generate 1 « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate generates invalid SQL query with MySQL

I have the following JPA entity classes (example case). A House belongs on a single Street. A Street has many Houses.

public class House {

2. OneToOne relationship with shared primary key generates n+1 selects; any workaround?

Imagine 2 tables in a relational database, e.g. Person and Billing. There is a (non-mandatory) OneToOne association defined between these entities, and they share the Person primary key (i.e. PERSON_ID is ...

3. Wrong ordering in generated table in jpa

This (should) be a rather simple thing to do, however I am struggling. I want a table to be generated like this:

However, when I look in the database, I see ...

4. Hibernate is not generating proper queries for MySQL

I am changing configuration of hibernate 3.0 from MSSQL to MySQL. This is done but Hibernate is not generating proper queries for MySQL. I have also updated my configuration file with ...

5. Hibernate Annotations generating query that produces SQLGrammarException

Still duking it out with Hibernate... I'm using Hibernate-Annotations instead of hbm.xml files for my beans, but I'm currently running into a problem where the SQL that Hibernate is generating references nonexistent ...

6. Converting HQL Query to Criteria generates invalid SQL

I am attempting to convert the following HQL query to Criteria.

from SubportfolioAudit as a
where a.ID in (select max(a2.ID)
       from SubportfolioAudit as a2

7. How generate the SQL queries that match the JPA Entity CRUD operations at build time with Hibernate

Given JPA annotated Entities, is it possible to generate (i.e. before runtime) the list of queries that will be performed by Hibernate for CRUD operations (performed against EntityManager) ? For named ...

8. Nhibernate : is it possible to make HQL generate SQL query with JOIN

This is my problem. I have a many-to-one relationship from a accountlist to a client When i want to list accounts with client name, my HQL query ("From accountlist") generates thousands SQL queries, one ...

9. Hibernate: Value generated by SQL query

I want Hibernate 3.3.0 to generate a value by performing a SELECT query before INSERT (persist()). Which would work like this:

@GenerateSQL("SELECT RANDOM() * 2")
private int number;
I've had a look at @Generated(), ...

10. Can anyone tell why this JPA criteria query generates an invalid SQL statement when executed (Hibernate) and how to fix it?

I'm having a hard time constructing a criteria query to get the "permissions" attribute from the Role entity with id = 2. The permission attribute is of Set type, so I'm ...

11. Best practice to generate a JPA dynamic, typed query?

i'm trying to convert a 'TableController'-Class we used (without ORM) to generate dynamic SQL (actually the order column and direction is appended to the SQL). Think of this 'TableController' as a class ...

12. How to generate namedQuery by hibernate?

I am working in a project where Java entity classes are generated from db scheme by hibernate tool. I would like to have named queries in the generated classes to be ...

13. Hibernate JPQL/HQL: bug with aggregate functions showing results of wrong table/entity joined twice (using HSQLDB only)?

I have the following tables:

  club_abbr VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
  ordinal_nbr SMALLINT,


14. JPA native query generation with COUNT (DISTINCT obj)

please help me with JPQL Query on OpenJPA 1.2.x Here is the text of my query:

select count (distinct evt) from Event evt WHERE (evt.beginDate >= :startOfPeriod and evt.beginDate ...

15. Hibernate generates extra query

I have 2 tables A and B . I write hql like a.key=? and It generates extra query than needed. First query is from to get elements which matches give a.key (it has ...

16. Can auto generated queries from annotations be query cached with hibernate

@OneToMany( mappedBy = "campaignChallenge" )
@OrderBy( "challengeGameNumber ASC" )
public List<ChallengeGame> getChallengeGames() {
    return challengeGames;
In the example above I'm using JPA to annotate. It will auto create a query ...

17. HIbernate generates wrong query with multiple joins (for many-to-many) for MySQL

I'm having troubles with Hibernate + MySQL. Initially the problem appeared in system we develop and later I've managed to reproduce it in small test project. So, there are 4 entities: Person, ...

18. hibernate dynamic query generation from static queries

Does Hibernate generate dynamic SQL from static queries ? For eg : "select * from user where userid = ? and deptId = ? " ...

19. Hibernate automatically appending 1=2 to the generated query

Hibernate is generating the SQL for the following query :

select from PersistentContentProfile pcp where = :service_id and exists(select 1 from Subscription s where = and s.status in ...

