Bigdecimal « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate loss of precision in results when mapping a number (22,21) to BigDecimal

I have this column in my Oracle 11g mapped as NUMBER (21,20), which is mapped in Hibernate as:

@Column(name = "PESO", precision = 21, scale = 20, nullable = false)
public BigDecimal getWeight() ...

2. How do I map a BigDecimal in Hibernate so I get back the same scale I put in?

In Java, new BigDecimal("1.0") != new BigDecimal("1.00") i.e., scale matters. This is apparently not true for Hibernate/SQL Server, however. If I set the scale on a BigDecimal to a particular value, save ...

3. What type would you map BigDecimal in Java/Hibernate in MySQL?

After going through the previous develop's trainwreck of code I realized I need to move all of the money based columns to not use floating point math. On the Java ...

4. Hibernate - BigDecimal Mapping Precision

Problem: Seems my mapping class for a big decimal is dropping 0 when grabbing values like 50.20 from the oracle database. It will grab the value correctly if its 50.23 but ...

5. HibernateException mapping BigDecimal to sql smallnumber

I get the following error Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Wrong column type in Enterprise.dbo.pws_price_profile for column advanced_payment. Found: smallmoney, expected: numeric(19,2) When I try to map a bigDecimal field to a sql server type smallmoney. I think might solve the problem is there a corresponding Annotation for the above XML. Also is there a good list of ...

6. Hibernate maps id property to BigDecimal

Hello all, I searched about the problem, could not find a exact solution. The hibernate version is 3.2.6. There is a Product entity. Its id property is defined as: @Table(schema = "AAAA", name = "PRODUCT") public class Product implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Column(name = "ID", nullable = false) @Basic(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @Id Integer id; ...... ...

7. MS SQL Server and BigDecimal mapping problem

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 6 Using Hibernate 2.1.6 and SQLServer dialect for SQL Server 2000 (JSQL driver) during schema export I got error. Looks like hibernate converts BigDecimal to numeric(19,255) and it's wrong for SQL server. The question is - is it BUG? and how to change default mapping (I know i can change it in ...

8. All DB number types they are mapped as BigDecimal

Hi, Hibernate version 3.1.1 Oracle 10g and XE Windows XP I am create the hibernate mapping files and all database number types they should be mapped to BigDecimal, includes types like NUMBER(4), NUMBER(8), NUMBER(14,2), All. This is not well !!!. Does some solution exist to this Problem? . I should can to convert a DB TYPE NUMBER(8) to java.lang.integer, and this ...

9. BigDecimal Mapping question.

The database holds values like 100.1, 203, 209.11. I want hibernate to return the values in 999.99 format. Basically I need 2 decimal places for this amount column. Currently the mapping is How can I map so that hibernate returns 2 decimal places no matter whats in database column?

10. Precision lost mapping decimal(16,4) to BigDecimal

Hi Jay Looks like your value has been converted to a double at some point. Compare the following: System.out.println(new BigDecimal(99.9991)); // converted to double value 99.9990999999999985448084771633148193359375 - converted to a double before becoming a BD - same value as you're seeing System.out.println(new BigDecimal("99.9991")); // quoted value converted by BD 99.9991 - straight BD conversion from string Your database column has 16,4 ...

11. Oracle number maps to Bigdecimal

All, I am using Hibernate 3.2 with annotations and using an Oracle 10g database. I read a legacy database table which has a column defined as a Number(6). In my POJO class, if I map this column to a field of type Integer or Double, it doesnt work, it throws a ClassCastException. It works fine if I map it to a ...