ID « Query « JPA Q&A

1. MyEclipse+Hibernate does not order property sets by ID?

I use Hibernate with Java. I have two tables which are associated with foreign keys.

Table: country
Fields: ID, Name
POJO class name : Country
POJO class properties: id, name, cities

Table: city
Fields: ID, Name, CountryID
POJO class ...

2. Grails query with associations - find all in a table where id is not in another table

I need to be able to find all items in a table where the id of each item is not in a relational mapping table. In other words, I have ...

3. How can you query for an object using one of its properties' id

I have two entities, say, House and People, where multiple people can live in one house. It's a unidirectional link where each Person has a field for which House they belong to, ...

4. Java hibernate how to use select ... where id in ()

I have Account class--account table mapping already. Now I need use

from account where account_id in (select account_id from anothertable where...)
I got an error saying org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: account is not mapped [from ...

5. JPQL: how do you get the game ID for the maximum final score?

I have sports games which are associated with two scores (many-to-one) like

@Table(name = "Scores")
@IdClass(value = ScoreId.class)
public class Score implements Serializable
    @Column(name = "is_home")

6. What is the best way of selecting a set of objects by given ids in given order with Hibernate/JPA

I want to select a number of objects with given ids but also in given order, something like:

<named-query name="getQuestionsByIds">
    <query><![CDATA[from Question q where in (:ids)]]></query>
But ordered the ...

7. Select in JPA only works with ID param

I am trying to do a SELECT query to find the cars which model are SERIE 1 I have try with this code and it works, but is necessary put the ID ...

8. one-to-many: making Hibernate select the reference's id instead of joining it

I have two classes stored in my database using Hibernate. Let's call them Container and Item. Item has a one-to-many relation to Container:

@entity(name = "containers")
public class Container {

9. Finding Null IDs with HQL

I'm constructing a hql query that needs to return orders where the User's ID is null:

        IList<Order> rows = DataContext.LoadList<Order>(

10. Hibernate: given an object, how do I find its id?

I'm hardly the local database pundit, but I've always adhered to the principal that a business field should never be used as a primary key. You'd think that something like an employee ID would be safe to use, but what if (just as with social security numbers) they decide to start re-using them? For primary keys I always use a Long ...

11. Sql Query To return null for id

Sorry I guess I could have worded this differently. I do a left outer join on a two tables on the two fields making up a composite key to determine which rows are missing from a table therefore the generated surrogate id is null, but still a valid new entity without a Id. I am currently returning a Object[] then setting ...

12. Criteria query show duplicate ids only

13. Prevent NHibernate to query the DB when Id is -1

14. "Column 'id' not found" but I don't even query for it

Hi. I made a post a few weeks ago but nobody seems to be able to answer my question. I think it is because of the monstrous query I gave you. I tested around a little bit and noticed that I can heavily reduce the query while maintaining the problem. Code: SELECT as idS, as idD FROM FahrtBahnhof AS ...

15. Hibernate can't find entity with valid id

Hi, I've got a table with all the UN Locations there are, e.g. 'GB LON' is the UN Location code for London, UK, NL RTM is the UN Location code for Rotterdam, Netherlands. This UN code is used as the primary key in the table. Code: @Id @Column(name = "LOCODE", unique = true, nullable = false, length = ...

16. Can't select when providing an id value

Hi, I've got a problem trying to read entries out of my database when I'm providing a value for the primary key. For example, the following works fine: Code: Customer c1 = (Customer) session.createQuery("FROM Customer c WHERE c.firstName = ?").setString(0, "Test").uniqueResult(); But when I use one of the following: Code: Customer c1 = (Customer) session.createQuery("FROM Customer c WHERE c.customerId = ?").setInteger(0, ...

17. General error: Column 'order_id' can not be null

Author Message gimhan90 Post subject: General error: Column 'order_id' can not be null Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:57 am Beginner Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:43 am Posts: 42 error when i am going to enrering data into associate table(order items table) following error is occured. but the other tables are inserted successfully. In a my OrderItem table ...

18. retrieving values from id-column in scalar queries

my query looks like: select a.ID,, a.yyy,... from A as a where like 'x%' a.ID should retrieve values from id-column. my problem is that the value for ID is the same (1) in all returned Object[] in list all others ar right. so how can I retrieve the values from id-column? Mapping:

19. query produces select-statement with id__ and id0_

Hibernate version: Hibernate: 2.1.6, 9.8.2004 Hello, I used hibernate the first time and set up a relation between cds and tracks (one cd could have many tracks). The java-classes are and Mapping documents: Code: ...

20. query: expecting 'elements' or 'indices' after: id

public List getProductTree() { try { List l = getHibernateTemplate().createQuery(getSession(), "select new "+ ...

21. why is hibernate adding "id" in the query?

Now this is strange. When i change the query to clip off project.prjCode and use only till prjtsk.projectReleaseTaskSubTaskPK.projectRelease.projectReleasePK and fetch for one of its attributes like prjtsk.projectReleaseTaskSubTaskPK.projectRelease.projectReleasePK.title, it works fine but as soon as project.prjCode is added, it starts to substitute the **PK's with id's. Any suggestions? I've tried shortenening the names of my classes as well still the same.

22. querying an object with composed-id


23. Evict object from session cache by ID (without select)

Hello, There are two ways to update the datafield of an object A: 1. A = session.get(A.Class, aId); A.setDataField(...) session.saveOrUpdate(A) 2. session.createQuery("update A set field1=... where aId=..") Method 1 generates 1 select and 1 update Method 2 generates 1 update. However, although Method 2 looks more efficient, it does not hadnle session cache or second level cache automatically. So you have ...

