search « Search « JPA Q&A

1. StaticAliasToBeanResultTransformer

I am using hibernate search 1.1. I want to apply ResultTransformer operation post query to match the targeted data structure. But i cannot be able to find that class(StaticAliasToBeanResultTransformer) in the hibernate ...

2. How I can use searching by Hibernate with Java

I want to make searching on my database with hibernate in Java, how can I do that? Normally when I am using JDBC I wrote this code : String Sql="select * from table1 ...

3. Problem using Hibernate-Search

I am using hibernate search for my application. It is well configured and running perfectly till some time back, when it stopped working suddenly. The reason according to me being the number ...

4. Hibernate-Search: How can I do this simple search?

I have a web app build with Hibernate. In one page, I have one submit button with 5 inputs

  • field1
  • field2
  • field3
  • field4
  • field5
When all the inputs are null, I make a simple querry
Query query = session.createQuery("from ...

5. hibernate search

I am using Hibernate. I am looking for a free text engine. Before I investigate into it I need your experience. I have in my applications user, role and object table. Where a ...

6. Hibernate Search synchronous execution in main thread

It seems that Hibernate Search synchronous execution uses other threads than the calling thread for parallel execution. How do I execute the Hibernate Search executions serially in the calling thread? The problem seems ...

7. Hibernate search question: How to get top ranking terms?

I've already tokenized the field, so, for example, 'kw1' appears 10 times across all document, 'kw2' 20 time, and so on and so force. The table will be looking like 'kw1':10, 'kw2':20, ... I need ...

8. Advanced search

We are going to provide an advanced search option on a system that will let users find events that matches a name (textual search), have on or more tags assigned to ...

9. Hibernate-search with hibernate

Is it possible to use hibernate search with hibernate but without jpa. I only use jpa annotation but I don't use entityManager. In this case, how hibernate search is able to know that ...

10. Hibernate search beginner question

I am just beginning with Hibernate Search. The code I am using to do the search is taken from the reference guide:

FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager =
EntityTransaction transaction = em.getTransaction();


11. Returning NULL value while searching in Hibernate

I am using Hibernate 3 as my databse layer framework. I am facing some problem while searching for a record using the below code.

    DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(

12. Hibernate Search Configuration Help

I am trying to configure hibernate search for my application by reading several web tutorials, the majority uses annotation but I uses xml mapping, also, many tutorial are saying to use ...

13. Hibernate Search Basic question

I want to find using Hibernate Search and objects in same query using a MultiFieldQueryParser. The problem is that I need to filter this entities: only not-blocked users ...

14. Search multiple tagged article - Hibernate many-to-many

I store articles with multiple tag as follow:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;

public class Article {

    private Integer ...

15. Hibernate Search 3.3- Ignore IntraWord whitespace

Iam using hibernate search 3.3 in my application. Iam looking for a solution for my problem stated below. My Search Form has text fields, dropdown, listbox and so on. I have to ...

16. Hibernate Search with JPA

I want to use hibernate search +JPA in ejb3 project, i'm using jboss 5 AS and I have deployment error, i don't know why.... my entities:


import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import ...

17. how to integrate magnolia cms with hibernate search?

Did somebody manage to get a working application which included these 2 frameworks? The problem I'm facing is that the dependencies are like this: magnolia 4.4.5 -> apache jackrabbit 1.6.4 -> apache lucene ...

18. Replication Timeouts in Infinispan

I'm working with a 10-node Infinispan cluster used as a Hibernate Search backend. Our servers are running TC server 2.5 (tomcat 6.0.32) on Java 1.6_24. We are using jGroups ...

19. Wild card Search in hibernate

20. Hibernate Search with kodo jdo

Syam, I looked into Kodo JDO several years back (about 5 I think) so Lord knows how it's changed since then. If it still uses byte code manipulation to accomplish its persistence then I seriously doubt it. If you can use the JPA portion of Kodo by itself for persistence then yes, I believe you can use Hibernate Search. Hiberate Search's ...

