Map 11 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Quering complicated mappings

Hello, I have the following entities: User { List userAttributes; } Attribute { string name; } UserAttribute { User user; Attribute attribute; List values; } UserAttributeValue { String strValue; UserAttribute userAttribute; } For example: I would like to build a query to find User entities WHERE: - one of the equal to ='FIRST_NAME' AND user.userAttributes.attribute.values.strValue equal to 'SOME_STRING' But I ...

2. best way to map this configuration

Hello, I have two tables : Message[Message_ID [Pk], Sender_ID[FK], Receiver_ID[FK], and some other fields] and Person[Person_ID[PK] and other fields(no fk)]. Sender_ID and Receiver_ID are FK referencing Person. The java classes will look like this: class Message { //other fields Person sender; Person receiver; } class Person { //other fields Set sentMessages = new HashSet(); Set recievedMessages = new HashSet(); How should ...

3. How to do the mapping for NavigableMap?

Hi, I would like to know how to do the mapping for NavigableMap? I have done the mapping for SortedMap. But don't know how to do it for NavigableMap. Any help will be appreciated? When i tried to replace SortedMap with NavigableMap , i am getting the following error. ERROR BasicPropertyAccessor:98 - expected type: java.util.NavigableMap, actual value: org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSortedMap There seems ...

4. How to map java.awt.Color

Hi all, I'm interested to know how to map java.awt.Color class with hibernate. The point is that Color is immutable class which is constructed for example with three integers: red, green, blue. But the class doesn't have such fields, rather they are calculated to a private field named value, since class is immutable it doesn't have any setters. How such class ...

5. Mapping with interfaces

I have two entities, Phone and Model. A Model is a cell phone model (eg BlackBerry Curve), and a Phone is a carrier model (Verizon BlackBerry Curve). I want them both to contain pricing data (a PriceData entity). I'm thinking they should both implements a Priceable interface that defines methods to get data necessary for price research. I'm not quite sure ...

6. need class to map TIMEZONE

7. need class to map TIMEZONE

8. problem mapping classes to JMX Hibernate service

Please help as I'm stuck with this, I'm using the Jboss version that comes with JPortal 2.7.1 (just in case that makes any difference) and not using EJB3, just POJOs. It works perfectly with hbm.xml files, but does not work with annotations. Is there anything wrong and/or missing in my code below? Thanks Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:10 am I ...

9. One-to-many that cannot be mapped? Workaround for HHH-286?

I'm using Hibernate 3.2.6 and I'm experiencing bug HHH-286. The stack trace received is: Code: org.hibernate.HibernateException: collection is not associated with any session at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.forceInitialization( at org.hibernate.engine.StatefulPersistenceContext.initializeNonLazyCollections( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( at org.hibernate.loader.hql.QueryLoader.list( ...

10. Clarification needed in simple many to one mapping

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Apr 16, 2009 9:50:48 AM$BasicGetter get SEVERE: IllegalArgumentException in class: ValueObjects.StudentData, getter method of property: id IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of Hibernate: update STUDENT_RESULT set Stud_id=?, Course_id=?, Score=?, Course_result=? where Attempt_number=? Apr 16, 2009 9:50:48 AM$BasicGetter get SEVERE: IllegalArgumentException in class: ValueObjects.StudentData, getter method of property: id Apr 16, 2009 ...

11. Mapping Problem

Newbie Joined: Wed May 06, 2009 6:40 am Posts: 1 Edit: Ok i think i have it.....i must insert all that 3 codes (attach below "End Edit" in text...) into person.hbm.xml. But my other question, what i must do with Administrator.hbm.xml? I ever become an error; duplicatet class/ entity. When i delete that file, its ok, when i try to make ...

12. mapping in Hibernate

hello, I am trying to do an insert="false" for one column in the table... but just get that the attribut insert is not decleared for the element column, how do I do that? I want the query to not insert something in the column "duration". :)

13. Invalid mapping document. No grammar found


14. Newbie: How can I create a content based mapping?

Hi, I've got the following situation: I've got companies and Addresses, linked via a jointable. Each company can have multiple Addresses, each Address is only used once. So far, no problem. But of course on of the Addresses has to be the default Address, marked by a "true" value in the column named "Default" in the Address-table. I've been looking far ...

15. Dinamic mapping with Hibernate

Hello. I have a question: in my DB there is a description or tables and fields containing in the DB. The description of the whole DB structure allows to change this structure in the dynamic way. So my question is: if I can make a mapping for all these classes (i.e. to create a dynamic Bean basing on known data). And ...

16. Enumeration based conditional mapping

I have the following requirement: the user wishes to see a listing of ProfileItem's, each of which has an enumeration property: ProfileType, one of five possible types. The listing contains a 'detail' column which depends on the ProfileType. For example, if the ProfileType is name, I'd have to join with contact details table and show the name as detail. If it's ...

