Problem « Property « JPA Q&A

1. Problems with

Hi, I am an absolute beginner to Hibernate. I am using Tomcat 4.1 and cant seem to figure out where to put file I tried placing the file in common/lib; classpath; context/web-inf/classes. Every time it shows me the following dump. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 16, 2003 5:18:40 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment INFO: Hibernate 2.0.2 Sep 16, 2003 5:18:40 PM net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment INFO: ...

2. Problem with Multiple Hibernate properties Files.

I have multiple projects, each having their own hibernate properties file under their classpath. All these business projects use a common project to create a SessionFactory. Everything works fine, when all the file, refer to the same database. When I have my first project hibernate properties file, pointing to database A and remaining hibernate properties file pointing to Database B ...

3. property file problem

sessions = new Configuration() .addClass(Invoice.class) .addClass(Client.class) .addClass(Work.class) .addClass(Day.class) .addClass(Worker.class) .setProperty("hibernate.dialect ",dialect) .setProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class ",driver) .setProperty("hibernate.connection.url ",url) .setProperty("hibernate.connection.username ",username) .setProperty("hibernate.connection.password ",password) .setProperty(Environment.HBM2DDL_AUTO, "create") .buildSessionFactory();

4. got problem with

i am learning hibernate at the first time then following example on the Hibernate in Action book. i create a test class that create hibernate session but i seem that the hibernate could not locate the how could i fix the problem? the following is code package hello; import net.sf.hibernate.*; import net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; public class test { public static void main(String[] ...

5. 2 Problems with many-to-one property

Hello, I have an entity that owns several many-to-one properties. When I do a xxxDAO.load(id) on it, it seems to do a select for all target tables. I would like to load foreign entities just when I need to do. But I can't find any "lazy=true" option in the many-to-one tag... Secondly, if I declare a many-to-one property in my hbm, ...

6. problem with property file

I dont understand your correct requirement, but if you want to read a properties file which is there in the classpath this is how you can do it. InputStream propertyStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(propertyStream); This way you dont have to bother where you going to place the file

7. Problem with set and property-ref

Hello, I have a class A with a composite-id. When I map a "set" in this class that makes use of the composite-id there is no problem. However if I try to map a "set" that uses single unique field as the property-ref attribute on the key tag inside the set. I get an error. (PropertyAccessException). This exception is very similar ...

8. Problem using UserCollectionType to wrap Properties object

Newbie Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:14 pm Posts: 2 Hi: I am trying to persist a java.util.Properties object as a map. Apparently the element is not appropriate, because hibernate implements the map as an instance of HashMap, causing a ClassCastException when it attempts to assign that object to the Properties field in the persisted class. With that in mind, ...

9. Property accessor naming conventions problem?

Hi all, Think that i have member field mSomeValue in an Object. I am generating code from hibernate config file via ant tasks and it names the setter and getter as: getmSomeValue setmSomeValue i supposed this is a bug play a bit with to make some changes for generatiing the code as our project requires (method parameters starts with a, ...

10. Problem with yes_no property

Hi all, I have a column in a table which can have values Y, N or null. I tried to map it to a Hibernate yes_no type, but I am getting an exception when reading a null value. Does anybody know if it is possible for a yes_no property to be mapped by default to false in its corresponding POJO field ...

11. Computed property problem

Hibernate version: 3.2.6ga Hi, I have an issue with a computed property in one of my mapping files which I don't understand. The content of this file is as follows: Code: ...

12. Problem in specifying properties for Secondary table

Hi, I am using - Hibernate version: 3.0 Name and version of the database you are using:MySQL I have the following requirement at the DB level and Object Model Level - Table A - F_ID and SEQ_ID are the composite primary key for TableA --------- F_ID SEQ_ID Table B - F_ID and SEQ_ID are the foreign key from Table A and ...

13. Problem with missing property file which does not missing

Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:45 am Posts: 5 This line of code in famous HibernateUtil: Code: sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure(HIBERNATE_CONFIG).buildSessionFactory(); prints this: Code: 21.09.2008. 21.40.59 org.hibernate.cfg.Environment INFO: Hibernate 3.2.6 21.09.2008. 21.40.59 org.hibernate.cfg.Environment INFO: not found 21.09.2008. 21.40.59 org.hibernate.cfg.Environment buildBytecodeProvider INFO: Bytecode provider name : cglib 21.09.2008. 21.40.59 org.hibernate.cfg.Environment INFO: using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling 21.09.2008. ...