statement « SQL « JPA Q&A

1. Is it possibele to write this SQL statement using HQL?

There is sql statement

select distinct create_date from articles
Is it possibele to write this statement using HQL? Cheers!

2. Incorrect SQL statements generated by JPA

I've encountered a strange error with JPA that is not persistence provider specific. I'm using JPA 2.0 and I'm using a generated schema. In short: The generated schema includes a join table ...

3. Parse hibernate xml to full SQL statements?

Anyone know a tool or have some partial code written up on parsing hbernate xml to full SQL statements (i.e. to copy and paste). The Hibernate XML was written up but ...

4. JPA with Hibernate 3.6.8.Final, PostgresSQL 9.1, SQLGrammarException - configuration issue? Weird SQL statement

Edit: SOLVED Right. I found the thing that confused me. I use pgadmin to create tables and others database internals, checked right now: if at least one letter in the name (table name, column ...

5. Strange SQL statements for JPA!

6. Hibernate - show SQL statements with params

Well, I never succeed to log the SQL statement with the parameters. Can some one explain me how to do that? Actually I use mySQL where I can log the queries... but I would like to do it on the hibernate level. Is there any way to add a customised class to "intercept" the query before execution? Thanks a lot Stephane ...

7. Can HQL generate SQL Contains statement

8. Hibernate issuing a lot of sql statements

I have a very general question. I have my setup with hibernate working just fine (21 tables) with a lot of associations where one entity has a collection of another entity(one-to-many). I am using cascade="save-update" on almost half of these relationships. Most of my normal calls to hibernate are working fine but it seems that hibernate is issuing a lot of ...

9. Generated SQL differs for the same statement

Issue with queries using the Query class and a named parameter. When using the Query class with a named parameter, all joined sub classes are joined in the generated sql statement, example below. But if a session.find() is used instead then the generated sql statement is correct and only joines the super class with the sub class. I'm able create, save, ...

10. Generated SQL differs for the same statement

Issue with queries using the Query class and a named parameter. When using the Query class with a named parameter, all joined sub classes are joined in the generated sql statement, example below. But if a session.find() is used instead then the generated sql statement is correct and only joines the super class with the sub class. I'm able create, save, ...

11. Viewing debug information on sql statements?

### direct log messages to stdout ### log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.Target=System.out log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n ### direct messages to file hibernate.log ### #log4j.appender.file=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender #log4j.appender.file.File=hibernate.log #log4j.appender.file.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout #log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n ### set log levels - for more verbose logging change 'info' to 'debug' ### log4j.rootLogger=warn, stdout ### log just the SQL ### log JDBC bind parameters ### ### ...

12. create only sql statements

13. Getting only the SQL-Statements from Hibernate

Using Hibernate version: 2.1.6, I want to use its orm-functionality as a standalone product: To be exact: I want to to Hibernate to generate the necessary sql-statements for me (for example when i do session.load(MyObj foo)), but not send it to the DB. This I want to do over a XML-RPC connection I establish myself. Is there a build-in function for ...

14. Hibernate produces more sql statements?

I would just like to check with anyone out there that if they have a parent child relationship and if i want to add a child to a parent and the parent side of the r/s specifies inverse="true" cascade="all" and lazy="true", relationship is bidirectional and the code is something like below Parent parent=(Parent)sess.load(Parent.class, new Long(parentId)); Child = new Child() child.setParent(parent); parent.addToChildren(child); ...

15. Capturing the SQL statement from an HQL statement

Sorry for the comment...I am new to the architecture of Hibernate and very impressed by its features. In no way did I mean any disrespect to individuals on the Hibernate team. I have a lot to learn about Hibernate, in a short amount of time for my project. I am more or less overwhelmed with the functionality because I do not ...

16. SQL Statement

Hi! I want that every database transaction performed by a user must be logged into the database!... my question is: how can i retrieve the equivalent SQL String on hibernate?. my db log table's fields will be like: transId //rowid userId //login user id transDate //date of transaction opeStr //SQL statement Im only interested of obtaining the equivalent SQL statement everytime ...

