file « MySQL « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate - save large files

I need to save large files (up to 5Mb) to DB (MySql) via Hibernate. Changing max_allowed_packet param looks not good idea for me. Is there a way or hibernate technics to do this? ...

2. Save file in mysql database using Hibernate

I'm trying to figure out the 'correct', failsafe way to save/retrieve files in a mysql database using Hibernate. The solution has to work with files that are quite large, so minimizing ...

3. What is a database-in-one-file supported by hibernate that I can use for a small desktop application?

I'm building this small desktop application for myself, and until now I've been using Hibernate with MySQL, and it works great. The problem is, I will want to give this application to ...

4. mysql can't create/write to file - caused by hibernate?

I was using Spring/JPA/Eclipselink with MySql and I never experienced any problems starting up my application in Tomcat. Then I switched to Spring/JPA/Hibernate. Eclipselink to Hibernate was the only change (confirmed). Now, when my application starts up in Tomcat, I intermittently get this error message: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Can't create/write to file 'C:\tools\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\temp\#sql_da0_0.MYD' (Errcode: 13) Most forum posts ( ...

5. How to use MySQL Socket file

Hello, We have been using Hibernate in web apps as well as stand alone Java applications. Works really nice. Lately we are wanting to improve our system's security by turning off the MySQL network port, which MySQL does very easily. This would leave access only to local programs via the MySQL socket file: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock I have tried some things, but I ...