20. How does Hibernate SQL generation works ? (used with Criteria API, setfirstResults and setMaxresult)

I have a question about how Hibernate generates SQL when used with the Criteria API. I have an @Entity called Mission. Each mission is linked to a Client (which the mission ...

21. Trying to get Hibernate to generate a subquery instead of inner joins (using Grails)

This question is sort of a follow-up to the question I posted here: Problem with duplicates using Grails' withCriteria function with a many-to-many relationship I'm using the same 3 domain classes ...

22. Hibernate generating wrong SQL query with subselects and joined classes

Currently I am working on a project with a pretty extended data model. If I fetch an single entity I get a SQLGrammerException and the query generated isn't valid SQL. Perhaps ...

23. JPA- Hibernate - ID values generated from Select statement

I am having problems mapping a legacy database schema using JPA annotations. The schema uses a table to generate unique IDs for most of the tables in the db - it has ...

24. Is is possible to use Postgresql's Explain to analyse queries generated by Grails GORM

I found and have used a closure that temporarily turns hibernate.SQL logging to Trace to allow me to see the exact queries that are generated. However I would like to be ...

25. Hibernate generate count(1)

By default when do count with hibernate, it will generate count(*) , is it possible to change it so that the default become count(1) ? i do not want to ...

26. Generating Entire JPA Layer (Including finders with Dynamic Queries)

Can someone suggest a JPA Layer generator similar to NetBeans but which generates a complete layer by which i can search for any field or any combination of any fields on ...

27. HQL query generates AntlrRuntime.NoViableAltException since NHibernate upgrade

I'm upgrading NHibernate from v 2.0 to 3.2. All our unit tests work Ok except for one which tries to execute the HQL query :

select  from SkillRequirementCoverage src  ...

28. auto generated jpa controller netbeans 6.5 compile error : cannot find symbol method getELContext()

Hello. I am new in web development. I have generated jpa controllers from entity classes in netbeans 6.5 but it doesn`t compile. Here is the code :

29. Can a JPA Generated Queries Be Simplified?

I have the following EntityManager query: em.createQuery(" SELECT object(o) FROM INTERNALIPADDRESSBINDING o WHERE o.internalIpAddress.ipAddress = :ip AND o.macAddress.macAddress = :mac AND o.bindTimestamp = :bind ") o.internalIpAddress is an entity class with ...

30. Netbeans, HQL Query, generated-class

Hi all, Am trying to use the Netbeans "Run Query" feature in the Query Editor but cannot get results displayed if my hibernate-mapping file uses the "generated-class" meta attribute. The query ...

32. Hibernate generate select while storing object.

Hi, Here we are using JTA transaction and Ehcache, first we are taking TransactionManager instance to manage the transaction across different sessions, then we have single instance of SessionFactory instance through which we are taking instances of Session Object, here we are taking Different Session object to store each object , and after storing each object we flush and close the ...

34. Please explain me the hibernate generated sql queries in console

Hi All, Just recently started learning Hibernate.. Here Im posting some sample code which I have got the output perfectly, but I havent understood exactly the generated SQL queries. Please see the whole code ... package; import java.util.Set; public class Event { private int eventId; private String eventName; private Set speakers; private Set locations; public int getEventId() { return eventId; ...

35. [JPA] Weird generated native SQL query (pagging)

36. [SOLVED] Selectively disable generation of a new ID

Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:02 am Posts: 3 The problem is: We have a large application, and 99.9% of time, the automatic ID generation works perfectly; recently, though, we had to implement an application that pulls data from another application through a webservice and saves it to the local database. Both use exactly the same persistent classes. I need ...

37. Wrong query generated using Criteria on a compositeid

Hi there, I'm having some trouble with a Criteria query. It seems that the generated SQL query misses a join. I have a many-to-many relationship between item (Articolo) and author (Autore). The n-m table have the foreign key column plus a couple of attributes of the relationship (type of relationship and ordering column). To be able to access this extra info ...

38. Wrong order in arguments constructor during generation

oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@[IP]:[PORT]:DEV26 user pass org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect.OracleMetaDataDialect thread ...

39. query is being generated but stays null

40. Wrong select syntax generated by Hibernate?

Newbie Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:55 am Posts: 8 Hello, I'm trying to connect to my MySQL 5.1 Database. It seems i've succedded except a SQL syntax errror generated by hibernate. I'm trying to execute a simple "findById". I've tried MySQLDialect and MySQLInnoDBDialect but without success. Any ideas? Code: log4j:INFO Using URL [jar:file:/C:/workspace/lib/ressources/jboss/jbossall-client-3.2.1.jar!/] for automatic log4j configuration of repository named ...

