relation 5 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. need extrafields from many-to-many relation

Hi all! I am a new hibernate user, and i am trying to get inside of the hibernate complex world. Currently i need to do the following. I have 3 tables defined: player, team and player_team_assoc. The third table (player_team_assoc) was defined to satisfy the needing of have a many-to-many relationship between team and player tables. Basically the tables structure is ...

2. Mapping two many-to-many relations.

3. one-to-one relation problems. Who can help me? it's urgent..

Hi all, I have the following problem with Hibernate relation: one-to-one. I think it's not a very hard problem but I'm still stuffed into it. I have two tables into my DB: Entity ID_Entity (PK) (Integer) Name (String) Address (String) Entity_Type (FK) (Integer) and EntityType ID_EntityType (PK) (Integer) Description (String) Entity_Type of Entity table is linked to ID_EntityType of EntityType table. ...

4. Delation on one side of a many-to-many relation

I'm working a little further of the example on the reference Hibernate documentation (Event and Person classes). Here are the mapping files : Code: ...

5. HELP!Cascade removes child relations after a CGLIB exception

Hi All, There was a null value for a double field and it threw "exception setting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) setter of ..." and this was fine because this field should not be null. BUT it updates and removes all the relationships from the child objects right after throwing the exception. Anybody knows how can I ...

7. Two one-to-one relation in the same class error

I'm surprised that one-to-one property-ref="xxx" is now allowed in 3.1, as I thought the reasons for not allowing it before were good. Can you post the full exception trace? It's likely that the problem is due to having one-to-one mappings when many-to-one unique="true" is more appropriate. You could also try changing the one-to-ones, see if it helps.

8. 1-1 relation -> "Could not find a setter for propert

Hi, i'm having problem creating a 1-1 relation. 1-N works fine, but when I try to do 1-1 it complains about not finding a setter. So weird! Im using NetBeans 5.0 with the hibernate plugin. All code below is auto generated by the plugin. Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Mapping documents: Kossa.hbm.xml: ...

9. NullPointer Exception in many to one relation

Hi ! I have two tables with one to many inverse mapping. Parent and Child Through, I have successfully inserted a child int db using statement like parent.addChild() now I am writing ChildManager and want to write a method to get list of all child tuples in tables and currently I am doing String SQL_STRING = "FROM Child"; Query query ...

10. Discriminator and logical relation

Newbie Joined: Wed May 31, 2006 10:22 am Posts: 2 Location: France Hello... I m trying to create a Class(codifObject) which all subclasses are in a single table using the descriminator column(type) to differentiate the subclasses. In fact all subclasses represent the functional codifications of the application. i.e: package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import; /** * @author ...

11. Referenced Joined-Subclass with Relation-Key in Super Table

Hi, I am having a problem with getting Referenced Object from the Database. article_relation is a table, that contains a foreign key for articles. k_article_relation is a second table, that contains all columns for the Code: class KArticleRelation extends ArticleRelation The Article Mapping contains a map for KArticleRelation with the key article_id. The problem now is, that hibernate tries to select ...

12. problem with one-to-many relation ship

13. How to map many-to-many relations with additional properties

You can do this using composite elements and many-to-one (refdocs 8.2 and 23.3). Or you can map the join table as a separate entity (refdocs 7.5.1, one-to-many/many-to-one). Or, if your join table has only a single additional property, being a sequence, then you can use a list with many-to-many. This situation crops up quite a lot, and it's very handy that ...

14. Mapping a relation using only part of the target's PK

Hi, I have the unenviable task of applying Hibernate to a legacy database that (big surprise) makes extensive use of composite keys and isn't very "object-based". I've reached a mapping problem that I don't see the answer to, and I sure hope there is one. Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Mapping documents: Consider two tables: Table A with your typical composite primary key: ...

15. Can't get the mapping to work with one-to-may relation

I've tried everything and searched the forum and. I can't get it right (may by I don't understand the whole concept) I can't add a car to client. The car data is filled out by user on the web page and client is already in the database. And I get "Field 'id' doesn't have a default value" I set id to ...

16. Exotic relation

Hi all comunity, Currently, I develop a CMS using several Java technologies as final work to complete my studies, but there's a relation I don't know how to model with Hibernate. As "good CMS" it allows users design a website. Each website has 1..* menus, and each menu has several menu items. Besides, a Menu Item is an abstract class because ...

