order « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Ordering return of Child objects in JPA query    stackoverflow.com

So if my JPA query is like this: Select distinct p from Parent p left join fetch p.children order by p.someProperty I correctly get results back ordered by p.someProperty, and I correctly get ...

2. Ordering By Mapping Table Value in Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have a @ManyToMany mapping where the table self-references through a mapping table, and we want to order on an order id in the actual mapping table, but are finding it ...

3. how to do order-by in hibernate mapping    stackoverflow.com

suppose Object A has a list of Object B, and Object B must have a object C, B can be order base on C.level . In A.hbm.xml

<bag name="listB"

4. Could I order in EJBQL by a function which is not mapped to a column in database?    stackoverflow.com

I would like to order a query by a function which uses properties of the class. Something like:

class A
private int id;
private String name;

public int StringLength()
return name.length();

And the sentence something like: select ...

5. Ordering the results of a Hibernate Criteria query by using information of the child entities of the asked entities    stackoverflow.com

I have got two entities Person and Book. Only one instance of a specific book is stored to the system (When a book is added, application checks if that book is ...

6. JPA, Maps and insertion order    stackoverflow.com

My google-fu is failing me in this. I'm doing a small database app which reads some data from a file along with some meta data that I currently store in a ...

7. Order by both Parent and then Child using JPA    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to order a collection of parent objects by both a parent's property and a child's property? Let's say I have an Entity class that has this bit of code:

public ...

8. JQL ORDER BY clause and inheritance    stackoverflow.com

Let's say I have an entity class A, two entity classes B and C which inherits from A, and entity class D which inherits from C. A and C are abstract ...

9. Hibernate ORDER BY a property in more than one child entity    stackoverflow.com

I have a parent entity which has many-to-one relationships with two different child entities.

  • Either one child or another is populated and never both at the same time.
  • Each of the two children ...

10. hibernate: how to map a Set association so that HQL order by is preserved    stackoverflow.com

OK, this looks mostly like (another) bug/unimplemented functionality in Hibernate. Is it possible to map a Set association in such a way that the "order by" clause in HQL is respected? For example, ...

11. Can Hibernate automatically manage the order of child collections?    stackoverflow.com

Given a Parent class which has many Children, can Hibernate automatically manage the order of said children? From reading documentation and searching, it seems that the @OrderColumn annotation may enable this, ...

12. Order by clause on child (Hibernate) not working    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate. I've a parent order_header mapped one-to-many to order_details (for every header there can be multiple details). I need to order by LINE_NUMBER on the child (order_detail). Here's my java code Session session = HibernateSession.currentSession(); Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(SalesOrderHeader.class); crit.add(Expression.eq("batchId", batchId)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("SalesOrderLine.id")); results = crit.list(); when I run my java pgm I'm getting QueryException : Could not ...

13. mapping an ordered collection with dups/gaps in order col    forum.hibernate.org

Hello Hibernators I have two tables, VENDOR_SIZE_CHART and VENDOR_SIZE_VALUE. Each VENDOR_SIZE_CHART is associated with many VENDOR_SIZE_VALUES. VENDOR_SIZE_VALUE has a SORT_ORDER column, I would like Hibernate to use this column to order the collection every time its retrieved. This column can have gaps (i.e. 1,2,3,,5,6,7) and duplicates. I don't really care about tie breaking order in case of duplicates, but there is ...

14. How to map an ordered collection ?    forum.hibernate.org

Pro Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:10 am Posts: 213 I have an ordered collection property, containing items with a given ordered stored in a listOrder property. I wonder how to code the Hibernate mapping so as to have the collection of items, ordered by their listOrder property. Here is the current mapping: Code:

15. How to map an ordered collection ?    forum.hibernate.org

Pro Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:10 am Posts: 213 I have an ordered collection property, containing items with a given ordered stored in a listOrder property. I wonder how to code the Hibernate mapping so as to have the collection of items, ordered by their listOrder property. Here is the current mapping: Code:

16. specify order-by column in a child table    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to perform a database sort by using "order-by" option within a many-to-many relationship. The order-by option however requires the name of a column within the link table and I need to sort on a column that is a child of the link table. For example the following designates the sort order to be done on categories.name however I ...

