timeout « Query « JPA Q&A

1. How to configure query timeout threshhold for c3p0/hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have an application that is using Hibernate 3, c3p0, and spring 2.5.6. We have a datasource that is configured to speak with a postgres database. Everything was working great until ...

2. specify query timeout when using toplink essential query hint    stackoverflow.com

For glassfish v2, I have searched through the web and I cannot find anyway to specify query timeout when using TopLink essential query hint. We have another option to migrate to ...

3. Query timeout with PostgreSQL    forum.hibernate.org

How can I implement query timeout with Hibernate and PostgreSQL? Unfortunately, query.setTimeout(int) doesn't work, because the PostgreSQL JDBC driver ignores it. JIRA has a brief mention of new support for Postgres. http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-4765 How do I access it? PostgreSQL SQL has no "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE WAIT 1000" construct as is mentioned in the JIRA for Oracle. The official PostgreSQL method of ...

4. Query Timeout not working    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I currently cannot get the hibernate query timeout to work. Also once it is working (hopefully) I'm not sure which exception to catch to differentiate between a real database exception vs the timeout. We have a requirement to time out and instruct user to refine their search. Since this is a configurable timeout and different for different pages we cannot ...

5. Txn/Query/C3p0 Timeout does NOT work.. Need help! :(    forum.hibernate.org

i been trouble shooting this hibernate/oracle10g issue all day.. I can't seem to get any of the timeouts to work. I wrote a test case just to test out the different ways of setting these timeouts, but none really seem to work for me.. The query would continue to run pass the timeout value that I set.. I'm using a DriverManagerDataSource ...

6. Query timeout    forum.hibernate.org

7. timeout when query is too long    forum.hibernate.org

stolley wrote: Looking at the source (coz I was curious), I believe that a call to Query.setTimeout() will eventaully be translated into a call to java.sql.PreparedStatement.setQueryTimeout(). Has this been tested by anyone since? I tried setting a timeout for a query and expected that a single statement will be aborted after seconds. But it was not aborted at all ... ...

9. Scrollable results / session timeout / out of memory    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:56 am Posts: 1 Location: Villeta, Paraguay I'm trying to get a huge amount or records from the db, I'm just getting the Ids from these objects to minimize the data read while iterating the scrollableContracts.next() result I'm getting, sometimes out of memory errors and sometimes (more often) session time out errors: 11:50:28,484 WARN [TimeScheduler] ...

10. Global query timeout property    forum.hibernate.org