41. wrong query generated by Hibernate

Hi, I have a bi-directional multivalued relation between classes com.test.A, com.test.B (A has n B), and the classes com.test.SpecialA and com.test.SpecialB extend A, B respectively. Beside that they override the relation between A and B. Note that in both classes B and SpecialB there are fields of name a$order and type integer to be used as orderBy field for the collection. ...

42. sql generated cause:Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous

Hi, I'm using jpa and hibernate. I have the following error message : Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous It's caused by a bad sql generated. I've got two tables like this : Table Entity (id, field1, field2) Table Chapter (id, name) My mapping : @MappedSuperclass public class TemporalBehavior implements Serializable{ // mapping field1 // mapping field2 ... // } ...

43. how does Hibernate generate query?

SELECT addresslis0_.user_id AS user2_13_1_, addresslis0_.address_type_id AS address1_1_, addresslis0_.user_id AS user2_1_, addresslis0_.address_type_id AS address1_27_0_, addresslis0_.user_id AS user2_27_0_, addresslis0_.address_line AS address3_27_0_, FROM usr_address addresslis0_ WHERE addresslis0_.user_id ...

44. Critiera generates inefficient SQL when using setMaxResults?

String searchText = "a text"; Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(GsObjectEntryTextHibernate.class); // criteria.createAlias("gsObjectEntryTextHibernate", "text"); criteria.add("objectEntryText",searchText)); criteria.setMaxResults(100); Collection results = criteria.list(); ...

45. Querying auto-generated table values

I am using a table generator for managing the ids of a particular entity, in part because I need to be able to periodically query what the next id will be. The generator works perfectly and the table is created and updated correctly, but I am not clear on how to actually query that table. Since it is not mapped to ...

46. Defining the column generation order

Hello I'm generating my tables with JPA 2.0 and hibernate 3.6.5, in my schema I use a composite key describe by the @IdClass annotation, but the column generation don't follow the order given by the code, I would like to know if there is a way to tell to the ORM in my case hibernate through JPA, that this column or ...

47. Cache auto generated queries

Hi, When I make a call to entitymanager persist method, hibernate auto generates the insert SQLs and executes them. Does it cache the auto generated query if query level cache is turned on? If yes, does it mean that the next time I call the persist method on the same entity (either within same session or across sessions), will hibernate execute ...

48. Criteria API generating wrong query

49. Hibernate generating wrong query

50. Query File Config and Generated Code

Howdy, I'd like to store my queries in a file separate from the class/table *.hbm.xml mappings so they don't get clobbered everytime a I run Middlegen against my schema? I realize that this is more of an XML issue (elements must start and end w/in the same entity) and/or Middlegen issue, but I'm wondering if this has already been encountered and ...

51. Criteria generates many select statements

Hello, I have the associations as follows: Code: ... ...

52. MySQL Dialect generating incorrect query

Newbie Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:18 am Posts: 10 Location: Charleston, SC USA I am getting an exception running the following query. It appears to be related to the fact that MySQL Dialect is using an underscore as the schema seperator (In this case nmcibsa is the schema and SEAT_INFO is the table name: HQL: select count(seatInfo) from SeatInfo as ...

53. extra queries being generated

I am a new user to hibernate - using version 2.1.2. I'm sure I'm doing something very basic wrong, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have a very simple one-to-one relationship between 2 tables. I am using the session.find method to retrieve all of the rows in the table (no where clause). I would expect a single sql ...

54. How to get the sql generated for a hql query?

Hi, I have seen that asked like a long time ago, but the guy wasn't given a programatic solution... This time we need to get the sql generated for the queries as we must log them on a the show_sql seems useless for that. Is there any way to do it via an api? I guess lots of people would ...

55. Showing the generated SQL query without invoking it

I'm still having problems with this ... those wrappers just create an overhead I just don't want everytime I execute the query (FYI I'm using it from within a WebSphere AppServer). I just want to show the SQL, starting from a HQL query .. nothing more, nothing less ... I was looking at the QueryTranslator, class, hoping it would be able ...

