Issue « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate's setFirstResult() issue with Oracle jdbc driver

I'm trying to do pagination with Hibernate using setFirstResult() and setMaxResults() but I'm not getting the expected results when setting the first result to 0. When doing the following:

Query query ...

2. Hibernate with Oracle JDBC issue

I have a select query which takes 10 min to complete as it runs thru 10M records. When I run thru TOAD or program using normal JDBC connection I get the ...

3. Issue with a JPA query

I am trying to execute the following JPA query:

    public static final String UPDATE_INVENTORY_CUSTOMER_FOR_AMS_MAPPING = "UPDATE Inventory inventory SET" 
    + " = :" ...

4. Hibernate Named Query with Join issue

I am trying to create a named query which joins a two tables based on an id. I am getting a HibernateException saying "errors in named queries: Users.getAllUsers the Users bean has ...

5. Hibernate Criteria SubQuery case insensitive issue

I have some problems with a criteria like the following. It works fine, but I need the condition to be case insensitive.

DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Row.class, "row")

6. HQL issue with hasMany String

That's the context of this issue: I have a Grails class:

class User{
   long id
   static hasMany = [skills: String]
I'd like to get users from ...

7. JPA Hibernate EHCACHE issue with onetoone associations - QueryCache

I have an entity directly mapped to UI which has some lookup tables where the data would not change at all. In my Controller I am using findAll on the look ...

8. Hibernate setFirstResult() / setMaxResult() issue to solve

I have a paging table which fetches data via Hibernate using a basic SELECT FROM ORDER BY with a setFirstResult() and setMaxResults() I have a requirement that the table shows a particular ...

9. HQL query order issue

I use Hibernate and I have 2 JPA entities:

  • Discussion (with an Id, a subject, a bidrectional relation with a set of Post and a forumCategory as an enum).Some discussions have no ...

10. Hibernate: HQL Row Count Subquery issue

I am trying to work with a subquery/sub-select in HQL (Hibernate) but it doesn't work and throws an error... I wanna know if there is an equivalent in HQL to something like ...

11. HQL query with LIKE having issues

I am working on a search query using HQL and everything works find until I get to the LIKE clause. No matter what I do it does not seem to execute ...

12. weird query issue on hibernate

I met a weird problem with updating & displaying data in hibernate. Can anyone help me please!? I am using hibernate, spring with mysql. The problem here i am facing is, any ...

13. Issues with a query on the AS/400 with LIKE clause

We are using Hibernate to connect to AS/400. We are having issues with a query on the AS/400 with the LIKE clause. The following error is shown:

java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0131] Operands of ...

14. JPA hibernate date between query issue

In my application am using JPA entity manager to persist data/fetch data.

em.executeQuery("select * from file_calender_mapping where start_date between :start and :end");
em.setParameter("start",startDate)//startDate is an date object em.setParameter("end",endDate)//endDate is an date object List fmlist=em.execute(); The proble ...

15. Hibernate querying issue

I have the following code on the webservice that uses Hibernate

Session session = ICDBHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
User user = (User) session.load(User.class, userid);

userId is a paramter sent from the client.
User class

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public ...

16. Hibernate querying - issue with resolving property

Hey I have a small problem doing a query: the query line is: Query query = session.createQuery("from Recipe r where'" + searchString + "' and r.ownerid=" + userId ); the .hbm.xml file is:

<?xml ...

17. JPA JOIN Query issue

I'm experimenting with JPA queries but keep getting an error on the following query

FROM usertype_permissions up
JOIN permissions p ON up.PERMISSION_ID = p.ID
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An exception ...

19. Hibernate query cache issue

Hi all, I am using hibernate and spring for my application. And I am using Hibernate second level cache mechanism with Ehcache. There is a central database and two different applications running on different JVMs are working on it. One of them is a web aplication which is built using hibernate and spring. There is one query(Sensor Object) which is actually ...

20. Issue with Hibernate Update Basi Query

21. Hibernate - Query Issues With Many-To-One Relationships

Hello all. Specs: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition MySQL 5.1 Hibernate Core 3.0 JDK 1.6 So, I currently have 2 tables that have a many-to-one relationship, named Ability and AbilityType. Here are the sql commands used to create the tables: AbilityType create table AbilityType ( id int not null primary key, name varchar(30), description text )type=InnoDB; Ability create table Ability ( ...