24. How to enable multiple id in query cache

25. Migration to 3 - Select PK Id Starts From 4294967297

mysql> select cmsmacateg0_.cg_id as cg1_, cmsmacateg0_.cg_nme as cg2_8_, cmsmacateg0_.cg_descr as cg3_8_ from cms_ma_category cmsmacateg0_ -> ; +------+--------+-----------------+ | cg1_ | cg2_8_ | cg3_8_ | +------+--------+-----------------+ | 1 | Java | Java Category | | 2 | Oracle ...

26. Is it a good idea to use native queries without an id?

I'm trying to write a native query that maps to one of our model objects. The problem is that these queries don't have a naturally unique id column. What is the best way for me to go about this? Is this even a good idea? According to the dtd I must define an id column for my class. I could write ...

27. find by id not working

Hibernate version: 3 Database: DB2 8.1 My app is not able to lookup an object by id. I am logging the sql and I am not seeing the select statement. I don't know why. I am using Spring/Hiberernate. I will post my code below with the mapping. I know my code is hitting the method where the find by id is ...

28. Why there is no method like containsObject(class,id)?

Hi I need a session method to determine if an object of specified class is already associated with the session. When I call session.get(class,id), I obtain an instance of the given class, but I don't know if that instance was already associated with the session or was just loaded. I have the id and the class of the object and only ...

29. Query cache invalidation when querying by ID

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Hi all, I'm running into a query cache issue using a Criteria object with the criterion, Restrictions.idEq(). The Criteria is created as follows: User user = (User) session.createCriteria(User.class) .add(Restrictions.idEq(1)) .setFetchMode("groups", fetchMode) .setCacheable(true) .setCacheMode(CacheMode.NORMAL) .uniqueResult(); I am using a Criteria rather than Session.load() or Session.get() so that the fetch mode can be set dynamically. I can see from the ...

30. Something like Mysql_Insert_Id()?

* Hibernate version: 3.1 * Hi, i was wondering if there's something in Hibernate like MySQL_Insert_Id() function in PHP / MySQL. I need to know what will be the next identifier in some table (for some object) before calling save(Object), because I need to construct a fileName property of that object using the identifier which I then obviously need before making ...


34. Need idea how to change sort_order, not ID

I am converting an old application over to hibernate. Users are allowed to create attributes. When I enter an attribute I do something like this: ID sort_order value 1 1 name 2 2 address 3 3 phone etc. Anyway, my ID, is a PK, and hibernate does the increment. The sort, I have been getting the max(sort_order) value plus 1. All ...

36. ConstraintViolationException: could not insert/select ids fo

Below you will find stack trace for this statement Code: DEBUG 27-04 16:06:48,843 (?:?:?) -LastResourceRecord() DEBUG 27-04 16:06:48,843 ( -[com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.RecordList_5] - RecordList::insert(RecordList: empty) : appending /StateManager/AbstractRecord/LastResourceRecord for 0:0:0:1 Hibernate: insert into HT_USER_INVALID_EMAILS select usersignup0_.USER_ID as USER_ID from USER_INVALID_EMAILS usersignup0_ inner join USER_DETAILS usersignup0_1_ on usersignup0_.USER_ID=usersignup0_1_.USER_ID inner join USERS usersignup0_2_ on usersignup0_.USER_ID=usersignup0_2_.USER_ID where USER_ID=? DEBUG 27-04 16:06:48,906 (?:?:?) -TransactionImple.getStatus ...

37. implement a find by example usefull also for id

hi all I noticed by hibernate reference that it's impossible getting pojo by example when in the example is specified just the id. I implemented this (does not work of course by id): public Collection findByExample(Object example) throws PersistenceException {"findByExample..."); Collection collection; try { Criteria crit = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession() .createCriteria(mappedClass); collection = crit.add(Example.create(example).enableLike(MatchMode.EXACT)).list(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); ...

38. Unable to find entity with id ...

Caused by: javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find biz.mbisoftware.fn.ejb.entity.MbiAdres with id [0] at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration$Ejb3EntityNotFoundDelegate.handleEntityNotFound( at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.checkTargetState( at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize( at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation( at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke( ...

39. Getting entity id without query

Hi, I guess it might be a simple question, but i cant get a solution (if there is any). Lets say i have this mapping: class Document{ Integer id; MyFileType file; ..... } class MyFileType{ Integer id; Byte[] file; } Now somewhere in code i do a Document document = session.load(Document.class, someId); Is there any chance i can get without ...

40. Criteria equivalent of select * from a where id not in (...)

Hi, I'm using version with Spring JPA Template and am new to Hibernate, and am trying to perform the following: There is a Users(id, surname) table and an Employee(id, salary) table with a foreign key to the Users table's id. I want to find all users that aren't employees, so basically the below SQL: Code: select * from users u ...

44. Strange behaviour -- get(class, id) and find() work differen

Hi, I met a very strange problem with hibernate. I have a parent entity -- Employee which has two child Entities -- Comment and ManagerEmployee. Employee has one-to-many mappings to both. When I use get(Employee.class, id), hibernate generates a huge select statement with left out join to tables of Comment and ManagerEmployee, and I got duplicated results in employee.getComments().size() When I ...