dialect « Schema « JPA Q&A

1. What Hibernate 3.6 dialect to use for MySQL 5.5?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using mysql 5.5.8 and hibernate 3.6.1 is giving me errors with its schema output (using hbm2ddl) no matter what dialect I use. If I use what seems ...

2. Problem running SchemaUpdate - dialect not set?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am trying to run a schemaUpdate from the hiberClipse plugin's menu. It gave me this error message: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: The dialect was not set. Set the property hibernate.dialect. at net.sf.hibernate.dialect.Dialect.getDialect(Dialect.java:370) at net.sf.hibernate.dialect.Dialect.getDialect(Dialect.java:391) at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate.(SchemaUpdate.java:40) at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate.(SchemaUpdate.java:35) at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate.main(SchemaUpdate.java:87) I had the hibernate.dialect set in my applicationContext.xml file under sessionFactory as this: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect true ...

3. MySQL Dialect Separator and MySQL Schema    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Hibernate Team. I'm tryng to put some data into a MySQL Table. The Catalog in the hbm.xml file is flex. Schema is not defined. The table is restaurant_category When trying to insert, I got an error because the insert is trying to use the following table name: flex.flex__restaurant_category I check and there a couple of issues here. First, the MySQL ...

4. Help with SchemaExport: Cannot find Dialect Class    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message mightybao Post subject: Help with SchemaExport: Cannot find Dialect Class Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:27 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:14 pm Posts: 4 The problem I am getting is that Hibernate cannot find the Oracle9Dialect when running SchemaExport. I placed the Hibernate3.jar file (which contains org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect) in the lib/ directory. I think I've ...