mysql « Relationship « JPA Q&A

1. Can I define relationships in an Entity class without having them in the database?

I have to write an application in Java EE6. I have been given a MySQL database, to which I am not allowed to make any changes. The database is well structured ...

2. CascadeType.ALL does not work with one to many relationship

I have two entity, ResultGraph and ResultGraphPoint.ResultGraph has collection of ResultGraphPoints.I am trying to insert ResultGrapt entity with its ResultGraphPoints. But I get exception that GRAPH_ID can not be null.It ...

3. hibernate one-to-many relationship not updating correctly

I have two tables Item and Property and one item can have multiple properties. I have modeled it correctly (i think) in hibernate and when loading the ItemModel object, all the ...

4. One-To-Many Relationship using MySQL Issue

Beginner Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:39 am Posts: 44 Location: Mumbai, India On MySQL, I have a table Dept and Emp with following structures, CREATE TABLE `test`.`dept` ( `deptid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `dname` varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`deptid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `test`.`emp` ( `deptid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `empname` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `empsalary` int(10) unsigned ...