17. Order by child entity fields    forum.hibernate.org

18. Updating children uniquely indexed property in right order    forum.hibernate.org

The case: there is Many-to-One relation. In parent I'm iterating through set of children updating child property which is part of unique constraint (unique key in table). The problem: saving parent in session Hibernate throws exception java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index The problem is that Hibernate should execute SQL's in "right" order. 1. Possible fix No1: ...

19. Order of properties in mapping file important for deletes    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:29 am Posts: 19 I have recently had a problem doing a big cascading delete, thread here: http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=927292&highlight= What it turned out to be is the order that properties were declared in the mapping files. Here is a mapping that wouldn't work: Code: ...

20. Parent child save order    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:51 am Posts: 16 Hi, Before this post I've read the parent child documentation and searched the form, but couldn't get the anwser to my problem. The following link was usefull but it didn't solve my problem. http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=924744&highlight=automatically+save+children I have a parent child relationship between TickTicket (parent) and TickOrderline (child). The relation between these objects ...

21. many-to-many and "childs" order    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I've a user bean and a role bean, a typical structure to manage ACL. Every user may have roles, so every roles may "have" users. There are three tables: role, user, role_user (the collection/ralation table). Due to some constrain in the application and database, I've mapped, my be wrongly, the user's roles *List* with a bag, so Hibernate retrive all ...

22. Order By Child Object Property In Query    forum.hibernate.org


23. Ordering in mapping file is not applied Set collections    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message adcworks Post subject: Ordering in mapping file is not applied Set collections Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:01 am Senior Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:17 am Posts: 140 Hi, I am specifying ordering in my mapping file for Set collections but it is not being applied as far as I can see from my results. In ...

24. Ordering criteria using child properties    forum.hibernate.org

Looking through code it seems that it cannot be done. Or maybe I'm mistaken? Rgds, Ales ----------------------------------- Used in Order.toSqlString on AbstractCriterion with EMPTY_MAP protected static String[] getColumns(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, Class persistentClass, String property, String alias, Map aliasClasses) throws HibernateException { if ( property.indexOf('.')>0 ) { String root = StringHelper.root(property); Class clazz = (Class) aliasClasses.get(root); //since alliasClasses map is empty this is ...

25. Question about using order-by in a mapping file    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.3 Mapping documents: ....more proerties....

26. order-by column for Set mapping    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to order a set by a property of the child object. Whenever I do this, the sql generated thinks that the order-by property belongs to the parent object and not the child. The main object is called Split and contains a set of Regions. I am trying to order the set of regions in Split by the property ...

27. order by clause on child (one-to-many relationships)    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate. I've a parent order_header mapped one-to-many to order_details (for every header there can be multiple details). I need to order by LINE_NUMBER on the child (order_detail). Here's my java code Session session = HibernateSession.currentSession(); Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(SalesOrderHeader.class); crit.add(Expression.eq("batchId", batchId)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("SalesOrderLine.id")); results = crit.list(); when I run my java pgm I'm getting QueryException : Could not ...

28. Order of mappings?    forum.hibernate.org

I intend to parse the hbms to represent them in another intermediate format for an internal use. Though I have made use of most of the excellent Hibernate Code generation code, I was unable to find how to get a list of mappings in order of decreasing reference. More precisely, I intend to get a ordered list of mappings such that ...

29. HQL order by ignored if mapping order-by specified (3.0.4)    forum.hibernate.org


30. Mapped sets and order by    forum.hibernate.org

I have a situation where I want to get an ordered list of objects and each object contains a mapped set. I would also like the mapped set to be ordered. If I include both in the order by of my HQL then the proper SQL gets generated and the list of objects gets sorted properly. However, the set collection within ...

