database « SQL « JPA Q&A

1. How can you call custom database functions with Hibernate?

If I were to define some function in the database (perhaps Postgres, or any other database):

create or replace function isValidCookie(ckie);
I would call it from SQL as:
select * from cookietable c where ...

2. JPA: Differences between JQL and SQL

I need just an answer to a very specific question: For example: Customer c =(Customer) manager.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Customer c").getResultList().get(0); This code works because of the use of the Java Persistence Query Language. Customer c ...

3. could not get database metadata java.sql.SQLException:

I am using hibernate sharedFactory for database updation. When am trying to do one updation am getting the following errors on log:

2011-09-01 16:17:50,406 ERROR (org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate:134:execute) - could not get database metadata
java.sql.SQLException: Connections ...

4. State of the database when mixing HQL with native SQL in Hibernate

In my database code I use some Hibernate native SQL quaries (inserts, deletion, updates). I understand that when I use HQL and the cache is on than the state of the ...

5. hibernate empty values to database(My sql)

Hi All, I am working hibernate from past 8 months.Recnetly i am facing one issue on production server.Hibernate sending empty value(?) to database(My sql 5.0).Below sql,we got from my sql server sql and it was generated by hibernate hql query...this was casuing performance issues select rolemodule?_.module_code as col_?_?_, modulecode?_.module_name as col_?_?_, modulecode?_.module_link as col_?_?_, modulecode?_.tree_link as col_?_?_, modulecode?_.nav_flag as col_?_?_, modulelink?_.module_parent_code ...

6. Configuring how sql calls are made to the database

Hi, I am trying to deal with inserting/reading international text into ms sqlserver2000. MS documentation specifies that I will need to add the letter 'N' before any value inserted/read from the database in Unicode. is there a way to specify that this happen in the hibernate mapping file? I have been looking at the formula property for the property tag. How ...

7. How do I get to see the exact sql given to my database

Environment Info Hibernate : 2.1 Database : Oracle 9 I'm in to the performance tuning of my system. Needs to see how long it takes for different querys to execute under different load conditions. Based on this I might need to tweak some logics, queries here and there. I'm gonna use some SQL profiler. Means I need to get the exact ...

8. NULLS in generated SQL in DB/2

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 - upgrading to 3.0 in a month or two Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: net.sf.hibernate.SQL - select ... from job_queue_run where (int_seq_no=? ) net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - preparing statement net.sf.hibernate.type.SerializableType - binding null to parameter: 1 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Exception The value of input host variable or parameter number "1" cannot be used because of its ...

9. How to log database specific SQL statements?

10. Generating SQL code without modifying database

Hey, Is it possible to generate SQL code using Hibernate without modifying the database? I know I can capture the SQL code with a logger but I want Hibernate to generate a bunch of SQL insert statements without needing the database installed. The reason I want to do this is so I can generate the SQL on a different machine to ...