Help 1 « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Help I have problem with select query in JPA

i have problem i want to select name_magazine from magazine and i already import all library needed and

Query q = EntityManger.createQuery ("SELECT name_magazine FROM Magazine"); List results ...

2. Need Help With Hibernate/SQL Query Count Logic

I have the following query:

SELECT DISTINCT, count(*) FROM widgets AS w
JOIN w.entity AS e
JOIN e.article AS a
JOIN a.document AS d
WHERE IN (<document ids>)
The problem is that count(*) ...

3. Hibernate help with a criteria join query

I have four tables, USER, CONTACT, CONACT_TYPE, and USER_CONTACT USER_CONTACT stores all of the contacts that a user has tables populated with dummy data are as follows USER TABLE

USER_ID(int)| FIRST_NAME(varchar(2) | LAST_NAME(varchar(2) |
| ...

4. Hibernate select one to many help

I have the following classes mapped as one to many: Reader and book when one reader can hold more then one book: Book:

@Table(name = "book")
public class Book implements Serializable{


5. Need help with formulating a JPA query, please

Given these two entities in a database accessed through Hibernate JPA,

@Entity class A {
   int id;
   String aName;

@Entity class B {
   int id;

6. Hibernate query help

I have a Product Class which has one-to-many relationship with ProductInventory Class. For a particular product id, I have around 300 inventory. If I want to fetch a product based on ...

7. HQL - need help on query

I have entities: Tweet and User. Tweet has an author, which is an instance of User class. User is following others users and also keeps track of users following him:

public List<User> ...

8. Need help with a hibernate criteria query on a simple user management model

i've been working on a user management which allow users to have permission aside what the roles they belongs to. so here is the general idea: there is many-to-many ...

9. Help needed on Hibernate Query

Hi, I have the query like the one which is available in the Hibernate 3.0.5 reference document. "select new Family(mother, mate, offspr)from DomesticCat as mother join mother.mate as mateleft join mother.kittens as offspr" But in my case, i want to pass parameters like character, boolean and strings externaly to the constructor, that is not coming from the database. ex : I ...

10. Help with a Hibernate Query

Hello: I have 2 tables (County, and AdjacentCounty). AdjacentCounty has a foriegn relationship to county. I am trying to query for all adjacent counties by county ID Here is my query: select c from AdjacentCounty adj left join fetch adj.county c where = 1 I got the following error "query specified join fetching, but ownere of fetched association was not ...

11. Hibernate query help

12. Need Help Figuring Out A Hibernate Criteria Query

I need assistance figuring out a criteria query. Here's my use case: I have an Equipment Item. The Equipment Item belongs to an Account. Also, this Equipment Item can be part of a Package. The Package can be Pending or Completed. I want to be able to query and get all Equipment Items belonging to a given account that either are ...

13. Help With HQL Query

Can someone help me with an HQL query? Right now, I'm getting a list of "ItemModel" classes which are restricted to a given "ItemType". I then iterate through the ItemModel, extract the Manufacturer into a separate list, sort it, then return it. I can't help thinking I could do this all in one HQL query, but can't figure it out. Here's ...

14. Help With Hibernate Criteria Query

15. Hibernate Newbie, help on queries that do some grouping

Hi, I am new to using Hibernate, and in our project, we use Hibernate and Spring to do all the database stuff. I have a requirement wherein I need to write a method that takes a few inputs and then queries a table to return the sum of a column and the max and min of another column for the given ...

16. Help with JPA query please...

I would be very grateful if someone were to help me with this JPA query. The object structure is simple. I have sessions and I have tasks. I would like to find the latest Task for a given Session. So far, I have been able to do it with this query: SELECT t FROM Task t WHERE = :sessionId AND ...

17. Need help with a query (HQL)

Hi all, Using Spring / JPA & Hibernate, with my DAOS using the getJPATemplate() method of querying my db I'm stuck designing a particular query.. What I need to do is query to create a list of objects where there is more than one occurance of an element over particular dates.. Ill show you a class structure to describe this.. class ...

