LongBlob « MySQL « JPA Q&A

1. How to use mySql column type LongBlob with Hibernate?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a table that has a column with type BLOB in mySql. In mySql this type has a limit of 64k. I need more space for this column. So i want to use the mySql type LongBlob. the question is: can i still use in the hibernate mapping of this table the hibernate type blob or i have to ...

2. Can I use a MySQL LONGBLOB column type?    forum.hibernate.org

I'm sure I'm just really missing something, or perhaps I'm not stating my problem clear enough. I am able to save and load my data without a hitch the column causes my data to be truncated (at 64K I believe). The problem I am having occurs at table creation time, which presumably happens (if needed) when Hibernate is initialized (at least ...

3. Mysql longblob    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am using a longblob in mysql. This is my mapping property: I am mapping the file to byte[] tio store it. When using the same session everything goes fine (probably because a local cache), and I can retrieve the file without a problem. When I restart my application and I retrieve this ...