22. Refresh issue for hibernate session

Hi All, I have major problem , suppose in my application I am update dealer and set his status 'Active' and and search it show status 'Active'. then after i upadate same dealer n set status 'Inactive', search it shows 'inactve'like this I set status of same dealer "Suspended" then it show 'suspedned'. but when we refresh our page and or ...

23. Hibernate 3.0 Issue, Queries executed millions of times

Hello All, I have a problem at hand which is causing a lot of concern out here. Background : we use hibernate for all our database activities, version of hibernate is 3.0. we have 3 schemas and each contains close to 15 - 20 tables Now, recently we extracted the AWR report for our database instance, and we were startled by ...

24. Issue in HQL Update query with element

25. Issue with Projections.min() on empty table

26. Query Issues With Many-To-One Relationships

Hello all. Code: Specs: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition MySQL 5.1 Hibernate Core 3.0 JDK 1.6 So, I currently have 2 tables that have a many-to-one relationship, named Ability and AbilityType. Here are the sql commands used to create the tables: Code: AbilityType create table AbilityType ( id int not null primary key, name varchar(30), ...

27. Issue with Query caching and empty result sets

Hello. I am using hibernate-core-3.3.2GA with hibernate-jbosscache2-3.3.2GA and I have a question about the query cache. When I run a query using a Criteria and after calling setCacheable(true), it works fine in the general case. However, when I search for something that ends up with an empty result set, that query doesn't seem to be cached. When I monitor the hibernate ...

28. issue with createFilter

It is generating the following query . When I executed it in DB giving teh rownum as 15, I'm getting 15 Invoices. How do we know what value is being used for rownum ? select * from ( select invoice0_.INVOICEID as INVOICEID82_, invoice0_.DUEDATE as DUEDATE82_, invoice0_.TOTALAMOUNTDUE as TOTALAMO3_82_, invoice0_.INVOICEDATE as INVOICED4_82_, invoice0_.CREATEDDATE as CREATEDD5_82_, invoice0_.CREATEDBY as CREATEDBY82_, invoice0_.MODIFIEDDATE as MODIFIED7_82_, invoice0_.MODIFIEDBY ...

29. Hibernate Criteria Projection Transformer issues

Hi I have written a criteria query with some projections. I am trying to transform the result into an object instead of an list of Object[]. The root criteria is against the class which is defined as @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name ="order_type", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING). In the transformer.transformTuple , I am trying to differentiate the instance based on discriminator. And to ...

30. Issue with column named ORDER

I've recently upgraded to Hibernate 3.5.0-CR-1. Several of my tables have columns named "order". It worked before, but now the SQL statement that Hibernate generates is malformed around the word "order", namely it's missing the tablename infront of the column name, as in this example (plus there's an extra empty line): select as id30_, footerlink0_.locationId as locationId30_, footerlink0_.locationLevel as location3_30_, ...

31. Pagination Issue in result when specify Order

Hi, In my Scenario, i have done pagination using spring/Hibernate which displays 100 results per page and also specify ascending order on lastname field startIndex = 0;maxDisplay=100; Order order = Order.asc("lastname"); criteria.addOrder(order); criteria.setFirstResult(Integer.parseInt(startIndex)); criteria.setMaxResults(Integer.parseInt(maxDisplay)); For the first time it gives me quick response but when i click next it is giving me output in almost 1 minute Here are the 2 ...

32. MySQL 5.1.44 + Hibernate 3.5 subquery issues

Hi, I am playing around with Hibernate 3.5 as a JPA provider to access MySQL. Everything looked rather impressive until I stumbled upon a problem with sub queries and EXISTS predicate. I am not sure about all sub queries but JPA-QL query with EXISTS predicate does not seem to work with MySQL 5.1 RDBMS setup. I used a query similar to ...

33. Hibernate Criteria Queries - Dynamic Depth and Breadth Issue

Ok, So I know that I can chase to any depth (meaning number of "hops" from the base object to far away objects (Example using manufacturer, make and model of cars - the query is intended to list a count of car models made by Volkswagen) Code: session.createCriteria( model.class ) .setProjection( Projections.rowCount() ) .createCriteria( "make" ) ...