17. how to delete a many to many relation when child is removed

When using a many-to-many association cascade="all", cascade="delete", and cascade="all-delete-orphans" aren't meaningful. That's because you might delete an instance that can have other parents pointing to it. If you want to delete rows from the association table (rel_houses_owners) then I would suggest using two one-to-many relationships instead of many-to-many. You would need one-to-many from owners to house_owners and many-to-one from house_owners to ...

19. Parent Child Relation mapping

[1]Hibernate version:[/b] 3.0 [2]Mapping documents:[/b] I need them :-( from here [3] Problem. Following is the table structure i have for the parent child relation. Table Name : Term and following is the structure of it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |Term_id Number PK Term_text Varchar Active_sw Varchar There can be a parent ...

20. Populating join table of many-to-many relation doesn't work

Hi, I have a problem with hibernate3 and a many-to-many association. The two mapping snippets look like this: Code:

21. How to get all the objects in the parent/child type relation

I have the parent/child type relation for categories with the lazy initialization of the parentCategory and childCategories as default in the mapping file. ...

22. How do i map it in one-to-many relation?

23. Event Listener firing in a parent-child relation

Hi All, I am currently using Hibernate 3.1.3. I have a query with regard to the event listeners which one can configure in hibernate. I have a parent-child class mapping defined in the configuration XML. The parent has a set of child collection and each child class has a many-to-one reference of its associated parent. Using Hibernate session/transaction APIs I update ...

24. 2 classes with One-2-Many relation mapped to a single table

Hi, Based on my functional requirements, I have modeled two classes A nd B with a one-to-many relation from class A to class B. Ideally, I would prefer to have two tables A_TBL and B_TBL with a FK constraint to hold the data for classes A and B respectively. But our DB model holds the data for both classes in a ...

25. Need Help to define relation ships among tables

How do we represent the following relationships in hibernate. Here OrganizationExamSource table have a composite primary key. each of the columns(organizationId and examSourceId ) are the primary keys of other two tables OrganizationExamSource ( organizationId BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES Organization(organizationId), examSourceId BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES ExamSource(examsourcerecordId), noAccess int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (organizationId, examSourceId) ); Organization ( organizationId BIGINT ...

26. How to map parent-child relation

Hi, It's really hard to understand exactly what your problem is, but I will take a stab at it. I believe you are saying that you have entities in one table and you have the parent-child relationship in a relationship table. You have to be careful in this case. You must create the parent (insert it) before relating the child to ...

27. Order when saving mappings/relations between entities.

Does hibernate have and order on how mappings/relations between entities are made persistant in the data base. Take the example xml mapping I've written below: Code:

28. [newbie] Impossible to persist a many to many relation

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29. Need help with one-to-many relation

Hi experts, I have a one-to-many relationship for a user and his books where a user can have many books. I used list to achieve this relationship. The problem is when I want to replace existing list with a totally new list and save it back, the previous book items will not be deleted except for their foreign keys being removed. ...

30. HQL and many-to-many relations

31. number of requests with one-to-many relations

Guys, I was using Hibernate for couple years and still think it is the best O/R tool ever. However, some of my superiors does not like some facts from Hibernate. The problem comes from the number of requests sent by Hibernate when it persists related entities (one-to-many per say). Imagine we got two types of entities - Person and Name, where ...

33. Unassociating relations when deleting an entity

So lets say you have Entities A and B with @ManyToMany relation on both sites with A being the owning side of the relation. Now lets assume that I delete a B that is associated with an A this gives me a foreign key error because now I have A still refering to a B that doesn't exist. What I would ...

35. double relation

i have two entities: football team Team, it has set of matches football match Match, it has two properties homeTeam, awayTeam, both related many-to-one to Team entity after calling session.get(Team.class, id) in created Team object i want to have set of match in which this team play home or away how can i do it most correct way? thx

36. one-to-one relation with candidate key (non primary)

I an getting problem when one-to-one relation is not defined with primary keys. Consider following tables. USERS -------- userid - pk username comnayName USER_SECURITY ---------------- user_id - pk user_name password userid's are different in both tables the one to one relation is with username, being legacy databse, table structure (or data) can not be altered, i need to map then with ...

