generate « Schema « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate/JPA DB Schema Generation Best Practices

I just wanted to hear the opinion of Hibernate experts about DB schema generation best practices for Hibernate/JPA based projects. Especially:

  1. What strategy to use when the project has just started? Is ...

2. Is using JPA/ORM to generate a db schema a bad idea?

Salve! Part of another question/answer on SO (as well as other statements claiming the same):

if you are updating your database schema by JPA (generally not a good practice though)
Is ...

3. Hibernate: @schema notation & how to generate schema from the domains?

Thanks for the source correction; I should have post it before (I learned something) As per my question, you're saying that Hibernate cannot do it (auto-generate the ERD from the annotated pojos), so do you know any plugin that can do that? When I used iBatis, it had 'abator' that connected to the DB and generated all the pojos/daos; I wonder ...

4. How to generate database schema automatically through Hibernate

I'm not sure what you need exactly. You have created tables in DB? You are now looking for a way to use reverse engineering - create code from DB ? If you need that, I will post you nice and clean instructions how to do it using : "Hiberante tools and Eclipse Plugins" waiting for your answer

5. How to generate data base schema?

Newbie Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:44 pm Posts: 11 This is my project Code: package hello; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import persistence.HibernateUtil; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { // First unit of work ...

6. Schema Generation

I am attempting (unsuccessfully) to create a database from our annotated classes for use in unit tests. We are using to set this up but unfortunately am running into "Unsuccessful: create table XYZ ... already exists in Schema" We have two classes pointing to the same table, one is acting as a view so we don't have to load several ...

7. BigDecimal and schema generation

8. Schema generation - varchar to CLOB crossover threshold

If you are using hibernate to generate a database for you via HBM2DDL, and are using long strings in your mapping files, Hibernate has to make a choice between generating a varchar and a clob. I have an issue using JBPM against DB2 for iSeries, in that there is a limit of approx 32k for the total length of all non ...

9. Problem with Schema generation

I am using Hibernate 3.0, hsqldb 1.7.1 When I run ant schema, I am getting following error Buildfile: build.xml [schemaexport] (cfg.Environment 478 ) Hibernate 2.1.7 [schemaexport] (cfg.Environment 512 ) loaded properties from resource {hibernate.connection.username=sa, hibernate.con nection.password=, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.dial ect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:hsqldb:d ata/music, hibernate.connection.driver_class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver} [schemaexport] (cfg.Environment 538 ) using CGLIB reflection optimizer [schemaexport] (cfg.Environment 567 ) using JDK 1.4 java.sql .Timestamp handling ...

10. Database remains empty. Schema appears to be generated

Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:16 am Posts: 11 The database remains empty. Although the schema appears to be generated in the output from "ant schema". I'm trying to execute the tutorials and sample applications of hibernate. Things are getting executed smoothly with no major exceptions/errors. Get to see SQL statements of creating tables, inserting rows etc. too. The executed ...

11. Schema Generation Problem

Author Message gandres Post subject: Schema Generation Problem Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:29 am Newbie Joined: Wed May 17, 2006 5:33 pm Posts: 1 Hello. I am new to Hibernate but not new to ORM. We have been using JDO as the primary means of POJO persistence in an application that is over 2 years old. For various ...

12. Quality of generated schema

I'm contending with a consultant that is making some rather bold statements about Hibernate and the hbm2dll tool in particular. I want to get some community feedback in response to some of his statements. I've quoted some of the juiciest comments with my initial responses following. Quote: The problem noted in the use of Hibernate is not the selection of the ...

13. timestamp become datetime after generate DB schema?

hi, I use hibernate tool (schemaExport in Eclipse 3.3) to generate a database schema in MYSQL. however, the element above had generate a wrong type in MYSQL, which is dateTime instead of timestamp. below are the version I using: mysql version = 5.0.45 MySQL jdbc driver = 5.1.5 hibernate = 3.2 is this a bug or am ...

14. Generated Schema incorrect syntax

Using the org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect on SQL Server 2005 when generating a schema from entities it fails on an entity with an @Past annotation as it adds this: null check (dob < current_date) to the column definition. So the total column definition is: dob datetime null check (birthday < current_date) If I manually change current_date to current_timestamp it works fine. I'm not sure ...