34. Hibernate Lazy issue or where clause please..

Hi, I have below hibernate issue. Here is my configration. Code: ........ ...

35. Refresh configuration issue

Hi guys, I'm developing a webapplication with spring 3.0.2, hibernate 3.3.1 ga, mysql 5.1 and tomcat 6.0.18. One of the required points would be to change the root password to mysql. After that, I'm also changing a file which is used for storing hibernate properties. Hibernate is integrated with spring, so I'll have first to invalidate spring context and reloading ...

36. Issues using Criteria and Query

I am new to hibernate and trying to write one small program which just querries oracle db and get the results back. Here is my spring config file entry ${hibernate.dialect} true org.test.beans.User org.test.beans.Organization Here is ...

37. Closed Connection Issue while executing hibernate query

Method 1 : executing the hibernate query SQLQuery sqlQuery = this.createSQLQuery(query.toString()); sqlQuery.addEntity("us", Users.class); List userList = sqlQuery.list(); if (userList.size() > 0){ return (Users) userList.get(0); } else { return userObj; } Method2 : executing normal SP conn = this.getNativeConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = call pkg.sp(?, ?, ?)}"); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); stmt.setString(2, username.toUpperCase()); stmt.execute(); strCheck = (String)stmt.getObject(1); public Connection getNativeConnection() { if (isOpen()) { ...

39. Hibernate Criteria Order By Case When Issue

Hi I'm new to Hibernate and posted this question in another forum, but haven't got any solution. Sorry for the cross posting. My issue is to order addresses by a particular state (Maryland) and then show all other states after that. I was able to get he SQL from the other post. I want an equivalent of this SQL in Hibernate ...

40. Issue with HQL Update query with element


Hi Daniel, I found two similar issues on StackOverflow that might help: The problem with DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY it's that it removes equal rows. If you happened to use a join method as well, some rows will have different fields although it is the same entity (so this might be effecting the number of rows displayed eventually). Another reccomendation regarding Criteria#setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE), suggests to ...

42. No one else has issues with associations + projections?

Some time back I had filed defect HHH-5854 as fetching of onetoone associations on projections resulted in an unsavory ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions. But what I found more surprising was no one else seems to be having this problem as I could not find any blogposts or articles about this! The test case I attached to the defect is fairly simple and demonstrates the ...

43. Issue with inner join in subquery (Bug?)

I have the following HQL: Code: from ServiceProvider sp where sp.serviceProviderStatus = 1 and (?1 in (select distinct from Zipcode z left join sp.coverageCounties cnty where z.state = cnty.state and z.county = cnty.county)) This query parses fine but the corresponding generated query fails because the joined table in the subquery is somehow missing: Code: from ...

44. weird query issue on hibernate

Beginner Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:26 am Posts: 35 Hi All, I met a weird problem with updating & displaying data in hibernate. Can anyone help me please!? I am using hibernate, spring with mysql. The problem here i am facing is, any changes can be applied to database. But if I load updated item on web page, it always ...

45. Query Time out issue in Hibernate

46. Simple Query issues

Hi all, I have a very simple question about queries. I am trying to run the following query: from Student student where student.StudentId = " + query.getStudentId() on the following class mapping:

47. a query issue

Hi, I am having a little query issue that I am sure someone here has faced/resolved. It is really simple. What should I do using the Query interface to do a select using a wildcard '%'? I am doing this Query q = session.createQuery("Select count(*) from persistClass as pc where name like %?%"); q.setString(0, "am"); I also tried this: Query q ...

48. many-to-many query issue

Hello all, How could I write this query using HQL ? select * from nom_privilege p inner join nom_group_privilege gp on<>gp.privilege_id where group_id = 4; OR select * from nom_privilege p where not exists (select * from nom_group_privilege gp where gp.privilege_id = and gp.group_id = 4); Schema: GROUP <-*------*-> PRIVILEGE ..... ...

49. Query issue - dublicate objects returning from the database

I am performing a simple query agains an Oracle database. Here is the code between session and close Code: SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); ...