37. Issue with one-to-many / many-to-one relations

I am running hibernate against mysql for the first time. I have tables that have relations but do not physically have foreign key relations. We are using Mysql 4.1 which doesn't support foreign key relations. I am using xdoclet tags to generate my hbm files. I have tried a number of variations and can't get ANY calls to a one-to-many relation ...

38. Probleme with hibernate bi-directional relation mapping

View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] Probleme with hibernate bi-directional relation mapping Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message aldwin Post subject: Probleme ...

39. Filtering relations with JPA annotations

After reading some documentation I'm quite sure I need the @Filter to parse collections. It seems that this is an extension to the JPA architecture. Is there a way to achieve the same result (loading just some elements of a given relation) using just JPA? My main concern is that even though we are currently developing with Hibernate as our JPA ...

40. one-to-one mapping relation problem

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:22 am Posts: 7 Hi, i want to map a one-to-one relation between the tables User and Employee, and other one-to-one relation between the tables User and WebUser. When i get a User object, the select that Hibernate does involve the two tables, Employee and UserWeb, and i am interesting in when the id_tipo_usuario column ...

41. Querying many-to-many relations

Hi All, I have mapped a many-to-many relation across a join table as follows, The database structure is as follows Case (1-M ) - CASE_CASE_PROFILE (M-1) - CODED_CASE_PROFILE In the Case.hbm file, the set is mapped as follows: Hibernate version:3.0 Mapping documents: Code: ...

42. Criteria using a many-to-many - map relation

Hi There I would like to know if Criteria objects can operate on collection of type Map using hibernate 3.2 i have the following relation table a - mapped with many-to-many to table b. the lookup table C in the middle contains some more columns this is the mapping Code:

43. Question about one-to-many relation

I have some problem with the one-to-many relation. I have a Class User and a Class UserLevel. The relation between User and UserLevel is 1-n. So, I have following configurations: In User.hbm.xml Code: ...

44. Question about one-to-many relation

I have some problem with the one-to-many relation. I have a Class User and a Class UserLevel. The relation between User and UserLevel is 1-n. So, I have following configurations: In User.hbm.xml Code: ...

45. How to map a manytomany relation with a key in the relation?

Hello I'm trying to map a many to many relationship with a third key in the relation. I'm doing the tipical example of the VideoClub so i have a class User and a class Film and I want to map the relation rented that have as primary key the user_id,film_id and a date Do I have to make a third class ...

46. two one-to-many relations with the same class

47. Middlegen and one-to-one relation exception

I use middlegen to generate my hbm-files. If i wanna save an pojo, i get the following exception: Code: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`sf/customer`, CONSTRAINT `FK_contact` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `custcontact` (`id`)) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand( at com.mysql.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.serverExecute( at com.mysql.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.executeInternal( ...

48. ManyToMany relation with a MappedSuperclass

@Entity @Table(name="TBL_MEETINGS") public class Meeting implements Serializable { //meeting-specific fields..., like id, date, time, place, etc... @ManyToMany @JoinTable(name = "TBL_MEETING_GUESTS", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "meeting_fk"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "person_fk")) private List guests; //THIS IS THE ...

49. Optional relation field problem in the database creation

I would like to define a @ManyToOne relationship with optional parameter.(eg wordtype below) I use spring 2.0.3 with Hibernate 3.2.2 GA with JPA, PostgreSQL 8.1. When the database created automatically the table contains not null constraints however I have defined the field as optional(can be null). It is the same case if I use @OneToOne. Is it a bug or I ...

50. Mapping several 1-N relations to the same entity

Look at it from the other perspective. How would you model this using a relational database? For example: Table Person Id Primary Key Table Account AccountId AccountHolderId FK referencing Person AccountType So here we use an account type column to distinguish between Private and Business accounts. Obviously this is a prime candidate for an entity hierarchy with AccountType as the discriminator. ...

51. Error Mapping Relation many-to-one

52. Hibernate newby question: n:m relation mapping

Hi, I am new to Hibernate and want to use this great framework in my work. To play around with Hibernate, I've created 3 tables in my database. The layout of the tables is as follow: Table Student: -idStudent (primary key) -Vorname -Nachname Table Student2Vorlesung: -idZuordnung (primary key) -FSStudent (foreign key, references idStudent in table Student) -FSVorlesung (foreign key, references idVorlesung ...