57. Extra SQL query generated for each item

Author Message ogauti Post subject: Extra SQL query generated for each item Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:03 am Newbie Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:45 am Posts: 2 Hello everyone. My Hibernate version is: 2.1.3 My database is: MySQL 4.1.2 alpha The problem I have is this: I have a Hibernate Query, which returns a list of items. ...

58. MS SQL Server nolock in the generated queries?

Hi there, I've tried searching but haven't found any posts that relates to the problem I'm having at the moment. I was wondering if we can make hibernate generate "nolock" strings in the queries? We've written our application and it works great at the moment but the DBA insists we put the nolock hints into our queries. There doesn't seem to ...

59. Problem with SQL query generated by Hibernate for Oracle

Is there a way to determine the order of tables listed in the from clause in the generated SQL? In Oracle, the default behavior is for the driving table of a join to be listed last, and it should be the smallest table. What I'm seeing is that subclass tables are not being listed after the it's superclass. For example, I ...

60. select command generated with duplicate columns?

Hi all, why does Hibernate generate the sql select command with duplicate columns? I'm using Hibernate 2.1.6 The table I am trying to read has a compound id. Note in the following sql there are 3 columns for ABSENCE_ID: select prmabsence0_.ABSENCE_ID as ABSENCE_ID__, prmabsence0_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE__, prmabsence0_.ABSENCE_ID as ABSENCE_ID0_, prmabsence0_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE0_, prmabsence0_.LEAVE_ID as LEAVE_ID0_, prmabsence0_.HOUR_AMT as HOUR_AMT0_, prmabsence0_.OPS_GL as OPS_GL0_, ...

61. No insert query generated

62. Help with order-by sql generation (possible parser bug)

shipment_sequence_id_seq ...

63. Problem w/ordering of Insertion into DB and Id Generation

Hi - I currently have two objects: User and Item. A one-to-many relationship exists between User and Item; and furthermore, a User has a default item. So, User has a foreign key to Item (for the default item) and each Item has a foreign key to the User. Now, I have a problem with inserting this data into the database - ...

64. How can I add the storage clause to the generated ddl

Does Hibernate provide a way to include a storage clause for tables which are generated by the hbm2ddl mapping tool? I am using hibernate version 2.1.8 hibernate mapping tools version 2.1.3 Oracle 9i and the Oracle9Dialect I would like to be able to specify the tablespace, initial storage allocation, max and min extents, logging options, etc. [/b]

65. many Queries generated, using proxy

Page 1 of 1 [ 3 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message tads Post subject: many Queries generated, using proxy Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:26 pm Senior Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:01 pm Posts: 158 Location: Bragana Paulista - Brasil Hi all, :-) Hibernate version: 2.1.4 ...

66. one hibernate select generating a lot of sql statements

I am very sorry for not posting in the exact forum format, but I am in a major rush to meet a deadline, so I appreciate your understanding. I am running a following statement in hibernate: somelist = session.find("from Rfq rfq order by rfq.po.poDate asc where rfq.po.buyerCode='GAK'"); Instead of generating one line for this select I am getting a few dozen ...

67. Invalid SQL generated: (+) in SQL query

Hello, I'm using Hibernate 3.0. I have a strange effect when using a criteria query running on postgres 8.0: return session.createCriteria(Person.class) .add(Expression.and(Expression.eq("userid", userid), Expression.eq("vsnr", vsnr)) .uniqueResult(); The Person.class has a set to a PersonGroup.class what I think causes the problem: * @hibernate.set * inverse = "true" * cascade = "all-delete-orphan" * lazy = "false" * * @hibernate.collection-key * column = "person" ...

68. Get the generated query


69. Hibernate 3 SQL FROM Clause Comma Generation Problem

I am in the process of migrating from Hibernate 2.0 to Hibernate 3.0. I am attempting to execute a Hibernate 3.0 query that was generated from an HQL string. The following is an example of the HQL I am using: SELECT FROM Person p LEFT JOIN p.names name LEFT JOIN name.type type WHERE name.myName = :myName The following is an ...

70. Extra SELECTs generated with different WHERE FK _COLUMN=X

Beginner Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2003 10:59 am Posts: 47 Hibernate version: 2.1.4 Hello, I have 3 tables, account, user_info, and user_url. The user_info table has a column account_id, which is a FK referencing (the idea is to have multiple users share the same account (username/password) record) The user_url table has a column user_id, which is a FK referencing ...