50. Hibernate HQL Issue - Cannot find table

When I run my HQL query and look in debug mode, The SQLException that I get says "Table or view does not exist" Here is my code : result = sess.find("from com.accidentfund.common.db.hibernate.PolicyDim as policy where policy.policyNumber = ?", vo.getPolicyNum(), Hibernate.STRING); The mapping for PolcyDim.hbm.xml is :

51. Hibernate Query Issue

I am using Hibernate 2.1.2 with Resin 2.1.12 and SAPDB 7.4. The following is my object structure. Code: public class Catalog { Long catalogId = null; String catalogName = ""; ... ... } public class Market { Long marketId = null; String marketName = ""; ... ...

52. Hibernate Query Issue

I posted this question in the Miscellaneous forum by mistake. I think it belongs under the Beginners section. Sorry about that. I am using Hibernate 2.1.2 with Resin 2.1.12 and SAPDB 7.4. The following is my object structure. public class Catalog { Long catalogId = null; String catalogName = ""; ... ... } public class Market { Long marketId = null; ...

53. Issue about (count,group by) to get record count in HQL.

String hql2 = "select count(*) as recordCnt from (select t.f as tf, count(t.f) as tfCnt from Tbl as t where like 'J%' group by t.f) as Tmpt"; //wrap the "select count(*) from (...) as TempT" around the original hql Query query = session.createQuery(hql2); //Run error because Hibernate does not support hql in such syntax. List list = query.list(); int recordCount ...

54. Issue about assemble where clause dynamicly.

55. Can Hibernate issue query to database without using HQL/SQL?

These days, I am investigating cursor leak issues of a large application, which uses Struts, Hiberate2 and Oracle. When the applicatin is running, I use the following SQL sentence to query database and get some SQL sentences. select count(v$sqlarea.sql_text),v$sqlarea.sql_text from v$open_cursor, v$sqlarea, v$session where v$open_cursor.hash_value = v$sqlarea.hash_value and v$open_cursor.sid = v$session.sid and v$session.status = 'INACTIVE' group by v$sqlarea.sql_text; But, I found ...

56. Criteria and the count() issue

I've been working on the issue described above, and this is what I've got until now: Code: try { Session s = Persistance.getSession(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select count(*) from "); sql.append(criteria.getCriteriaClass().getName()); CriteriaImpl criteriaImpl = (CriteriaImpl) criteria; ...

58. HQL issue, GROUP BY generated SQL, Hib 3.0.4


59. 2.1.8 proxy issue. Feeling like such a novice... sigh.

Regular Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:39 pm Posts: 106 Location: Toronto, Canada Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 2.1.8 Mapping documents: Code:

60. issue:HB is sending a wrong query to DB server

Author Message jortuno Post subject: issue:HB is sending a wrong query to DB server Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:20 am Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:20 am Posts: 3 Hello Guys, I am getting the exception (see below) trying to save a object into my Db. Since I am fairly new with HB, my desing is ...

61. latest cvs hibernate3 issue with classic query

I just took latest cvs hibernate3. I am using classic query - and the queries that used to work, doesn't work with this latest. It gives an error saying : java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: select clause aliases ar e not supported by classic parser at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.getReturnAliases( at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getHQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.createQuery( please, can this be fixed? I need to ...

62. Criteria API for Pagination - Non-Repeatable Read Issue

I have had good success using the Criterion API for pagination, but now I have come to the non-repeatable read issue where if the database is updated frequently while users are viewing paginated results, it will have the undesired effect of updating those results while paging through them. Is there a way to fix the result set when it was first ...

63. Hibernate - Oracle Issue - Unable to move - Query Displayed

Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:15 am Posts: 3 Please have a look at the provided code and configuration. IT seems correct as the SQL is displayed correctly in the logs. But when its run from Hibernate it says Table or View does not exist. I tried this directly from JDBC but there it required table name in Double Quotes ...

64. HQL Query Issue

Hello everybody! I just want to make a quit question: In my DB I have a table Sensor which is connected 1--* with table Parameter (1 Sensor has * Parameters). I have a value that is a SensorId of table Sensor and I want to get the value of ParameterId in table Parameter, which has the foreign key ID_Sensor. I'd like ...