21. what si the specialty of this Hibernate Search

Sreerupa, That is a very general question so I will answer it generally. Hibernate search allows the introduction of full text search capabilities to a database at an abstracted level. What this means to you is you do not have to worry about the many low level concerns necessary with search engine libraries. We utilize the very popular Lucene information retrieval ...

22. Hibernate Search without Annontation

>> Now the question is more, what do you have against annotations? First of all ... I am a huge fan of annotations and use them whenever possible. That said, annotations have a huge downside -- configuration via annotation requires rebuilding the code should something change. Properly written XML configuration should only require a restart of the application to take effect. ...

23. Hibernate Metadata Search

Yes, this is doable in the sense that Lucene is an unstructured index and that Hibernate Search let's you query on all classes or specific classes depending on what you ask for: luceneQuery = queryParser.parse("description:hibernate"); org.hibernate.Query query = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery(luceneQuery); //returns all entities having a property description containing 'hibernate' List results = query.list(); org.hibernate.Query query = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery(luceneQuery, DVD.class, Book.class); //returns all books ...

25. Hibernate Search

Im developing an application using Struts and Hibernate. I need to search through a database ,say for example to get answer for a particular question search In documents(stored as BLOB fields in database ) or search in database table having question and corresponding answer as the fields. I am using Hibernate just to implement persistance,just like to implement CRUD functions in ...

26. hibernate search

how to resolve indexreader already closed exception.... i am using lucene 2.4,hibernate search 3.0 please help me.....waiting for your reply...thanks in advance this is my exception...i can not move proceed with this exception.... this IndexReader is closed org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.ensureOpen( org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryIndexReader.reopen($PerDirectoryLatestReader.refreshAndGet( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invokeAction( com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invokeActionOnly( com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke( com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.DefaultWorkflowInterceptor.doIntercept( com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.MethodFilterInterceptor.intercept( com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke( com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.ValidationInterceptor.doIntercept( org.apache.struts2.interceptor.validation.AnnotationValidationInterceptor.doIntercept( com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.MethodFilterInterceptor.intercept( com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke( ...

27. hibernate search FullTextFilter

Hi all, I'm using two FullTextFilters at the moment to filter the records so the current date is withing the publication range. The problem is that i never get any results while there are records that should pass these two filters. Sessie entity: @Entity @Table(name = "SESSIE") @Indexed @FullTextFilterDefs({ @FullTextFilterDef(name="publicatieTotFilter", impl=PublicatieTotFilterFactory.class), @FullTextFilterDef(name="publicatieVanafFilter", impl=PublicatieVanafFilterFactory.class) }) @AnalyzerDef(name = "customanalyzer", tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = ...

28. hibernate search - webapp compilation problem

Hello: recently, i am trying to use hibernate search on glassfish 2.1, using @field annotation in one of my classes. e.g: @Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED) private String lastName; However, when compiling the project i get the following error: warning: Cannot find annotation method 'index()' in type '': class file for not found An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.6.0_17). Please file a ...

29. Hibernate Search highlight

30. Hibernate Search on Multi node clusters

Hi All, Long after I am posting new topic. After getting succeeded with hibernate search in an application, I need to enhance search to multi-node environment. (currently 4 nodes). I am interested with shared index approach.(Not Master-Slave approach). Can Anyone suggest me the configuration changes to be done to achieve this? My current hibernate.cfg.xml:

31. Hibernate Search Cast problem

Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:14 am Posts: 3 Hi, We have two tables Assay and Project and one Project has many assays. The schema is given below. Schema for Assay_Test (Assay) PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER(10,0) COLLECTION_KEY NUMBER(10,0) ASSAY_NAME VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) PROJECT_ID_FK VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) Schema for Project_Test (Project) PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER(10,0) COLLECTION_KEY NUMBER(10,0) PROJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) The relationship between Assay and Project is ...

