foreign key « Relationship « JPA Q&A

1. Rolling back foreign key relationships with Hibernate

What is the Hibernate best practice when having to roll back foreign key relationships, but not wanting to throw out the transaction (ie. still proceed with saving other data)? If I just ...

2. hibernate foreign key

i have entity A that has foreign key to entity B, does entity B need to have foreign key back to entity A? if yes, how? coz entity B, id already ...

3. hibernate how to create createalias left join?

@Table(name = "BOOKTEST")
@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name = "Booktest.findAll", query = "SELECT b FROM Booktest b"), @NamedQuery(name = "Booktest.findById", query = "SELECT b FROM Booktest b WHERE = :id"), @NamedQuery(name = "Booktest.findByBookName", query = ...

4. Why doesn't this setup work for a foreign key relationship in JPA and Hibernate?

I'm trying to set up a foreign key relationship with JPA annotations and generate the tables using Hibernate, but I get an error and can't see the ...

5. hibernate whats EnhancerByCglib?

I have document entity mapped many to one to project entity. when i call document.getProject, in debugger in project field of document object i see something about Project$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$67a694bd How do i retrieve actual ...

6. Hibernate: many-to-many through additional table

I have these tables, organization can be a sender or receiver of many messages, a msg can have 2 organizations that send it or receive. I know that my db doesnt ...

7. Foreign Key Relationships problem in Hibernate

Hello, I have a very unique problem in Hibernate. I will try to explain the problem as clearly as possible. I have a table A which has three columns 1, 2 and 3. These 3 columns are nullable columns. I have a table B which has fields 4 and 5 as its compund key. Now, the table A has a foreign ...

8. One-to-one relationship using a foreign key.[RESOLVED]

Hi, I have a problem mapping a one-to-one association using a foreign key. The association I want to map is described as follow : a User has one shipping Adress and an Adress can be associated to only one User. I want to map a unidirectionnal association from User to Adress using the foreign key strategy (i.e using a "unique constraint"). ...

9. Ont to many relationships foreign key

Hello, I have to map my hibernate classes to an existing db and am having the following problem: I have ClassA which has a one-to-many relationship with ClassB. However the foreign key is not done with the primary key of class A. The data model would look like this Code: Table A --------- field1 (primary key) field2 Table B --------- field3 ...

10. Foreign key relationship

Using Hibernate as the persistence layer, I'm looking for a solution for the following scenario. table A: id int not null PK field1 string null field2 string null table B: id int not null PK a_id int null field1 string null field2 string null table B has a foreign key constraint attached to table table A data: id field1 field2 ...

11. One To Many Relationship Using Not Using Foreign key?

Hibernate version: 2.1.3 Mapping documents: ...

12. How to represent non-foreign key relationship

Hibernate version: 2.17 In my database I have a table LOCATION to store Locations: CREATE TABLE LOCATION ( location_id int, /* Primary Key */ location_name varchar(20) ) Now the description of locations are stored in a different way w.r.t. different languages. For that I have 3 tables : First a LANGUAGE table to store languages: CREATE TABLE LANGUAGE ( language_id int, ...

13. foreign key relationship

Hibernate version: 2.1 Hi All, I have 2 tables A and B with primary keys A_id and B_id. Table B has 'not null' A_id column with foreign key constraint. A can han have many B's. In B is represented as a Set. If I deep fetch A object and delete some of the elements of set B and do session.saveOrUpdate(A); ...

14. Maintaining Foreign Key Relationships using Hibernate

Dear All, I am trying to maintain a foreign key relationship using Hibernate without having the relationships in the database (This is my requirement because I dont have control on the database). In this the field which acts as a foreign key allows null values. So if I give the some number not in primary key table its inserting the record ...

15. Setting foreign key relationships help

Hi there.. I have a foreign key relationship between two classes for example Person and ShippingAddress. So in the database, the Person has a foreign key mapping to the ShippingAddress primary key. I was able to create an association successfuly using a mapping like : The problem is that I dont really want to map ...

16. How to resolve the foreign key relationship?

Hi Friends, I have 2 persistence domain objects generated based on the database tables, one is called and the other is My Merchant class's accountOid is an primary foreign key referencing to Account class' primary key accountOid, so in both class I have accountOid attribute. Here is how the code looks like (in short): public class Account{ private Integer ...

17. how to manage the foreign key relationship

If I use this mapping, how they manage the foreign key relationship ? In the query, I didn't find FK. Do I miss anything ? Thanks Code: ...

18. Foreign Key relationship problem in Hibernate

Hello, I have a very unique problem in Hibernate. I will try to explain the problem as clearly as possible. I have a table A which has three columns 1, 2 and 3. These 3 columns are nullable columns. I have a table B which has fields 4 and 5 as its compound key. Now, the table A has a foreign ...

19. managing relationships (foreign keys)

Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to map my database tables into hibernate XML. This is my table structure Code: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `db`.`session`; CREATE TABLE `db`.`session` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `startTime` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `updateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `remoteAddress` varchar(15) ...