66. HQL Issue: Could not execute Query

67. Select new Holder(entity, entity.a) issues multiple select

[b]Hibernate version: 3.2.0.cr4[/b] [b]Mapping documents: None - using JPA implementation[/b] [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():[/b] I am using the following named query: @NamedQuery(name=Country.COUNTRIES_AS_SELECT_ITEMS, query="select new javax.faces.model.SelectItem(c, from Country c") Which is called from the following method: public List getAllCountriesAsSelectItems() { return entityManager.createNamedQuery(Country.COUNTRIES_AS_SELECT_ITEMS).getResultList(); } [b]Name and version of the database you are using:Oracle 9.2 and HSQLDB (same results with either ...

68. Suggested fix for HQL - MySQL setMaxResults issue

Hi, After some experimentation, we'd like to suggest an easy fix to a problem we encountered. When using HQL with the Hibernate 3 entity manager to limit the number of records returned ( at the database level, via generated SQL, not in memory) we were getting an exception due to the query builder trying to attach a parameter to the prepared ...

69. Many-to-one Additional Select Issue

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: NHibernate 1.2 Beta 2 Mapping documents: ...

70. Issue with Projection and disappearing inner join

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DispensingServiceAuditTrail.class) .add(Example.create(example)) .createAlias("organisation.accreditedSystems", "as") ...

71. Criteria Group by issue

Hi , The point is that when you group a result with respect to a column name fetching other individual columns does not make sense rather you can get the max,min or sum or the columns grouped by the criteria specified. For eg. List list = criteria.setProjection(Projections.projectionList() .add(Projections.sum("version")) .add(Projections.groupProperty("name")) ).list(); Here I fetch the sum of version column of the rows ...

72. Date Issue in Hibernate Query

Hi Frnds, In my code the query is generated like this... select * from TableA where currDate = 'Fri Jun 01 14:47:45 IST 2007' I'm using java.util.Date in my code.But the database(MySQL) has different Date format like '2007-06-01 14:47:45'. So obviously my query doesn't return the correct result. Can you suggest How to solve this problem? Thanks in Advance, Senthil.

73. Issue with projection across multiple tables

Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class); Criteria altIdCrit = crit.createAlias("IdSet", "IdSet"); Criteria altIdDescnCrit = crit.createAlias("IdSet.AltIdDescn", "AltIdDescn"); ProjectionList projList = Projections.projectionList(); projList.add("Person.Id")) .add("IdSet.AltIdCde")) .add("IdSet.AltIdDescn.AltIdDescn")); crit.setProjection(Projections.distinct(projList)); List persons = crit.list();

74. Unable to issue a SELECT FOR UPDATE using Hibernate/DB2

Hi All, Firstly let me say that I am new to hibernate so if i haven't provided enough information please let me know. I am using hibernate (version 3.2.3) with DB2 (version 9.1) and WebSphere 6.1. I have configured the hibernate environment configuration file and I am retrieving and updating data using hibernate. I am now attempting to read records with ...

75. 'with clause' issue

I tried to upgrade the hibernate jars in my application Old Hibernate Version: Upgraded Hibernate Version: Package Version Release date Category ===============|===========|================================ Hibernate Core | | 31.07.2007 Production -------------------|-----------|--------------------------------- Hibernate | 3.3.0 GA | 20.03.2007 Production Annotations | | ---------------|-----------|--------------------------------- And i get the exception, org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: with-clause referenced two different from-clause elements for this HQL select new (, ...

76. Criteria and DetachedCriteria sub-query issue

I am using Criteria objects to create a query and sub-query. The generated sql is not what I intended and I'm a bit perplexed. I have 4 tables, 3 relevant: user project role project_role_user The first three have a PK of 'id' and the 4th is a junction table of the three. When a user is on a project, an entry ...

77. Session Refresh Issues Using Hibernate and JPA

This is my first port to the Hibernate forum, but I'm at my wits end with a particular issue. We use Hibernate 3.3.1 and the Java Persistence API. In an attempt to simplify persistence tasks for the other developers, we've hidden the EntityManager behind our own API. Using generics, we've managed to create an API that exposes a save(), delete(), and ...