18. please help me avoid n+1 select hibernate

I am using hibernate for persistance. All my entities most od the associations are lazy and by default collections are lazy. I also have lot of criteria queries and because of lazy mapping I always face n+1 problem. Suppose I have item and bids the famous example by default bids are lazy , so in a criteria query If I select ...

19. Help with Hibernate Query

20. Hibernate query help

Hi, I have a situation where I need to check values against null. I have three columns(declared as NUMBER in database) need to write a select query in hql. I was trying set query strings some times there will be null value when there is a null value it throws me null pointer exception. please help me in this. Thanks,

21. JPA - need help with query

@Entity @Table(name = "treemenu") public class TreeMenu implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "itemIndex") private Integer itemIndex; @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "title") private String title; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "treeMenu") private Collection treeMenuCollection; @JoinColumn(name = "parentIndex", referencedColumnName = "itemIndex") @ManyToOne private TreeMenu treeMenu;

22. Please help me with a hql query

23. Help- with clause not working

24. HQL Query - Please help me

25. Need Help With Many to Many Mappinng querying. PLease :-(

Somebody please help me to solve this issue. I am new to hibernate. Let me mention my issue. I have the following pojo classes called private String strUserName = ""; private String strLoginName = ""; private Set userPrivilages = new HashSet(); public String getStrUserName() { return strUserName; } public void setStrUserName(String strUserName) { this.strUserName = strUserName; } public String getStrLoginName() ...

26. Help with HQL query

27. Help needed in writing a query

Newbie Joined: Thu May 06, 2010 6:35 am Posts: 3 Code: @Entity @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name="account.forEarnedSms", query="select tx.account FROM EarnedTransaction tx" + " WHERE = :group AND tx.year = :year AND tx.quarter = :quarter " + "AND ...

28. Please help to rewrite sql query with Criteria or hql

@javax.persistence.Entity @Table(name = "entity_contact") public class EntityContact { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) private Integer id; @ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private Entity entity; @Column (name = "contacttype_id", nullable = false) ...

29. Help ! Can not order by (Ralate Table)

i cann't order by field as code below. Error org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: for ProductGroup ...... help me please thanks you Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(ProductGroup.class); --> criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("")); //not work --> criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("id.product.prodCode")); //work --> criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("")); //not work criteria.list(); ProductGroup.hbm.xml ...

31. Not able to recognize Named Query - pls help

32. Problem to make JP-QL query - help!

33. Help with an easy? query

Hello, how are you? I've been trying to solve this problem for hours and I am sure it must have an easy solution. I have a many to many relation datasets <-> users, with the tables dataset_tb, user_dataset_tb and user_tb . Usually, I could do something like this to obtain the datasets for a certain user. Code: Dataset.hbm.xml ...

34. SOLVED Need query help

Hi, I Have two entities with relations: House and persons House have many person, I Need to bring a list of houses, fetching persons, but I want to bring only persons under 12. @OneToMany(mappedBy = "house", cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE) private Set persons; Example house 1 have 3 persons: 45, 17,7 House 2 have 4 persons: 55,56,8,3. Yhe result i want Is: ...

35. Help me with query

I am doing a query with hql and i do not achieve that it works. it flaw join and coalesce. if I do the query without join, it me does not work coalesce. @NamedQuery(name = "Stock.findByClientAndReference", query = "select distinct NEW, (select r.description from Reference r where =, s.situation, s.status, (select sum(ss.amount) - coalesce ((select sum(al.amount) from StockCapture ...

36. Help for a criteria query

Hello every body I have a problem with criteria, i'm not able to do what i need My db is very simple: a table Player(type) with one-to-many with the table PlayerData(player, type) I have a map, associating some player types with some datatypes, for example {PT1:[DT11,DT12], PT2:[DT21]} And i try to generate the corresponding criteria, which must be something like that: ...