31. Specifying delete order for child one-to-many associations    forum.hibernate.org

We have an existing data model that we're try to model using Hibernate 3. Our object model contains Sponsor objects, each of which has a one-to-many relationship to PlanYear objects and a one-to-many relationship to Policy objects. Sponsor controls the lifecycle of both of these relationships using a cascade style of "all". Policy also contains a many-to-one relationship with a PlanYear ...

32. Ordering the children set in a parent/child relationship?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, i'm pretty new to hibernate, so i'm sorry if i break any rules by posting this question. I have implemented the a tree structure that is mapped from the database using the parent/child relationship, and it works great except the children set seems to populate in any given order and not always the same. Is there a way to apply ...

34. Unable to insert children of Order    forum.hibernate.org

I have a simple mapping of Order Has Line Items. The Line items table has a primary key of {ORDER_ID, PRODUCT_ID}. The ORDER_ID is the primary key of the W_ORDER table and has auto-increment set to true with the generator class as Native. When attempting to insert a newly created order, the ORDER_ID key is not being propagated to the LINE_ITEM ...

35. Trouble modifying order of parent/child many-to-many.    forum.hibernate.org

I'm having trouble with a collection mapping that I hope the Hibernate community can help me out with. I have a Person class that has a reflexive relationship. Below are some requirements of the mapping. A Person has one and only one parent(Person). A Person has many children(Person). A Person can be a child of many Persons. All in all I ...

36. HQL query: order by a not mapped property...?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all! I have the following problem: There is a domain model class and some properties of it are mapped to the columns in a database table. This class has some business properties (BP), which are not persistent, but can be calculated upon a request from the persistent properties (PP), e.g. let's say that property BP1 = PP1 - PP2 - ...

37. Order by collection mapping iteration order    forum.hibernate.org

38. order-by in many-to-many join table mapping    forum.hibernate.org

I have the following hibernate mapping for an object called Foo My question is how do I order the given set by a column in the bar_table? The given mapping gives an error saying .TEXT is an invalid identifier. I nows this works when doing ...

39. Ordering a collection by an inherited property...    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate 3.2.5 - Postgres 8.2.x I have a basic hierarchy Class A { Name; ... } Class B extends A { ... } Class C extends B { ... } And a class that holds the reference to a set of C's. Class Foo { Set items; } C -> A are mapped as joined subclass and work fine, Items is ...

40. Saving child object before parent object (order problem)    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everybody! I have following problem: I first insert a child object (which row in the database references a parent row via foreign key) and after that I insert the parent object. hibernate checks at the creation time if the parent object exists and returns an error. So far so good. We configured our Oracle database in a way that foreign ...

41. Order by columns of child tables    forum.hibernate.org

Hi , I need to do order by a column of child table.I tried with the following code, but it's not giving me the desired result. I have two tables ACCOUNT_FILTER(parent) and ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILTER(child) and am trying to do the asc order on the column 'GENRE' of child table. Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(AccountFilter.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id",accountFilterId)); criteria.createAlias("accountConfigurationFilters", "acf"); criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("acf.genre")); Per the above code , ...

42. Using Criteria with child class and order by max    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to use a Criteria object to order a list of data. I tried to create a associated criteria but that didnt work. I am trying to get a list of Select * from someclass order by max (someotherclass.property) desc. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. The sql that I am getting is not even close. I am sure ...

43. order-by in in mapping not wor    forum.hibernate.org

44. order-by in in mapping not wor    forum.hibernate.org

45. Ordering By Mapping Table Value in Hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

I have a @ManyToMany mapping where the table self-references through a mapping table, and we want to order on an order id in the actual mapping table, but are finding it difficult to configure this. We could perform it in hibernate xml, so it is natural to assume the support is there in JPA annotations. Does anybody know how we can ...

46. how to do order-by in hibernate mapping    forum.hibernate.org

suppose Object A has a list of Object B, and Object B must have a object C, B can be order base on C.level . In A.hbm.xml Code: