performance « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate performance

I have question, maybe from someone it see as stupid. Is Hibernate fast? I use it in system which would have really large count of queries to database. And performance become ...

2. Hibernate choked when handling repeated request

I am using Hibernate for my persistence layer. And if I send a web request which asks for some database data to be displayed on the webpage For the first one or two ...

3. Performance with Hibernate

Focusing the cost to retrieve the data and not in transport it, is there any difference in performance with Hibernate if i project only one field or many fields ? Example: In tradional SQL I think that the query "SELECT * FROM ..." has the same performace as "SELECT anField FROM ..." because the DB load an entire frame (or the ...

4. Hibernate performance..

Hi everyone.. I have a huge ORDERS table to work with and each customer has a set of ORDERS within the orders table. There are over 2 million records in the ORDERS table. I tried to run the following in Hibernate (Java) but got a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error. HELP!! What is the best move I can make to fix ...

5. help on hibernate performance

I am getting very slow execution of my code since i start using hibernate in my project. i am using hibernate in my code which cached the data from my databse. Now what happens whenever i am performing any activity, (even select), hibernate start doing flushing of data which i think should not be done. Can anyone please tell whats can ...

6. hibernate and performance.

Hi all, Just want to start a discussion abt performance in hibernate. Everyone is welcome to talk about how they feel about the performance of hibernate under various situations/scenarios, about possible pitfalls with regards to compromising on performance when developing applications using hibernate, possible ways of improving the performance in hibernate, configurations that can be done to hibernate in order to ...

7. hibernate performance while executing underlying stored proc

Hello all I need opinions/experiences of people using hibernate as ORM tool in terms of its performance. Here is the problem - I have an DAO (Data access object) whose implementation is provided using hibernate APIs and JDBC APIs both. (XXDAOHibernateImpl and XXDAOJDBCImpl). There is a certain complex logic exists in my underlying database in terms of a stored procedures. XXDAOHibernateImpl ...

8. Hibernate Performance Tuning

Hello Cameron, Does your book cover hibernate performance tuning? I hear things like don't put join tables (associative tables) in their own mapping files. I have been tasked with figuring out how to improve the mapping design on a project because one transaction is generating like 3 constant selects then 1 additional select for each child row in this particular relationship. ...

9. Hibernate Made Easy -- Footprint & Performance

Hi Cameron good morning, The deployable version(with bundled jvm) of my desktop app is 40 megabytes. I consider this a reasonable size for users to download from the web. The app uses an internal, standalone hsqldb database with jdbc for manipulation. I'm interested in integrating hibernate instead of my nasty-looking jdbc sql strings... but concerned that including hibernate library files will ...

10. Hibernate caveats, best practices and performance tuning

Well, I simply couldn't agree with you more! I've worked on alot of Hibernate projects, or come into Hibernate projects and they were just a mess. The reason was simple - people were getting Hibernate to do something they wanted it to do, without any real understanding of how to use Hibernate properly. As such, people were calling update when it ...

11. Hibernate Search and Performance

Hi Authors, I had used Hibernate Search in shopping search engine. It really speedup the search.But while building database it slows down the process. Also many time their was problem in JMS Master/slave synchronization. So What factors we have to consider while using hibernate search in web application ? Thanks - Kuldeep Yadav

12. performance of hibernate?

Howdy Greenhorn! Don't go making those lists null! You may end up deleting the association between the aggregating object and it's collection. When the transaction is completed, and the object goes out of scope, normal Java garbage collection will take care of the list. Of course, it's good to only query what you need, so you don't get massive lists in ...

13. Hibernate production performance

Hi All, I want to implement ORM solution in my application and I am thinking of using Hibernate for the same. But as I am using Apache Tomcat web server I wanted to know what are the memory requirements of Hibernate ? And is Hibernate going to have a major negative effect on the overall performance of the application because of ...

14. Extremly bad performance

When recieving large resultsets using criteria.list() or query.list() Hibernate is really slow. In my case the resultset is about 12 000 rows. The same query takes 120ms to execute directly against the DB but takes >40 sec to excecute through Hibernate. I must do something seriously wrong or is it not possible to recieve large resultsets as list in Hibernate?

16. Simple performance in Hibernate question

How to make hibernate issue one "Insert" sql statement ? (and not some unnecessary Selects) ? In a simple case where I have Person object that has many Emails, and I want to add an email address to some person I do the following (taken from Hibernate example): session.beginTransaction(); Person aPerson = (Person) session.load(Person.class, personId); aPerson.getEmailAddresses().add(emailAddress); session.getTransaction().commit(); checking the logs, hibernate ...

