aar in tomcat

Greetings. I have a openJPA based project that I need to deploy it in format of aar into the following folder under Tomcat. tomcat\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services But it seems that the service cannot load the persistence.xml ...

3. How to force OpenJPA (1.2.2) to eager load a @ManyToOne combined primary key?

i've got two Entities with combinded primarky keys:

public class A {
    Integer pk1;

    Integer pk2;


4. Can lazy fetched field be modified before loaded?

I'm using embedded OpenEJB in one unit test. The test does not work. When I was debugging I had found out, that the lazy fetched field behaved peculiarly. Is it really possible? ...

5. DF 3.0.01 b.22: Classloader problems using OpenJPA 2.0

... I've tried several ways to get it injected, but I cannot say, if any is working, as deployment fails. If I disable the the injections, deployment works (as the Enhancer is not called) and I can use the .jar, but I need Injection running (I know, there is a call EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityFactory( "imageGalleryPersistenceUnit"); em = emf.createEntityManager(); active in ...