37. Need help with HQL query

38. help with hql --use of with clause

39. Hibernate query: need help

Hi, I'm trying to create correct query but unfortunately without success. Let's say I want to show some sport events grouped by season, country and tournament type (league) (for example footbal championship): I have some entities according to my task: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "seasons") public class Season{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) ...

40. Help needed with a HQL query using multiple tables

I am needing help trying to translate an SQL query to a working HQL query. My statement is as follows: SELECT service FROM Service service INNER JOIN ServiceUser srvUsr ON service.serviceId = srvUsr.service.serviceId JOIN User user ON srvUsr.user.userId = user.userId WHERE = :company ORDER BY user.lastName ASC; Basically, I am needing to get back all service objects sorted by the ...

42. Need help with Queries...

I'm trying to get started with Hibernate and I'm following the documentation, but things are not working as expected. I have a simple JDO class that I've mapped to a database table. The table has four columns, one is the primary key, the other three are strings. My JDO class has setters/getters for each attribute as well as the required empty ...

43. Help with query

User * ----------> * Group table user (id integer) table group (id integer) table user_group(user_id integer, group_id integer) class User { int id; String name; Set groups; //many-to-many .... } class Group { int id; String name; ... }

44. query help

oops, i didnt ask the question correctly, the correct question was: I have an Event, with a Set of EventTypes, how can I get a list of all Events with any EventType? i basically have a form that they can select from 10 different EventTypes, if they select 3 eventTypes, any events with either one of those 3 eventTypes selected should ...

45. Help with making a query faster

select users from users in class md.user.User where in (select distinct users from instance in class md.user.Instance ,users in instance.users.elements ,rolex in users.persistentRoles.elements ,permission in rolex.permissionSet.permissions.elements ,role in permission.roles.elements where role in (select userz.persistentRoles.elements from userz in class md.user.User where userz.username = 'username') and permission.operation in (select operation from operation in class md.user.Operation where = 'view-others') and = ...

46. Please help! Problem in query (joins)

I'm having problems doing the following query: Code: ( ... ) res = session.find("select ml, ms " + "from pt.comseal.arsol.vo.MpLote as ml join as mp join ml.armazemMp, " + "pt.comseal.arsol.vo.MpStocks as ms " + ...

47. Help with SQL query

Hi, I recently started using the SQL query and run in the following trouble. EXCEPTION: ======== java.sql.SQLException: Bad column name: TEST_ID0_ at com.quadcap.sql.ItemsCursor.( at com.quadcap.sql.SelectExpression.getCursor( at com.quadcap.sql.SelectStmt.execute( at com.quadcap.sql.Session.doStatement( at com.quadcap.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute( at com.quadcap.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeQuery( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getResultSet( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(Loader.jav at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.SQLLoader.list( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.findBySQL( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SQLQueryImpl.list( MAPPING: =======

48. Need help in solving the Query problem

Newbie Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:30 pm Posts: 9 Hi, I am using hibernate version 2.1.2 with Oracle 9I. I have problem when i try to use Query.setMaxResults function. When this function is getting executed it is throwing ambiguous exception. When i tried to run the same query in Toad i find that the reason for ambiguous exception is * ...

49. query help

java.sql.SQLException: Column 'x1_0_' not found. at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet.findColumn( at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet.getInt( at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getInt( at net.sf.hibernate.type.IntegerType.get( at net.sf.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet( at net.sf.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet( at net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator.getResultColumnOrRow( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( ...

51. Some help please with a specific query

52. query help

I'm stumped, I think I may be missing something very obvious here.. anyways, query2 works just fine and works as I was expecting it to work, while query does not work, stacktrace below Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure(); SessionFactory sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); StudyGuide studyGuide = new StudyGuide(); studyGuide.setId(1); String startsWith = "a"; String query2 = "from GlossaryTerm ...

53. Help! Query problem.

I'm using Hibernate 2.1.3. I have a query that I've tested in my DB console and it's working: Code: select h1.fornecedor from historico_es_equip_prod h1 where h1.equip_prod_fk=11 and h1.data_saida = ( select max(h2.data_saida) ...