53. Example queries for many to many relations?

54. Problems with delete and ManyToMany Relation

Hello, I am currently writing my master thesis and therefore, I had to look more detailed into the function "hibernate". My current problem is as follows: I have a bidirectional manytomany mapping between the entities "person" and "termin" (german for appointment). Code: public class Person { private Set termine = new HashSet(); ...

55. QL - relations/mapping

I'm quite new to all these EJB3 annotations. At present we have to redesign our application. In general, what we want to achieve is storing documents with multi-lingual, versioned dictionaries. DataBase desgin: (very simplified) Documents table: DOC_ID ..... some other doc columns DICT_ID 122 .......... 12 Dictionaries table: DICT_ID DICT_LOCALE DICT_VALUE 12 en_GB british value 12 de_DE german value (Dictionary is ...

56. Parent child relation in single table

57. 1-many relation mapping problem

Irrespective of version of hibernate, I have this question on hibernate efficiency in 1-many OR mapping situations. I have a situation where I have tables T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 T1 has 1-many relationship with T2 T2 has 1-many relationship with T3 T3 has 1-many relationship with T4 T4 has 1-many relationship with T5 I guess u got the picture! Now ...

58. problems with a one-to-many relation using annotation

Hi, recently I changed from using .hbm.xml files to using annotations and now a particular association is giving me headaches when comitting transactions that store new objects in the database. In particular this is a bidirectional One-To-Many association with the Many-Side being the owner. I'm trying to store the new objects of both classes within the same transactions and always get ...

59. Criteria projections with many-to-many relation

60. Foreign Key relation problem

I am facing problem while inserting data into Database using Foreign Key relation. Have a look in my mapping and please suggest where I doing wrong TABLE PERSON create TABLE PERSON(PERSON_ID number,FIRSTNAME varchar2(50),LASTNAME varchar2(50),AGE number); alter TABLE PERSON ADD PRIMARY KEY(PERSON_ID); TABLE ADDRESS create TABLE ADDRESS(ADDRESS_ID number,PERSON_ID number,STREET varchar2(50), CITY varchar2(50), ZIP number); alter TABLE ADDRESS ADD PRIMARY KEY(ADDRESS_ID); alter table ...

61. "one-to-one" relation with non-pk identifier

Hello, I have the following problem to solve: two tables which are not related to each other at all by their keys but with two fields that have different names but the same content. One field is a code and the other is the label for this code. I created the mapping files for both tables but dont know how i ...

62. Entity with multiple ManyToOne Relation and a JoinTable

Hello, I use Hibernate 3.2. I have found a problem with an entity and multiple ManyToOne Reletionships if I use a JoinTable. As shown in the example, I got 2 ManyToOne Relationships. These are bound to one JoinTable, but different columns. It seems, that Hibernate binds this JoinTable always to the last declared ManyToOne Annotation. Is there a way to solve ...

63. Why there is need of Object Relation Mapping

Hi your question is basic one. and of course drive behind creation of Hibernate. It gives Object-Oriented sense to database layer. So that you design your application along with database objects in uniform way. Previous it was like Object oriented way and then use sql injections to fire the query or in another way. but still we rely on JDBC to ...

66. select from one to many relation

Hi, We have one -to many relation between a table 1, table 2 and btw table 2 and table 3. How can we get all the data of all the 3 tables. We have generated the hbm files by reverse engineering (myEclipse 5). The problem is that we do not want to filter the rows from table 2 and table 3 ...

67. Help with relation in Hibernate

I have a problem with relationship in Hibernate. A Customer can have many markets and languages. A Market can have many Languages Code: Customer customer = new Customer( "Test" ); Market sweden = new Market( "SE" ); Market canada = new Market( "CA" ); Language swedish = new Language( "SV" ); Language french = new Language( "FR" ); Language english = ...

68. Many-to-many relation

you are committing a common mistake. The reason is that with every Person, n Address objects are loaded and with every Address object, m Persons are loaded. This is a cycle which eventually crashes the JVM. Use an association table for this purpose. and make your associations lazy loaded. This should solve the problem.