18. difficulty in mapping a map for a class

Hi, I am just a beginner with hibernate. Kindly help me with following problem. I have a class A having class B as an attribute. And class B is having just a map as an attribute in it. I want that whenever a record is inserted/deleted in table for A, it should insert/delete corresponding record from table for its map. It ...

19. Don't want a member mapped in the class

hi, i want to map a class to a table but the class has an extra member. When i try to insert a row, hibernate uses that member as a column of the table and i get error. Does it have to overlap with the table or how can i use an unmapped member in the class? thanks..

20. problem with set mapping

Hello all, I'm having this problem for the past couple of days: I have a USERS table and a REVIEWS table, where the connection between them is one-to-many (a user has many reviews), based on the column USER_ID, found in both tables (long). However, the USER_ID column is NOT the primary key for the REVIEWS table: I have a REVIEW_ID (string) ...

21. Is this the wrong way to map?

I've got a user/group relationship mapping and i think it might be wrong because the join being created is invalid. anyone have thoughts on this? tables: Code: CREATE TABLE `SECURITY`.`SEC_GROUP` ( `GRP_ID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY (`GRP_ID`), ) CREATE TABLE `SECURITY`.`SEC_USER` ( `SEC_USER_ID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ) CREATE TABLE ...

22. Mapping of multiple interface

23. Map of Maps

24. problem to map a inner class

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message chady Post subject: problem to map a inner class Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:41 pm Regular Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:31 pm Posts: 54 Hi friends I hava a problem to map a inner ...

25. How to map a class containing the same class ?

26. One-to-one mapping problem

27. Storing records w/o mapping

Hi there... I need to load/store/delete a single String value in a table (one column). I didn't want to go through the ORM stuff because of the simplicity of the needs. So I thought I could use getSession().createSQLQuery("...").executeUpdate() but it bounces me off saying "Update queries only supported through HQL". From the Hibernate Reference Documentation ($16) and examples from the web ...

28. Problem with one-to-many mapping

29. One-to-one mapping

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:41 am Posts: 7 Hi, i'm newbie with HB, and i have problems to understand foreign mappings. Now, i can mapping one "one-to-one" relation. My three MySQL DB tables Code: `jforum_users` ( `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `user_active` tinyint(1) default NULL, `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', ...

30. Hibernate Mapping

Hi, I'm new in using hibernate and new to this forum. I am currently getting this error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "class" must match "(meta*,subselect?,cache?,synchronize*,comment?,tuplizer*,(id|composite-id),discriminator?,natural-id?,(version|timestamp)?,(property|many-to-one|one-to-one|component|dynamic-component|properties|any|map|set|list|bag|idbag|array|primitive-array)*,((join*,subclass*)|joined-subclass*|union-subclass*),loader?,sql-insert?,sql-update?,sql-delete?,filter*,resultset*,(query|sql-query)*)" I'm currently using Glassfish 2.1 and Netbeans 6.5. I've attached the hibernate config file and the hbm file. Java Code Code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open ...

31. createEntityManager(map)

32. SQLServerException with many-to-many mapping.

Newbie Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:29 pm Posts: 3 Hello, I face a very strange Problem here. I've got 3 tables. 2 of them linked to the third one as a many-to-many collection: Code:

33. Map interface with multiple implementations

Hi, I'm using hibernate 3.2.6 (mapping with annotations) and I'm having an issue regarding mapping of an interface (or some trick to make it work) :\ This is my situation: Code: public interface IFoo { public void doSomething(); } @Entity public class A implements IFoo { public void doSomething() {} } @Entity public class B ...

34. Mapping class twice - once for CRUD, second for reporting

I'm finding that with a number of hibernate mappings I have a simple version of an entity defined for basic CRUD operations, and then I really need an expanded version of the same entity that includes all of its associations for reporting process optimization. For example: I have an entity (e.g. course) that has a number of related sub entities (e.g. ...

35. one to many mapping problem..

Newbie Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:29 am Posts: 5 Hi, im trying to create two object and having one to many relationship. I have successfully created the two object which replica and replicate tables. The problem is when i put values on sample data to test if it will link my replica_table to its parent replica object. I'm getting an ...

36. many to many mapping

37. Many-to-many mapping to itself

Hi, first time here so bear with me! I had a working many-to-many relation, that needed changing to two one-to-many relations. I've done this successfully in 2 other parts of my program, but this third is causing me trouble. The problem is that the class is relating to itself. Setup: CDDefinition: contains a set of CDReferences CDReference: contains 2 CDDefinition's with ...