71. Unnecessary joins generated when querying many-to-many

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Isolated test case at the bottom, including mapping. Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Isolated test case at the bottom, including mapping. Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: No exception occurs Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle The generated SQL (show_sql=true): See below Debug level Hibernate log excerpt: Not relevant ...

72. Hibernate filter on collection generates multiple selects

Hi, I am trying to initialize a collection in MyObject. I used filter like this session.createFilter(MyObj.getCollections(), "order by this.createDt") .setFirstResult(0) .setMaxResults(20) .list(); This works fine. However, the problem is, I am expecting one select statement generated. But instead, in Hibernate3, 20 select statements are generated. This results in a performance degrade... So, my friend, Is that the correct behavior or am ...

74. newbie: Criteria Query Generating Exception :-(

Newbie Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:24 am Posts: 3 Location: India Hi everyone, I am trying to represent a geo-hierarchy in a database. I am using Hibernate v2.18. The hierarchy is a typical parent-child relationship. Country | |__State The mapping document for Country is: Code:

75. HQL generating syntax error for counting M:M relationship

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: (truncated)

76. named native sql query generated wrong, a bug?

SELECT m.manufacturer_id AS mid, p.fk_property_id AS pid FROM templates.manufacturer m INNER JOIN templates.manufacturer_property p ...

77. Hibernate generates wrong query

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Database: PostgreSQL 7.4.8 Hello, Hibernate generates an invalid SQL-Statement for following HQL-Query: Quote: from Company c where in ( select distinct( from Company c left join c.sectors s left join c.keywords k where ( lower(c.name1) like :searchText or lower(c.name2) like :searchText or lower(c.description) like :searchText or lower(c.descKeys) like :searchText or lower( like :searchText or lower( like :searchText ...

78. Hibernate generated multiple select statements

I'm trying to retrieve some data from database by joining 4 tables. One approach is that I can just write a single SQL statement to do the work. But if I use HQL, behind the scene, Hibernate generated more than 8 SQL satements. My question is that will this be an performance impact on my application? What benefit does Hibernate provide ...

79. Generation of sql query from Criteria API

80. I need to get the generated sql of a Query object...

I need to get the generated sql of a Query object without execute it. I've a Query object with this sql: Query query = session.createQuery("from Mensajes as obj where obj.tipoMensaje = :tipoMensaje"); query.setString("tipoMensaje","ER"); I need the genereted SQL: from Mensajes as obj where obj.tipoMensaje = 'ER'... or I need to add it an aditional condition... and obj.estado = 'ac' thank's...

81. Entity not being found, but generated query works in SQL*Plu

I'm having a strange problem where my simple finder isn't finding my record, even though the record is in the database (I closed all connections I was using outside of the application to make sure it wasn't a commit problem). Everything appears to run correctly, and I c-n-p'd the query into SQL*Plus and it came back w/ the record find (the ...

82. What Causes to generate Select?

Is the id for the classes that exhibit this behaviour generated in java code (rather than in the database)? And do you also commit/flush your session? Hibernate may have postponed the insert if it doesn't need to do it immediately. If the id is generated by the database (identity, select newId(), something list that) then the insert should be immediate. In ...

83. Hibernate query failure generated SQL have "with (no lo

I am using Hibernate 2.5 for interaction with database and Spring. DB is MS SQL .Application server JBoss4.0.2 Now I need to perform an outer join on two tables for which I have specified in mapping file as:

84. Criteria Query generating SQL with (1=1)

I've seen this happen when there are no active conditions on the Criteria. Specifically, I've seen it happen in Example criteria when the only attributes set on the Example class were either associations or the identifier property. Example criteria ignore both of these, and the generated query includes the "where (1=1)" condition. If you're using Example criteria, you may want to ...

85. how to see actual SQL generated with query parameter values?

Hi, I have been using hibernate.show_sql=true setting and that shows the SQL queries in a running application but with ?s for the values. I would like to know how to log the SQL statements with actual query parameter values instead of ?s. Some months ago I believe I saw a thread that mentioned some kind of plugin that enables logging to ...

86. Best way to refresh Java Class code generation?

Hibernate version: 3.1.1 Hi, I am wonder what is the best way to update my java table objects when I change my database model. I like the fact that I can make changes to my database by altering my mapping xml file and use the "" property in my Hibernate Configuration to push these changes to my database. Is there a ...

87. Help! unable to locate HQL query plan in cache; generating

Hi I am new to Hibernate. I just started working with the tutorial which is supplied with the reference. While I was strictly following the steps mentioned in the tutorial. I am just struck up at one point while trying to list the events from the EVENTS table, which throws an unDeclaredException and gives me a message as follows: [java] 20:45:25,031 ...