54. Problem with query. Please help.

I'm using Hibernate 2.1.3. I'm trying to execute the following query: Code: select m.referencia, sum(mc.quantidade), sum(mc.quantidade * m.custo_unitario) from mp_consumo mc, mp m where mc.mp_fk and mc.op_fk=1 group by m.referencia The above code works. I've executed it in the DB console and it gives the desired result: Code: referencia: MP1 sum: 15 sum: 346.80 referencia: MP6 sum: 15 sum: 157.65 ...

55. Help with criteria query

I have a HQL statement: "select distinct from Project p inner join p.projectAssignmentsInternal pa where pa.account = ?" projectAssignmentsInternal is a property of Project that holds a collection of Assignment objects. An Assignment object has a property called account that refers to the Account object in the assignment. The above query returns a set of distinct Project instances where the account ...

56. Help in find()/get()...

Hai I have a small probs with the find()/get(). Am using either of these method to fetch all the records from the database. But my problem is that when i try to add a new record manually in the backend then these methods are not getting the exact record which i add in the back end. what might be the problem. ...

57. help:turn on the cache option but query cache never used?

Author Message mineral Post subject: help:turn on the cache option but query cache never used? Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:01 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:37 am Posts: 1 I want to implement a tree-like view to the front-tier with an one-to-many mapping. the object in my app is a Category class which has a children ...

58. Query help - collections

If I have the following: eg.Manager with a collection of Employees, who each have a single ContactList property which has a collection of PhoneNumbers that have a Type property (work/home) How do I query for all the work numbers for a particular manager's employees? I'm not sure how to use the elements() function here, or where to join, and a pointer ...

59. Help in making this query much faster

Senior Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2003 5:05 am Posts: 139 Hi, I could use some help in making this query in the source code much more performant. I'm using postgres as stated below and my table does not have any indexes just yet (since I here you can make it slower if you don't know what you are doing, which I ...

60. Help With Criteria Query

Senior Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2003 5:05 am Posts: 139 Hi, I need some help in getting this criteria query working. I'd like to do a subquery but I'm not really sure how to make it work. The reason I'm using the critieria API is because it provides a cleaner solution to the alternative StringBuffer approach. Important Mapping documents: Code: ...

61. help needed in HQL query

[b]Hibernate version:[/b] [b]Mapping documents:[/b] [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():[/b] [b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:[/b] [b]Name and version of the database you are using:[/b] [b]Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:[/b] Hi, I have three tables A, B and i want to write query like this select a,b from A as a, B as b where a.x=1 and a.y = b.y ...

62. Need help with an HQL query

I'm having trouble formulating an HQL query in hibernate 2.1. I have a data structure where a FileInformation can have many corresponding FileData. A FileData has a version date that gets updated every time a new version of the file data is stored on the system. What I want to do is fetch out a list of FileInformation along with the ...

63. Help with many to many hql select please

64. Help with this Query

Using Hibernate 2.1 I have the mapping document as below --------------------------- --------------------------- ( I ve snipped some parts irrelevent to ...

65. Hibernate query help for 3 tables requested.

Newbie Joined: Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:07 am Posts: 14 I am having a problem trying to do a query with three tables. I am getting an out of memory error. I have three tables, category, product and product_item. product and product_item is a one to many. category is linked to the product via a category_product table. I am trying to ...

66. help with query

67. need help with a query

Hi Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents:[/b [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): public class MenuLink extends Link { private Set menuLinks; private MenuLink menulink; ... now i need a query that gives me a List of MenuLinks that are: ( don't have a menulink (so menulink = null) or which ...

68. Help with the named query!!

I defined a named query in my mapping file, What I'm trying to do is to pull data from three different tables into object AttributeTO. There is no physical ...

