sub query « Query « JPA Q&A

1. NHibernate HQL SELECT TOP in sub query

Is there a way of using SetMaxResult() on a sub query? Im writing a query to return all the order items belonging to the most recent order. So I need to ...

2. Hibernate: Perform criteria query with Sub-Select AND Left-Outer join?

Can I perform a Criteria query with Sub-Select AND Left-Outer join? For example, I have A 1-many B 1-many C. With Criteria.createAlias ("b", "b", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN) I can perform Left Outer join. With Criteria.setFetchMode ...

3. HQL query over sub-classes

I have the following entities defined in my Entity Model:

public class MyContainer
   public virtual ICollection<Base> Subs { get; set; }

public abstract class Base
   public virtual Guid Id ...

4. HQL Query 2 sub classes with a property by the same name

I have 3 classes like:

public class Animal
   ... all sort of data ...

public class Cat : Animal
   ... more data ...

   public virtual int Size ...

5. NHibernate sub sub class property query

I have a class A which contains a class B which contains a class C with a property P. So something like this should work shouldn't it?:

var query = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(A));

6. Dynamic Scalar Sub Queries

How to generate Scalar Sub Queries dynamically at run time using Java. Please suggest any api if available? Scalar sub query example:

SELECT d.deptno, d.dname, (SELECT count(*) FROM emp e

7. Hibernate sub query exception

I m using Hibernate hql query but here i got some error i cant indentify why it occurs so can u please help out me to identify my mistake... My HQL Query ...

8. How can I write a Hibernate Criteria query, for a super-class, and check for a certain sub-class?

How can I write a Hibernate Criteria query, for a super-class, and check for a certain sub-class? Let's imagine we have the following classes all mapped up with Hibernate-JPA:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public ...

9. How to Write Sub Query in Hibernate

please help me write the following sub query in hibernate. i ran the following subquery in MYSQL it works perfect in MYSQL select count(*) as totalCount , category_name, category_id from b_entry_category where entry_id in ( select entry_id from b_entries where blog_id = 1132) group by category_name"; BlogsEntryCategory is the class for b_entry_category table BlogsEntry is the class for b_entries table thanks ...

10. please help How to Write Sub Query in Hibernate

please help me write the following sub query in hibernate. i ran the following subquery in MYSQL it works perfect in MYSQL select * from mst_bank, (select udate from util_rep where id = 1) A where mban_date_upd >= udate MstBank is the class for mst_bank table, UtilRep is the class for util_rep table. thanks regards

11. sub query in HQL

Hello, I am having trouble with a HQL query. I have a Rules table, a Owner table and a Owner_Rules that holds one to many mapping between owner and their rules (one owner has many rules). The Rules table also has rules that do not have any owners. I have a rules class, a owner class with one to many mapping ...

12. Write Sub Query in Hibernate help

Hi All. Please help me to right sub query in Hibernate i have 2 table 1.quotes 2.programs my requirement is that when i apply filter apply on quotes table e.g select quote_id,Quote_name,Quote_dir from quote q where q.quote_name like 'j%'; i get all quote_id from above query i need to pass above quote_id to another table (programs) i need following query in ...

13. Problem in making sub -query in Hibernate Criteria query ?

Hi, Iam facing a problem in creating a sub query in Criteria. What i want. i want to call a DAO where iam passing 'effective Date' as well as a parameter to get the filtered record means i want to fire a criteria query where i will get some records and now on those records i want to get the max ...

14. HQL help: counting records with sub-queries

I'm trying to solve the same problem (modifying an HQL query to find the number of rows) with an additional twist: i want it to work with paginated results (via Query.setFirst/MaxResults). I discovered today that in Oracle one can write SQL like: Code: select count(*) over (), row1, row2, ... from ... and then each resulting row contains the total number ...