17. Question about SQLQuery performance

I'm devoping an app that accesses an embedded database (Apache Derby right now). It is single user and desktop. A certain functionality of the application requirmes to read a _lot_ of data from a certain table (think millions). So, for that particular part, we decided to get a bit dirtier, and go into SQL. The table in question just has three ...

18. Regarding Hibernate performance

Hi All, I'm working on a POC which is ment to benchmark different L2 cache options for Hibernate. For that we created a simple spring application which uses only a table. This particular table holds around 5000 rows (four columns, id as primary key). But when we fire an HQL (sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Contact");)from our DAO, it takes around 38 -42 seconds to ...

19. Hibernate 3.6.x performance regression

Had been running with 3.2.5 version of hibernate for a while, and finally got around to trying to upgrade to the latest version. We're now noticing a performance regression against some of our larger datasets, when doing the equivalent of the following: Code: Query q = session.createQuery("select from OurClass t where t.attributeId = ?"); q.setParameter(0, attributeId); q.list(); Testing against these ...

20. merge performance, and how it works

Hi! We works with Hibernate 3.3.2. We have an big entity tree. A big part of theese entitys are read only entitys, but thesee are fetched. And if I call a merge it is very slow. I suppose merge gets the root entity from cache or from db, and sets the detached object properties to the persistent entity tree. If I ...

21. hibernate performance and FieldInterceptionHelper

would you expect an application to spend a lot of time in FieldInterceptionHelper? I have a new application built with jTDS, Hibernate 3.6.3, and Spring Data JPA 1.0.0M2. The first step is to load some data into the database from flat files and it's taking longer than I expected. I ran under VisualVM to get samples and found about 54% of ...

22. Performance - saveOrUpdate() & saveOrUpdateAll

23. Hibernate and performance

24. performance difference

can some one explain to me why there is this difference in performance: the first select statement take more than one minute the second one which is the same but only selects the id takes only seconds. here are the queries: Code: select as id20_, newseventb0_1_.AANHEF as AANHEF20_, newseventb0_1_.AANHEF_EXTRA as AANHEF3_20_, newseventb0_1_.ABO as ABO20_, newseventb0_1_.BATCH as BATCH20_, newseventb0_1_.BOUNCEDT as BOUNCEDT20_, ...

25. Hibernate Performance Challenge

26. Hibernate Performance

Hi, I am using an application which is very performance intensive. In Hibernate when we load an Object through a session, I noticed that we read the XML file. Dowe need to do this everytime ???? Can we bypass this reading of XML file as it results in a lot of I/O operation which can considerably slow down my performance. Can ...

27. Base Class Performance - lots of classes, how to structure?

Hi, I am using a tightly integrated object inheritance model and I am concerned about what hibernate will do with the vast amount of data that I am likely to throw at it. For example, here is what my inheritance structure may look like: entity > animal > mammal > feline > domestic cat entity > animal > mammal > feline ...

28. Hibernate performance

29. Performance Question

Hi, everybody, i have a question about performance loading objects. How method is better??? Load a perssisted object by query or by load method?????. Examples: // session is an instance of Session class. Query query = session.getNamedQuery(""); query.setLong(0, dto.getNumero().longValue()); java.util.Iterator it = query.iterate(); // Code from named query The ...

30. Hibernate.initalize performance

is it better to use a fetch when possible when loading collections and proxies as oppose to hibernate.initialize() , when I do a fetch it joins the tables in one query as opposed to the initialize which creates one query per collection/proxy I load. Just wondering what best practices we should be using Thanks

31. Which is better for performance and makes more sense?

Here is my scenerio. I have two tables. A STUDENT table and a table of COURSES. It is a One-To-Many relationship a Student has many Courses. Lets say I need to find Courses for a Student taken in Fall 2003. I have two options: #1 I can get the set/iteration of ALL of the student's courses and loop through selecting the ...

32. help, performance .

class Order extends EntityObject { public void save() {; //if relace hibernate with jdbc here, every things is ok } public void setID(String id ) { = id; save(); } public void setName(String value ) { = id; save(); } public void setMemo(String value ) { = id; save(); } public void setAddress(String value ) { ...

33. Performance Hibernate

34. performance and quality

Hi friends, I have in charge the respect of quality and coding rules for a big project which is going to be realized by an offshore company. This company will use our framework (struts, hibernate, technical services...) and must respect our methodology. We have to define performance and quality metrics. So my question is pretty simple, which tools, you guys are ...

35. Performance & count

Hi! Just a question about performance (Hibernate 2.1.3 & MySQL 4.0.18): i need to retrive objects with Criteria+Example. I must put the result on different pages with "prev" and "next" and for this purpouse i use criteria.setFirstResult and setMaxResults. But, i need to know how many objects there are that match the Criteria+Example. I use "criteria.list().size()" but it's very expensive because ...