69. Help to write query.

70. Help with hibernate query

I have created the following classes and mapped them with hibernate: ---------------------- Class Customer - int customerId - Set departments ---------------------- Class Department - int departmentId - Set operators ---------------------- Class Operator(extends user) - int userId - Set departments ---------------------- A customer can have many departments. An department can have many operators. An operator can belong to many departments. I use ...

71. HQL query help

Hibernfan, Class A { Set B = new HashSet(); } Class B{ Integer attributeC } I need to retrieve all A objects and correspinding B object such that B object has a minimum value on attributeC out of all related B objects. TABLE A ID NAME 1 A TABLE B ID A_ID ATTRIBUTEC 10 1 5 11 1 6 12 1 ...

72. Need help with many-to-many query

73. Help with criteria queries...

Beginner Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:46 pm Posts: 37 So far I have managed to set up a simple criteria query, that allows me to order my results by asc or desc and to return a maximum of results. This all works fine, but now I would like to add a criteria, from one of my joined tables. Bassically I ...

74. Help with constructing a Criteria query

75. hql query help

76. Need help with making a query effiently in HQL

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble figuring out a good way to efficiently do a query. I have a table that is being used to periodically log server status information. One of the queries I want to do is to get the most recent entry for each server. In sql I would have done this with a temporary table. For a simple ...

77. Need Help With Query

In my database I have a Person table and a Picture table. The relationship between the tables is that a person can have 0-3 pictures. The Picture table also has a column indicating whether or not the user wants to use this pic in their profile. One of the rules is that the person can only use 1 of their pictures ...

78. Query involving Collections - Help

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: Code: ...

79. Help w/ an HQL Query

My query is this: String queryString = "select destination, routeTraversal " + "from " + TransportRole.class.getName() + " transportRole " + "join transportRole.macroEntityTransfers entity " + "join entity.origin origin " + "join entity.destination destination " + "join transportRole.trips trip " + "join trip.childActions routeTraversal " + "where (trip.startTime >= :startTime and trip.endTime <= :endTime) or "+ "(trip.startTime >= :startTime and trip.startTime ...

80. Help with the HQL query

select distinct adGroup.vendorIdString from AdGroup as adGroup join Campaign C on = adGroup.campaignId join VendorKeyword VK on VK.adGroupId = left outer join KeywordStats S on S.vendorKeywordId = and (S.startDate = ? and S.endDate = ?) where C.accountId = ? and adGroup.vendorIdString is not null and VK.isNegative = 0 ...

81. One-to-Many Query Help

82. HQL Query Help

Hi, 1) I have a postgre query as follows:- select 1 as srl,genre_id,genre_parent_id,genre_name,description,record_version,depth from genre where genre_id <> 0 union select 2 as srl,genre_id,genre_parent_id,genre_name,description,record_version,depth from genre where genre_id = 0 order by srl,genre_name; Now,I want to convert it into HQL Query.How do i do it.Is the following way correct:- String sqlQuery="select 1 as srl,g.genre_id,g.genre_parent_id,g.genre_name,g.description,g.record_version,g.depth" + " from genre as g" + ...

83. HQL Query Help

Hibernate version: Hibernate 2.1.8 Mapping documents: Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): protected void expandDepot(Depot depot, Item[] items) { Session s= HibernateUtil.getSession(); try { HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); Query q= s.createQuery("from DepotItem as depotItem " + "where depotItem.item in (:items) "); q.setParameter("items", items); q.list(); HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); } catch (HibernateException e) { HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction(); throw new InfrastructureException(e); } finally { HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } } Full stack trace of any ...

84. Help !!! cannot run named queries

Hi everybody, I got into a problem. Must be a silly one. But I am not getting the answer anywhere and I need it urgently. Problem I have a named sql query (which has columns from multiple tables) and I want to put the results in a class. But the class map is always asking for a table for a class. ...

85. Help with simple (hopefully) query

I'm fairly new to Hibernate. I have looked over the docs at this site and googled around to see if anyone had an example similar to mine, to no avail. I am trying to construct a query for the following simplified situation. Suppose we have a table to track blog entries called BLOG_ENTRY. Each row in the table represents a single ...