38. Bi-directional many-to-many mapping question

Hi, I have an many-to-many relationship mapped with annotations as below: @Entity Class User { // ...some attributes private Set userGroups; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "User", cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade(value = org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN) public Set getUserGroups() { return this.userGroups; } // getter/setter(s) } @Entity Class Group { // ...some attributes private Set userGroups; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "Group", cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade(value = org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN) ...

39. Many-to-many mapping issue

Newbie Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:44 am Posts: 9 I probably just need a new set of eyes on this. I have an app_user table, an authorization table and an auth_user table. I know that column doesn't exist...I don't see how I'm referencing it. Any ideas? Code: mysql> desc auth_user; | auth_user_id | bigint(20) | ...

40. How to Map XMLGregorianCalendar

41. Any mapping

Hi, I have the table 'Attribute' that contains the entity_id and entity_type_id, the entity can be 'Product' or 'Category' (product or category may have many attributes). The entity_id is referred to the product_id or category_id, and the entity_type_id referred to 'Entity_Type' table. How can I map this association. Look like I have to use the 'any' mapping, does anyone has the ...

42. OR-Mapping Limitations of Hibernate?

I'll take a shot at some of these. Quote: As I understand it so far, you can't really design straight forward Java classes as you would do without persistence and then just pass them (or better: their instances) to hibernate and say: "Go persist it!". Things like collections and inheritence need some special treatment and constraints in hibernate, as it turned ...

43. Set Mapping Problem

Hi, I have two tables in the database that I am having trouble reflecting their association in a hibernate mapping file. A user group stored in table "tbl_user_group" can belong to several categories and these mappings are stored in another table called "tbl_user_group_category_mapping" which consist of two columns "USER_GROUP_ID" (which is a foreign key referencing tbl_user_group) and "CATEGORY_NAME" which is the ...

44. Advanced Hibernate Mapping

I have 2 questions. The first question is: JobCart: ID (PK) HeatKitModel (FK) - to HeatKits table, ItemNumber column ProductID (FK) - to Product table Product: ID (PK) HeatKitTableName (FK) - to HeatKits table, TableName column HeatKits: TableName (PK) ItemNumber (PK) HeatingOption (FK) How can I write a mapping for JobCart (especially if I want to have a HeatKit object inside ...

45. uni-directional mapping

46. simple hibernate mapping Code: public class Book implements Serializable{ private String id; private String name; public Book() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } private List chapters; public List getChapters() { ...

47. Could not parse mapping document from resource

Author Message DannyP Post subject: Could not parse mapping document from resource Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:47 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:38 pm Posts: 3 Hello, when I try to use Hibernate I get the following error: Code: Initial SessionFactory creation Could not parse mapping document from resource com/gc/tool/database/Allianz.hbm.xml Caused by:java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError ...

48. One to one mapping

I am a newbie to hibernate I have got a table with id as the primary key(Person table) And another table with id as the foreign key(Address table) I wanna use inner join to get the remainig columns with the same id like from Person p inner join p.address where'1' More over wat changes have to be made to the ...

49. One to one mapping

I am a newbie to hibernate I have got a table with id as the primary key(Person table) And another table with id as the foreign key(Address table) I wanna use inner join to get the remainig columns with the same id like from Person p inner join p.address where'1' More over wat changes have to be made to the ...

50. how to use many to one mapping

hi all..I have totally three table Loanproposal,BankLoanProposal,Bankmaster in banking project. Relationship: LoanProposal 1--->* BankLoanProposal LoanProposal 1--->1 Bankmaster key: Bankmaster(Bankid is pk) --->LoanProposal(Bankid is fk refering to Bankmaster) Problem is: I have many to one relationship between LoanProposal and Bankmaster.So When try to insert in Loanproposal table and BankLoanProposal alone without inserting in Bankmaster table.It shows NullPointerException in place of Bankid in ...

52. Problem in mapping

Hi all, I am facing problem in hibernate mapping. In my case I have three tables A,B,C primary key of A and B referring same column in C.So A and B has many to on relation ship in C. But Its gives the duplicate entry error. If I apply update=false and insert = false in C's many to one mapping for ...

53. Automatically create hibernate mapping

Specifically: The Eclipse stuff's easiest to use, but the Ant stuff allows for better build-automation. Personally I prefer to use annotations and retrofit to the existing schema where that's an option - but the generate-from-schema stuff can be useful as a first pass to save typing! Edit: Note, this is because the generated classes can sometimes be nasty to work ...

54. Hibernate- 'Could not compile the mapping document'

I have hibernate implemented in my code. I used to access tables from one datasource. Now i need to access a public synonym in another datasource for which my datasource has access. I have created a xml mapping for that table and a POJO. I have added the entry for this xml file in the hibernate config file. but i get ...

55. Hibernate mapping