36. Performance bottleneck

Hi, My application needs to determine if there exists a persistent object with a given value for one if its properties, but I don't need to actually retrieve the object. Currently, the method that does this looks like this: Code: protected boolean existsWithKey (Object key) throws HibernateException ...

37. Newbie on Cacheing and performance

I have a thick client that I need to increase performance for. The client has a local database which it runs the exact query for with the a small subset of parameters. From the documentation I thought that query cacheing might be appropriate??? Also what is the best second level cache for this thick client if I need query performance and ...

38. Hibernate performance tunning

Hello, I'am having problems with the sql generated by hibernate, I was expecting it to generate a sql with joins. My mapping is: If a load all instances of Objeto, it does the following: select * from ...

39. Tunning Hibernate for better performance

HI, i'm trying to make a little personal benchmark: DAO x Hibernate. I know that it'll never reflect a real production situation, because i'm using some "random" queries that won't actually make a sense. Beyond that, i'm not considering networking, traffic, and a complete use case of the system, anyway, i'd like to make this experiment for some basic comparison. I ...

40. Performance Question

Hello, I have functions in a class that need to call Hibernate as part of their job. So far, what I'm doing is as follows: Code: public void myFunction() throws MyExceptionClass { Session session = null; ...

41. Performance improvements

Hi everyone. I'm in the final stage of developing web-based CMS application, and came across performance issues. I wonder if I went the wrong way. Application uses Struts + Hibernate + AS400. It is multitiered in terms of that it has stricltly separated layers (BO(businecc objects), DA(data access), TM(transaction management in terms of "application transactions") etc..) I have a service among ...

42. How to more performance in my hibernate

43. Hibernate, about performance

44. Auction Example Performance Question

I have a performance question. I've used Hibernate in the past, but wanted to revisit some newer parts, so I was messing around with the eg example. I saw the "slow" and "fast" techniques for viewing all auctions. The difference in behavior makes sense.. with the fast technique instantiating a new object that doesn't carry any overhead with it, no relationships, ...

45. Performance degradation

Hi, I started using Hibernate 1 month ago and now I'm stucked in some horrible performance degradation. I have a query that uses 6 tables making some sum, count, max and group by. The resulted method looks very nice but the execution time is almost 2s. I wrote the same method using PreparedStatement and Connection obtained from the Session object and ...

46. UpdateTimestampsCache.isUpToDate() performance question

Good afternoon... Our (read-heavy) web application uses a tangosol coherence distributed cache for clustering. Hibernate side utilizes the query cache. In performance testing I have noticed a significant (40%) performance hit when moving the query timestamp cache from a distributed to a local cache. I believe this is due to the fact that when there have been no updates, the timestamp ...

47. Performance questions - Efficient way to compare a set

Hibernate version:2.1.3 I have a set of contacts ids for a user which I need to compare with those contacts belonging to a user. Currently I am obtaining the Contact object based on the id, and then User.addContact( Contact ) Is there an easy was to just add the id, and not have the search for the Contact object first? Effectively ...

48. Performance questions - Efficient way to compare a set

Hibernate version:2.1.3 I have a set of contacts ids for a user which I need to compare with those contacts belonging to a user. Currently I am obtaining the Contact object based on the id, and then User.addContact( Contact ) Is there an easy was to just add the id, and not have the search for the Contact object first? Effectively ...

49. Need performance input

We used to use lots of PLSQL and we are moving to Hibernate (been using it for a year). We are at a University with lots of apps, lots of app servers, lots of databases. For our web apps we were synchronizing Java objects to PLSQL objects. It seems like Hibernate might be a performance hit since it has to take ...

50. performance hibernate

Hi; I would like to use Hibernate for my web application, with the following contraints : 1- I have already 50% of the SQL requestes (complex select) which are implemented 2- My application is used for only consulting of the data (nothing update in to database, but only of the select). 3- My application will be used a significant number users ...

51. Some performance questions with Hibernate

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate. To familiarize myself, I made a small test application that uses two database tables with a one-to-many relationship. I read Hibernate in Action, and followed most of their examples verbatim. My relationship is mapped using an "idbag" tag with lazy set to "false". The good news is, my test application works fine. It does exactly what ...

52. Primary Key and Optimal Performance

53. Non managed vs. managed performance

Hi, I'm noticing significant performance degradation when using hibernate code in a managed environment. Here are the details of my managed environment: 1) I'm using jboss and I deployed my maapings and configuration in a service archive such that the configurations are within an mbean. 2)my datasource: MySqlDS jdbc:mysql:// com.mysql.jdbc.Driver root 20 20 1 3)Transaction strategy ...

54. Performance tuning strategy valid?

Hibernate version: 2.1 From my hibernate.cfg.xml file: 100