15. writing sub query inside aggregate function

hi i have to write a pretty complex query which use aggregate functions for sum calculations.i need to write sub query inside aggregate function count().i am using an appropriate constructor to select new instances. i have written the following query . please analyse it and give me suggestion. its urgent. String stringQuery = "select new PeriodicallyLogonDto(" + "select distinct pl1.employee from ...

16. query help: converting a query that uses sub-selects

I want to check if any promoter in a collection of promoters is contained by another collection of promoters this is the query but the DB i need to use doesnt support sub-selects Mysql 4.0, how can I achieve this result without needing sub-selects? from Promotion p where :promoters in elements(p.promoters) Promotion.promoters is a many-to-many collection

17. Sub Query

[b]Hibernate version:[/b] 2.1 [b]Mapping documents:[/b] Hibernate in action [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():[/b] [b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:[/b] [b]Name and version of the database you are using:[/b] [b]The generated SQL (show_sql=true):[/b] [b]Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:[/b] Hi , I am a biggner in Hibernate. I want to write a HQL query using sub queries. I through the "Hibernate ...

18. Criteria sub query count

Hi I have a User Object with a one-to-many to Transaction Object (for instance)... Therefore, one user can have many transactions... Using the Hibernate (3) Criteria API, I want to say "get me all User objects who have not got any Transactions..." But I have not found a way to do this using the Criteria API.. I have tried detached queries, ...

19. How to implement such difficult sub query?

20. !No! SELECT(sub_query) in Hibernate ?

Hy, just a question : Why this Query is not correctly rendered by Hibernate ? : String req = "select, " + " (select count(quantity) FROM TItems i_2 " + " WHERE =" + " AND = :id " + " AND i_2.quantity = 0), " + " (select count(quantity) FROM TItems i_3 " + " WHERE ...

21. Query on superclass tries to run on a sub class.

I have super class A which is backed by a table A in the database. I also have 2 sub classes to this super Class namely AB and AC. These classes are not backed by table in the data base. The hibernate mapping files for all the pojos do not indicate that one is base class and other are sub classes. ...

22. Help with Sub-Query.....

Hi, I have problem using the following EJB3 query with two sub-query in place. SELECT t FROM FacilityStatus model, IN(model.facility) t WHERE t.facilityId IN (SELECT b.facilityId FROM (SELECT t2.facilityId, MAX( FROM FacilityStatus model1, IN(model1.facility) t2 WHERE model1.statusCodes.statusCode IN (300, 301) GROUP BY t2.facilityId) b) When I run the regular SQL on Oracle, it is fine and acceptable. Can someone please help? ...

23. Sub Queries

24. 1 query result for each sub-entity in collection?

Hoping someone can help me with a 3.2.6.GA problem. I have an entity E with a one-to-many relationship to its sub-entity X; E has a list of Xs. I persist an E with 2 Xs in its list, X1 and X2. I use Criteria to .scroll() the results of my query. The criteria has no restrictions, it's just a select *. ...

25. Query with sub query

Hi, I have two related tables: public class User { private Long id; String Code; } public class Leader { Long id; private User user; ... } Two things I'd like to do: 1. return a list of Users that are not in the Leader table; session.createQuery("from User u where ( not in (select p.usr from Leader p))").list(); // this does ...

26. Query by Example with sub Queries ?

Hi Gurus, I have two related tables as in the end of this message, and I have a Query by Example: User u = new User(); // set search conditions in u here Example example = Example.create(u).enableLike(MatchMode.EXACT); Criteria cr = getSession().createCriteria(User.class).add(example); above code works, what I'd like to add now is, the list of Users returned should not be in the ...

27. how to get/compare sub query result with main query

Hi My query is missing the keyword "from" and is Select,subresult.f2,subresult.f2 from (select f1,f2,f3 from pojo1 p1,pojo2 p2 where p1.f4=p2.f8) subresult , pojo3 P where subresult.f3=P.f1 1) can you tell me how to write using HQL (Here we are comparing subquery result with some other class object) (how do I refer/name subquery result ) 2) Can anybody give me example ...