69. Deletion of constrained elements in a many-to-many relation

Hello board... I'm resolving to this board, because i have stumbled into this situation quite a couple of times now, and never really seemed to find a good explanation to my wonders and a clean solution. The issue is, that i have a many-to-many mapping.. Example: blog has many keywords, and blog is the defining side of the relationship.. However. There's ...

70. problems with many-to-many relation

71. ManyToMay-Relations and Foreign Keys with on delete cascade

Hi, I have a ManyToMany-Relation between a Class Pizza and a Class Topping. To map this, I use Hibernate Annotations: @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY,cascade={CascadeType.ALL}) @JoinTable( name = "pizza_topping", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "pizza_id"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "topping_id")) public List getToppings() { return toppings; } The Problem is, that this doesn't activates "on delete cascade" on the foreign keys between the jointable ...

73. Clean detachment of object with ManyToMany relation

Hi My goal is to cleanly detach an object when it has MayToMany to another object and it is not requested by user. I have a ManyToMany relation between two objects Role { @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinTable(...) public Collection getUsers() { return users; } } Class User { // manytomay to Roles } 1. i restart my server to make sure that there ...

74. IDBAG with two relations

Here's my domain model: A User has many Transactions. A Portfoilo also has many Transactions. The relations are one to many and unidirectional. Traversing from Transaction to a User or Portfoilo is unnecessary. Transaction table has two foreign keys to each of the User and Porfoilo Table. The problem is I am trying to make the mapping as IDBAG. (Since BAGs ...

76. Need some help on relation.

Need some help on relation. A Page can have many Blocks. This Page can be translated to another Language and when a Master updates a text then the translations must have a notification There are 5 different type of Blocks in a Page. Image, Text, Table, Cell, Empty All Blocks have width, Height, X, Y, color and some other data in ...

78. Create relations between two tables with ?

Hello, i have a MSSQL DB with two tables. - table Resource(Res) contains infos like id, name,etc. of agents. - table AgentStateDetail(Asd) logs the activity of the agents like busy,logged out, etc. One entry for each activity. I would like to get agent Infos from table Res and the actually status of each agent from table Asd. With native SQL i ...

80. Many-to-Many Relation Table with additional Values

Hi together, for my next big webproject I have to deal with a strange problem. Let's assume we have two tables, Code: producer customer ---------------- --------------- p_id * ...

81. how to sort the result whith sort_no in relation table

public List sort(Integer id) { List applications = (List) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(User.class); ...

82. Parent child relation in same table

Hi I have a Comment class, which has one or more child comments: As you see I have cascade="all-delete-orphan" on the children, which means ...

83. Fetch join in criteria API for one-to-many relations

This time I get an SQL error : Code: Hibernate: select as id10_1_, as name10_1_, this_.small_box_quantity as small4_10_1_, this_.large_box_quantity as large5_10_1_, this_.data_type as data2_10_1_, pr1_.product_id as product1_9_0_, pr1_.company_id as company2_9_0_, pr1_.unit_price as unit3_9_0_, pr1_.company_specific_product_id as company4_9_0_, pr1_.abbreviation as abbrevia5_9_0_, pr1_.price_quantity as price6_9_0_ from product this_ inner join price pr1_ on where = ? and SQL Error: ...

84. Problem persisting over two relations

Beginner Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:57 am Posts: 27 Hello, I have three relations in my database which I want to map with Hibernate: So far everything is OK. I can read data. But if I want to store a new TrainingUnit including some new WayPoints to an existing User, only the TrainingUnit is persisted, but not the corresponding WayPoints. ...

86. Using natural-id in many-to-one relation

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp hibernate 3.0 I have mapped a many-to-one relation between 2 tables, using 2 different columns. Class EVNAmbito is the one part. To implement the relation, I declared a properties set, named idnatural. Mapping documents: Code:

88. Many to one relation

No. The error was not there. I found was going wrong! Actually, I had defined the two foreign keys as integers!This was wrong, You have to define the type of each foreign key like the associated entity's name. For example, CapabilityTypeID which is the foreign key to the table CapabilityType had to be type of CapabilityType and not integer! The same ...

89. Saving a object with many-to-one relation

I am having two tables in my database named BlockOrder and Security with many-to-one relation between them, that is many block orders can have same security. Now, I have to add a new BlockOrder in my database, for an existing security. Security table is read only for me. [b]blockorder.hbm.xml[/b]