86. help with a simple query

hello every one, I have read the the docs and searched in the forum but since I am new to hibernate, i had some difficulty in udnerstanding the concept. Database tables : groups (groupId), users (userId) and groups_users (groupId, userId). I have two hbm files and 2 POJOs each corresponding to groups. Do i need to have a POJO and a ...

87. HQL Query Help

Let's suppose that I have the following classes: (psudo syntax) Post { List words; } Value { String val; } And that they are correctly mapped. Now let's suppose I wish create a query method that that takes in a List of Strings, e.g. {"one", "two", "three"} and finds all Post objects that contain a Value object in its words property ...

88. Help with query hibernate...

Newbie Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:17 pm Posts: 5 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: Mapping documents: Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Name and version of the database you are using: The generated SQL (show_sql=true): Debug level Hibernate log excerpt: Hello... Need help with this. Have ...

89. Need help Querying from unrelated tables!

Hi, Iam a newbie to Hibernate..Iam trying some example which iam not able to do.pls help. I hve 2 tables: Person (pid ,firstName)-->(mapped to class Person) Contact(cid,info)-->(mapped to class Contact) _____________________________________ __________________________________________

90. Need help Querying from unrelated tables!

Hi, Iam a newbie to Hibernate..Iam trying some example which iam not able to do.pls help. I hve 2 tables: Person (pid ,firstName)-->(mapped to class Person) Contact(cid,info)-->(mapped to class Contact) _____________________________________ __________________________________________

91. Hibernate Query Help

Hi, I got into a habit of using custom objects to individual properties with column mappings. However, have not been able to figure out how to issue queries on individual columns. Looking at the mapping document I posted and within paymentInfo property I need to issue search query using like statement on BILLING_NAME column. Any help greatly appreciated. Also, can hibernate ...

92. HQL query help

93. Query many to many - help needed

I do not know how to write the following query, help will be appriciate. I have Class A with many to many of Class B. Class B has a class member C and a String mem1. A.getAssociatedB() will return the B that belongs to A. Now I would like to get all classes A that has 2 differnt B classes with ...

94. 3-table query trouble, help!

please! , some one have a running example? I have tried all the sample codes in every book but nothing works. I think maybe the mapping is wrong but I just don't know what is the problem. I just have to make a query using 3 tables, and I want to return data from the 3 tables, how do I do ...

95. Need help in query

96. Need help with HQL query

3.1 I have a SQL query and would like to translate it into HQL: SELECT lu.VALUE FROM LOOKUP lu JOIN LOOKUP_CATEGORY lc ON lu.LOOKUP_ID = lc.LOOKUP_CAT_ID WHERE lc.LOOKUP_CAT_VALUE = 'xxxx' The mapping documents for the Lookup and LookupCategory classes are as follows: Code: ...

97. Help - SQL-Query

Hello EveryBody: I use Microsoft SQL Server, and when i am developing our enterprise application with hibernate, I found one problem when i get SQL native query: This is my Query: [code] SELECT so.sol_rut_cliente AS RUT_CLI, so.sol_sec as SECUENCIA FROM SOLICITUD so, ORDEN ord WHERE so.sol_sec = ord.sol_sec and ...

98. Need help, can't find info on this ANYWHERE

Newbie Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 3:39 pm Posts: 13 Hey everyone, I'm new to hibernate, so forgive me if this question is 'elementary', but I have been searching for a while and have found nothing, so I hope that someone here can help. What I have is 2 classes which I am trying to populate from a single database. I ...

99. help with advanced ordering

Can you try to give an example? if I use Case in the where clause i get another variable. and i only want to get the activity objects, and order them by the case.. This is what i want it to do in pseudo code order by percentCompleted asc where percentCompleted == 100 returns a list: Code: Name ...

100. HQL many-to-many query help

I have been surfing for days looking for an answer, I hope you can help. Hibernate version: 3.1.1 Mapping documents: Code: