row « Load « JPA Q&A

1. Loading million rows in hibernate

If I want to fetch million rows in hibernate, how would it work? Will hibernate crash? How can I optimize that.

2. hibernate session.load throwing no row with id found

code snippet: Address addr = (Address)session.load(Address.class, new Long(1)); addr.setCity("Bangalore"); addr.setState("Karnataka"); addr.setStreet("bowee"); addr.setZipcode("560008"); session.update(addr); transaction.commit(); ============================================ there is one address record with id 1 hbm file for address pojo class is This class contains the student's address details.

3. Does HIbernate load all rows in the cache for queries?

I have an application that queries a table, reads each row, does some processing, writes the formatted row to a JMS Q and then updates some columns of the row. The writing to the Q and row updates have to happen in a transaction. I commit after every 50 transactions. Using Hibernate 2.0, I am getting a performance of 3 records ...

4. Retrieving a particular row without loading full list

Hello. I want to use an approach based on retrieving from a query only a row. I see that when using session.find(), all I have to do is list.get(i) but I don't want to populate every element of the list. I want the same behavior than iterate() but I don't want to retrieve only next object, but any object, identified by ...

5. Problem with loading an row from database...

Read the rules before posting! ... AskForHelp Hello, I'll be answering blows question with my comments. Well I'm trying to create service of messages. I've two tables in database: Subject and Message. Every Subject can contains many messages, but one messages belongs to only one subject, ufff...:) Hibernate version: 2.0 Mapping documents: Message.xml.hbm is:

6. Non-lazy bi-dir collection in only loads one row

Newbie Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:35 am Posts: 2 I'm seeing an odd problem with a bi-directional one-to-many collection below. I've verified that the database has a number of AttributeKey rows correctly associated with an AttributeTemplate, but when I look at the attributeKeyMap after it's loaded, only the first AttributeKey in the table is loaded. Any ideas? Hibernate version: 3.0.5 ...

7. many-to-one loads new instance for each row

9. Does Hibernate load all table rows by default?

10. Load a Row from a Join table

Is any framework method which loads a row by natural id? I have a join table, user_city, between two other tables, user and city. Given the two objects that form the natural-id of user_city, user u and city c - is there a better way to load a row from user_city than to make a custom query? I know there is ...

11. Problem with loading huge amount of rows from database

Hibernate version: 3.2.6 Postgres: 8.3-603 Hi, I need help with loading huge amount of rows from database. Correctly I need load 2 million rows from db and save it to the collection (for example map or list ...). Problem is with hibernate memory restriction. I tried advices from hibernate manual: Code: //define session and transaction Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction transaction ...