78., could it be an issue?

Hi all, I'm having a problem using the Criteria API, and I don't know if this is an usual behaviour, or on the contrary, it's an issue. This is the code: // Criteria Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Bill.class); criteria.createAlias("customer", "customer", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN); // Restrictions criteria.add("billNumber", bill.getNumber().toString(), MatchMode.END)); // Result return (List) criteria.list(); The point is bill.getNumber() returns a Long object, so I need ...

79. bulk insert select issue

Hi Guys, I have some issues with hql bulk insert select statement. Currently i have the following sql sqlB.append("insert into event_group(case_id,event_seq,group_seq,name,"); sqlB.append("publicity_date,source_of_info,invno,country,comment,target_acquiry,lum,ltm) "); sqlB.append("select '" + group.getCaseId() + "', " + group.getEventSequence()); sqlB.append(", isnull(max(group_seq),0)+1, '" + name.toUpperCase() + "',"); sqlB.append("me.event_date, '" + source + "', me.invno, "); sqlB.append("'" + country.toUpperCase()); sqlB.append("', '" + comments + "', '" + group.getTypeCode() + "',"); ...

80. Criteria Query Issue with Projection and restriction

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Customer.class).setProjection( Projections.projectionList() .add(, "id") .add(, "name") ) .add(, email)) .add(, ...

81. Number of queries generated by Hibernate during insert issue

Hibernate version: 3.2.6 Name and version of the database you are using: DB2 8.1 Hi, I have a question regarding the number of queries Hibernate generates when doing an insert. I have a Class A which has a collection of Class B. When i perform a getHibernateTemplate().save(instanceOfA) and the collection contains 1 instance of B i see the following queries generated: ...

82. Hibernate natural sort issue

My initial problem is that I want to be able to use Hibernate Tools Reverse Engineering to create SortedSets instead of Sets. After researching the issue and checking a number of forums, I realized that there is no built in functionality for this and the best option was to manually edit the *.hbm.xml files and regenerate. I was hoping that by ...

83. Named Query Issue

Newbie Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:29 pm Posts: 1 I have a named query that will not compile. I receive the following error: Errors in named queries: UserComment.findCommentToPages. Note that I have jUnit tested all the mappings and all tests are successful, which means there is something wrong with my named query. The named query is below: Code: ...

84. select vs insert involving non-ascii characters issue

We are having a problem with a conflict between a select HQL and an insert. We perform a select on an object to check if the value is already in the table. When the select results with no entries we insert that value. The table has a unique index. What happens is that the select indicates the value is not in ...

85. Issue accessing Collections on Query Result

Hibernate version: 3.2.4 Hibernate Mapping for MedOrders Collection on Resident. : Code: List ww1 = retriever.getDao().createSQLQuery( "select " ...

86. ClassCastException and HQL Query - issues with "distinct"

Hi, I'm new to hibernate and have found a few issues that I was hoping I could maybe get some guidance for: I'm using annotations and I've created a bean (DealerLocation) and mapped the database Columns to the corresponding variables in my bean. I have a method that returns a List for that bean, which executes an HQL query. The following ...

87. Database Refresh Issue(Save and query)

89. Saving one record issues 4 additional queries

Author Message ljubisap Post subject: Saving one record issues 4 additional queries Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:35 am Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:23 am Posts: 3 Hello, I have simple configuration. One "parent" table where I want to save record and several child tables related many-to-one to parent table. I have created parent record in this ...

90. Native query caching issue (no query spaces)

Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:49 pm Posts: 2 I ran into some trouble using a named native query with setCacheable(true). I found a solution, but I'd like feedback on what I did; and maybe I have some suggested improvements to Hibernate and Hibernate Annotations. The setup: The idea of the named query is to get the list of users ...

91. Hibernate multiple threads issue :createQuery is not valid

Author Message shpara.v Post subject: Hibernate multiple threads issue :createQuery is not valid Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:17 am Newbie Joined: Wed May 20, 2009 6:50 pm Posts: 4 Hi I am testing sample petclinic application with multithreaded environment. I have written a spring quartz bean which creates 10 threads every 500 seconds, each of them adding a ...

92. cast issue on simple query