17. Could not generate SQL statement correctly.

18. strange sql statements generated

Hi there, i have a strange problem when I try to persist my POJOs. Hibernate version: 2.1.8 Mapping documents: (XDoclet generated) Code:

19. Force pdate SQL statement

Hi, When updating a Status column on a table, an update trigger is executed. The problem is, I want Hibernate to generate the Update SQL statement even if the Status column value doesn't really change (DB value:"N", New value: "N"). It's a Legacy system and that how things were done... Is there a way to set the column's dirty flag or ...

20. getConstraintName() seems to be returing the sql statement

Hi I am using Oracle 9i and Hibernate. Its seems to be returning me the constraint name in getSQL() and the sql statement in getConstraintName() of the ConstraintViolationException. Am I doing something wrong? Also I want to get two things. When I het a unique key violation how will I know which columns were responsible for that? Thanks Dwaip

21. Hibernate causes a soft parse on every SQL statement

Our Oracle DBA has noticed that the database is soft parsing each SQL statement issued by our Hibernate-based application. We are using Hibernate for batch processing - almost exclusively inserts - and he is concerned that the accumalitve effect of these soft parses is having a detrimental effect on performance. Is this behaviour expected, or is there some way to force ...

22. Empty SQL statements with Hibernate 3.1beta3 and 3.1beta2

I'm running into problems using 3.1beta3 as a drop-in replacement of 3.0.5. All CRUD SQL statements seem to be empty. The funny thing is, JDBCExceptionReporter prints the correct statements, while SQL.log prints an empty line. Creating Configuration and SessionFactory looks ok, no warnings or errors are logged. SchemaExport/Update runs fine too. I tried replacing 3.1beta3 with 3.1beta2 and got the same ...

23. How to get the SQL-Statement

Hello, is there a chance to get the full SQL-Statement which Hibernate runs against the Database when it persists an Object? The PreparedStatement and the values are logged but i`m looking for the complete Statement in my Application, because I want send it to another Database which should execute it. Thanks for comments, Peter

24. Generated SQL runs fine, Preparing Statement is SLOW.

Author Message jfrankman Post subject: Generated SQL runs fine, Preparing Statement is SLOW. Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:27 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:59 pm Posts: 11 I have three classes in a heiarchy, the Person and Organization classes both inherit from BusinessEntity. In order to get performance for a web search, I have changed inheritance ...

25. How to view generated SQL statement for HQL

As I have indicated in my previous post, I can set to true. Doing this way, if I want to see a generated insert sql statement, I actually need to insert a new row to a database table! Could I view a generated sql stmt without making any connection to a database? Could HQL be translated into sql statement on ...

26. Generate SQL statements only, is possible?!

If your posting (or a question you are referring to) was not answered by anybody, the possible reasons are: - ... AskForHelp - You did not submit enough information - Nobody knows the answer or has the free time to answer What you can do now: - Do the things listed in After Posting - Add missing and/or more information ...

27. terminate running SQL statement

Hi all, I have an application which has a jsp front end and ejb as middle tier (SLSB) and Mule as ESB and hibernate as the ORM layer. Now when the user starts to do a search, we give him a popup saying that the search has started. There is a cancel button in this window. If the use cancels his ...

28. Timing SQL Statements

30. Unnecessary SQL statements

Consider the following scenario. I have 2 table Emp ------ EmpNo EmpName DeptId -- Not a foregin Key Dept ------ DeptId DeptName The following are the data Dept ----- DeptNo DeptName -------------------------- 1 D1 2 D2 3 D3 Emp ------ EmpNo EmpName DeptId ------------------------------------- 1 John 1 2 Smith 2 3 Jon 333 4 Don 3 5 Ron 222 6 xyz ...

31. How to get SQL statements

I have an DAO called entityDAO with methods: persist, save, delete. The content of these methods is just using some api of hibernate to work with objects. The problem is how to get sql statements after these methods are executed: example: entityDAO.persist(object) ---> the sql statement will be: INSERT INTO .....VALUE.... I want to get all sql statements and save to ...

32. Capture 'SQL statements' from Hibernet & replay it

Capture 'SQL statements' from Hibernet & replay it to another ASE sybase database for stress testing I am Sybase dba with do knowledge of JBOSS and Hibernet. Developers use JBOSS (Zion 4.04GA) & Hibernet (3.2.0) to generate and send sql statements to ASE Sybase (15.02) database. I need to capture sql statements generated by Hibernet on the production system. I then ...