88. FrontBase + ordering clause generates invalid sql query

Hello, I have a problem using ordering clauses with Frontbase, as frontbase requires to specify any defined column alias in an order by clause, and not the column name itself. The below generated sql is thus incorrect, the correct format for FrontBase is "Order by c40_4_0_ desc". How can i make this work? This is verry annoying. Thanks in advance for ...

89. how to avoid generating useless select statement

I have a employee table with following columns: emp_id,emp_name,dept_code and a department table with following columns: dept_code, dept_name the mapping file fot employee is : ... on the screen I want to display emp_id,emp_name,dept_code without dept_name, I think only employee table need to be retrieved. ...

90. Generates bad SQL for a bulk update in hql with a subquery

It seems that the sql code generated from the hql update RelEmissionSociete rel set rel.emission = :a where rel.emission = :b and 0 = (select count( from RelEmissionSociete deja where deja.societe = rel.societe and deja.role = rel.role) is malformed. Any suggestion will be appreciated, thanks Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Query query=getSession().createQuery( "update RelEmissionSociete rel set rel.emission = ...

91. Error in automatically generated SQL-Query. Postgres-dialect

Hibernate version: 3.2cr1 Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: ERROR: syntax error at or near "select" at character 283 Name and version of the database you are using: Postgresql 8.1.4 The generated SQL (show_sql=true): Code: select as id13_3_, this_1_.DESC_ID as DESC2_13_3_, ...

92. Added parenthesis to "order by" of generated SQL p

select sak0_.BGAJCD as BGAJCD, sak0_.BGB2CD as BGB2_0_, sak0_.BGABCD as BGABCD0_, sak0_.BGKYTX as BGKYTX0_, sak0_.BGJBCD as BGJBCD0_, sak0_.BGKZTX as BGKZTX0_, sak0_.BGATDT as BGATDT0_, sak0_.BGACST as BGACST0_, sak0_.BGKXTX as BGKXTX0_, sak0_.BGOMVA as BGOMVA0_, sak0_.BGONVA as BGONVA0_, sak0_.BGOOVA as BGOOVA0_, sak0_.BGOPVA as BGOPVA0_, sak0_.BGHSST as BGHSST0_, sak0_.BGK0TX as BGK15_0_, sak0_.BGEMDT as BGEMDT0_, sak0_.BGAGTM as BGAGTM0_ from IKBGCPL1 sak0_ where sak0_.BGABCD=002030 and sak0_.BGHSST=2 order by ...

93. see query generated in console

Hi Friends I am beginner of hibernate using H3.0 I want to see how the query generated by the hibernate. Where in hibernate.cfg.xml i speciefied show_sql as true.But it is not showing the generated sql query.Do i need to search in some log files.I configured log4j and it is displaying in console.. Thanks in advance.

94. Too many left outer join (and table) on select generated

First, I want to excuse to me for my english. I have a problem with the select generate by hibernate, because it exceds max number of tables accepted by sysbase (>50). I have a great relations number between my tables in mapping files and I haven't to use lazy loading (lazy=true) in many-to one. The problem is that Hibernate generate a ...

95. Hibernate generates wrong SQL query for Oracle

@Entity @Table(name = "ECS_IMPLEMENTATIONS") public class ECSImplementation { ... @ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinTable(name = "ECS_IMPL_REFLIST_VALUES", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "IMPLEMENTATION_ID"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "LIST_ITEM_ID") ) @Where(clause = "LIST_NAME = 'ORDER_PAYMENT_TYPES") @MapKey(name = "listValue") ...

97. Redundant queries generated with Criteria API

98. multiple sql select query generated from single HQL query!

HI. I have a HQL select query in my project I wanted to see the generted SQL i put show_sql=true in hibernate-config.xml file in my project . but the generted query displayed in the console are having huge select queries !! where from so many generated select query came from whereas i had only one HQL in the hibernate side ...

99. many queries generated

100. hibernate generates SQL query with wrong syntax

I am using Hibernate 3.2 I am testing out conditional / formula based join with a traditional example. an Item -> Bid, with 1-many relationship. But with conditional join, I want to map 1 item to only 1 bid (the bid which has biddate column as null, i assumed just for example) Item.hbm.xml ____________________________________________________