Model « Relationship « JPA Q&A

1. Modelling a Two to Many Relationship in JPA/Hibernate

I have the following entity relationship problem. A "Game" must have two (and only two) "Team" objects. A "Team" can have many "Games" This, as far as I can see is a ...

2. How to model a relationship that NHibernate (or Hibernate) doesn’t easily support

I have a situation in which the ideal relationship, I believe, would involve Value Object Inheritance. This is unfortunately not supported in NHibernate so any solution I come up with ...

3. Persistence a One-To-Many Relationship

I am using Java EE 6. Just want to throw it out there first
Here is the relationship. A customer can have multiple facility
Here is Customer Class

public class Customer {

4. Hibernate, how to model this relationship

I have the below tables.

create table logical_id_seq (
    logical_id int auto_increment,
    primary key(logical_id)

create table mytable (
    physical_id int auto_increment,

5. Play! - Many to many relationship on same model class

I have a simple model class in my Play! application:

public class User extends Model {

    public String login;
    public String password;
    public ...

6. Entity-relationship modeling for x-follows-y scenario

Assume there are two models: User and Question. I can use @OneToMany to indicate that one user can have multiple questions. Now if I want to allow user to follow one ...

7. Using matching table relationships in Hibernate

I'm pretty comfortable with SQL, but I'm new to Hibernate. I want to create a User/Message relationship, but I'd like to store whether a given User has Viewed a given ...

8. Hibernate - another way to model One-To-Many relationship with Java classes?

In an application object model some objects are considered independent, and others are considered dependent parts of other objects. In UML a relationship to a dependent object is consider an aggregate or composite association. In a relational database this kind of relationship could be modeled in two ways, the dependent object could have its own table, or its data could be ...

9. Alternative Java model for One-To-Many relationship?

@Entity class Student { int id; String name; StudentDetails details; } class StudentDetails { @One-To-Many(...) Set<Hobby> hobbies; @One-To-Many(...) Set<Award> award; } @Entity class Hobby { Student student; ... } @Entity class Award { ...

10. How to model zero-to-one relationship?

Hi, I have two classes Foo and Bar. Foo may have 0 or one Bar objects. One Bar object can only belong to one Foo object. Should we use one-to-one association to model this? I tried this using the following: On Foo class On Bar class With this mapping, in the database table ...

12. Two ways to model ownership relationship

In my learning Hibernate process, I have seen two way to model the ownership relationship with Hibernate. In the case of Person and Cat, we can have Class Person { Integer id; ...} Class Cat { Integer id; Person owner; ... } or Class Cat { Integer id; Integer owner; ... } The mappings are different. Where are the pros and ...

13. Best Way to model a many-to-one relationship question-Newbie

Hi, I was wondering if anyone my take the time to consider the possible solutions for the following problem. Consider this (edited) class. /** * @hibernate.class */ public class CircuitComponent extends Persistent { private Product product; /** * @hibernate.many-to-one type="com.xxxx.model.Product" not-null="true" * @return Returns the product. */ public Product getProduct() { return product; } /** * @param product The product to ...

14. help in modelling an many-to-many relationship

Dear hibernate users: I am trying to model a many-to-many relationship in hibernate as a one-to-many relationship between first entity and intersection entity and as a many-to-one between intersection entity and second entity. Both foreign keys in intersection table are NOT NULL. The mapping is shown below. When I run the java code snippet below, I get a NOT NULL insert ...

15. Dynamically Configure Model Relationships

I run into this problem a lot. I want to make components reusable, but because of relationships I can't. Let me explain... The User module I have User.class which contains emailAddress, password, etc... The Content module Content.class holds images and text and other things. It has a field user, that is ManyToOne in order to know who owns that content. UserExtension ...

16. Updating a Model with Relationships

I feel like I am having a kind of brain cramp. I have an entity that has a parent/child relationship to another. In this case its Episode and Comments. I am using @OneToMany and @ManyToOne respectively. The @OneToMany has mappedBy="episode" set. I have a web framework (struts2) that will create an Entity by calling the default constructor and call the appropriate ...

17. Modelling a "many to many to many" relationship.

Hibernate version: 3.2.6 Mapping documents: None yet. Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5.0.67 I'm looking for advice on how to model a system. I have Users, Events, and Roles. Users control many Events, and Events can be controlled by many Users. Roles restrict how much control a User has over a given Event. Users can have ...

18. Any thoughts how to model the following relationship...

Gentlemen, I'm trying to model a rather unusual relationship, and AFAIK there's no way to achieve that in Hibernate, but wanted to here others thoughts before I give up. At the guts, the model is plain vanilla. Parent entity A that contains a collection of entity B. Both entities are very simple, PK, and numeric value. class A { String id, ...