multiple « Schema « JPA Q&A

1. JPA (HIbernate) with Multiple Database Schemas

Hi, I have a requirement to modify an existing application which has been written using JPA (with Hibernate, and JBoss Cache is enabled) to support multiple database schemas (Oracle). The idea is to support multiple clients using different schemas, but to have only a single running instance of the application. The application should select the schema dynamically. This is to support ...

2. Same Table, Multiple Schema

Let's say I have a database with 20 different schema. Each of these has an identical set of tables, but containing different data, according to its use. Each schema follows a naming convention (sch_a, sch_b, sch_c, etc...). Is there a way, using Hibernate, to insert a row into a table in each and every one of those schema without creating 20 ...

3. Mapping classes to multiple database schemas

I have been unsuccessful finding answers/topics in this forum related to the following scenario. Ours is a distributed high volume data driven SOA system written originally in C and now getting migrating to Java. The database schema is distributed and follows the pattern of one database per top level entity. For e.g: Customer is in CustomerDB, Account is in AccountDB, user ...

4. One database multiple schemas in oracle

5. Middlegen with multiple database schema

Hi to all! I need some help on how to specify to middlegen, that a table come from a different schema, and not from the one specified in the DB configuration file. Example: I've two tables coming from 2 schemas: A -> SchemaA B -> SchemaB Table B has a reference to table A. So in the middlegen DB conf file, ...

6. multiple schemas?

Hi All, I am using middlegen-hibernate r4 to read from an existing Oracle 9i database with 3 schemas under a JDK 1.4 environment. I am facing 2 issues: a) How do I get middlegen to recognize the different schemas in the DB?In the ant middlegen task you can only specify one schema element? Is there a way in which this can ...

7. one table, multiple libraries/schema's

In our existing as400 system we have the same table in different libraries. We have (more or less) a set of tables for each location where are active and the tables themselves have no location notion. How could we map this situation for applications that use the data from all the different libraries at once? Using subclasses that each map to ...

8. Multiple Schema + Hibernate

Have a SessionFactory for each Database Schema. And based on the runtime condition (login in your case), you can decide on which SessionFactory to use to get your session. If you are using the HibernateSession utility class with one session per thread one static sessionfactory, you can have one sessionfactory for schema and getSession can check the login condition. There could ...

9. Multiple Schemas

I think you have to create two session factories. This would also be more ideal because each session factory requires its own configuration file and initialization of a session factory is very expensive so you would want to do it once at applicaiton startup instead of switching one around (if switching one around is even possible, which I don't think it ...

10. same table in multiple schemas

I am building an application where each customer has its own schema, but the same set of tables (to avoid any single table becoming too big in a multihosting scenario). A post here earlier indicated that the only solution to this is to build multiple SessionFactories, one for each customer. In my situation I am using JBoss, and that means that ...

11. Help with accessing multiple schemas in the same database

I am currently working on a project where we will be using one database, but with multiple schemas, one per user. The schemas will be identical except for the schema name. In essence, we're keeping our users seperated by using multiple scemas. For example, userA will belong to userA_schema and user B will belong to userB_schema. All schemas will be identical ...

12. JNDI to access multiple DB schema

13. Multiple schemas (not to) update question

14. Connect to multiple database schemas using hibernate

Hi I am using Hibernate in my project, currently my application connecting to one database schema, according to my new requirement, for some requests I have to connect to some other database schema. I am using single sessionfactory and pulling it from a JNDI tree and database properties are configured in please anyone help me to accomplish this. Thanks in ...

15. Using multiple schemas with MySQL

16. Multiple Schemas

Hi In my application i have to connect to multiple schemas basing on the user credentials and it should be dynamic. we have 400 database schemas in the database basing on the user login name and password we have to select the schema and we have to connect to that schema how can we do this with hibernate

17. Manage Multiple Schemas with a c3p0 ConnectionCustomizer

I have been trying to figure out the best way to manage the databases for a multi-organization software service, in which each organization has its own database. I have come up with the following solution, an implementation of the c3p0 ConnectionCustomizer: Code: package test.util.db; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import test.util.ThreadLocalDS; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ConnectionCustomizer; public class MyConnectionCustomizer implements ConnectionCustomizer { ...

18. multiple developers = multiple schemas?

Hello, My team is running a java app with an oracle server. We are using hibernate with annotations for object relational mapping. The challenge which we are faced with, is that we want to set up a sandbox for each developer for testing. However, using an oracle backend makes it infeasible for each user to have their own database. The solution ...

19. Managing multiple schemas

I have a oracle database with multiple User and rights on views. On Hibernate side i found a usable short info: "By implementing ConnectionProvider, you can manage JDBC connections in any way you see fit. Perhaps a user-keyed Map of DataSources." Has anybody some code for this solution (im a beginner in hibernate). Thanks Markus

20. Multiple schema access

Hi People, I am looking for a solution to my problem for days but I didnt find anything that could really help me. In my app I am using JBoss 4.2.3 GA and EJB3. What I need: Allow that each customer of my system (Today 5 but more than 2000 sooner) have it own database (Can be the same database but ...