32. forum search remarks (for the appropriate responsible)

Hi, I apologize in advance for posting this issue here. I do it as a last resort, since I cannot find anyones email address. I tried to find a contributor or someone from the hibernate team. I only found one email address and my email couldn't be delivered to this person (probably this address is not used anymore). As soon as ...

33. ConfigContext Issue Upgrading to hibernate-search-3.3.0

Newbie Joined: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:53 am Posts: 3 Location: Toronto, ON I'm trying to upgrade a Seam Framework project to hibernate-search-3.3.0.Final from 3.1 after encountering bug HSEARCH-610. I've also upgraded to all the .jar files found in the /hibernate-search-3.3.0.Final/dist/lib/required/ directory of the distribution. I've verified all the correct .jar files are added in the project's .classpath. However, the following ...

35. Hibernate Search Without RDBMS

36. Search for multiple conditions

Author Message jacob2221 Post subject: Search for multiple conditions Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:30 am Newbie Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:23 am Posts: 4 Hi, I am using JPA 2.0 with hibernate3. Database is SQL Server. The relationship b/w my entities is depicted below - Customer Addressses [0...*] Orders [0...*] OrderItems [0..*] OrderTags [0...*] The entities and ...

37. Hibernate Search PostDeleteEvent not firing

When writing HQL Hibernate Queries, the objects are removed from the database, however they don't appeare to be deleted from the Lucene Index.(I belive this is mentioned in the Hibernate documentation). What would be the best way to remove these objects from the Lucene directory on disk in this case? I have tried creating a PostDeleteEvent for every object being deleted ...

38. Problem w/ forum search

39. search highlight bug in forum

40. Search a set of elements

Hi everyone, this is my first visit, definitely not the last. I've got a wine table with a set of wineFoodGroups, the hbm.xml section looks like this:

41. logging while running and searching for posts on this forum

hi, i am not familiar with the logging in hibernate or any logging except for the stuff in 1.4, but we must use 1.3. i am using the log4j properties which came with middlegen and managed to turn off the info messages by commenting them out. how can one control this programmatically? how does one make a call to the logger ...

42. Search Problem

Hello, I am facing a problem while implementing searching for a many-many relationship. I am giving the scenerio: I have a Document object and some of the categories. Any document can lie in one or more categories. So I made a separate table for categories and used a relation table between document and category, to implement many - 2 - many ...

43. This forum has poor searching cababilities

Hello I tried to search Hibernate forums against the problem I have, but searching cababilities are poor. Maybe somebody knows how to search for exact phrase like eg. " Closing a connection for you". I tried to perform the search, but obtained plenty of results not corresponding to my problem. sincerely Olek

44. Is forum search broken?

45. search on element of key

I've mapped a table with a composite key to ensure that rows are unique, but I often need to search on only one element of the key. How is this possible in hibernate? ie. I've got a display item and a priceIndex which makes each display price unique, but I need to search for all prices for each display, so I ...

46. BigInt or VarChar searching is faster?

47. How to search Integer (id) by LIKE

48. building search utility

I tried searching the forum couldn't found the exact or similar solution. I have a search page (jsp) with free form text field, multi selection boxes and etc. I want to build a search utility class, which can be passed to hibernate layer (seperate from presentaion layer). I don't want to pass hardcoded query to hibernate layer rather want to pass ...

49. Hibernate Example cant search with id?


50. Searching for advice using Hibernate

Why don't you drop "Detail" from this and view the Profile entity as a many-to-many relationship with User and System. The you can map User with Profile with a Hibernate's one-to-many, and a Profile with a system with a many-to-one. I think you could then put a natural-id around the definitions in "profile" so that Hibernate puts a unique constraint and ...

51. Search

52. Why do I search and can't use nickname in the hibernate?

session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Who where name='aa'"); session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Who a where'aa'"); org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: name of: Who [ from Who a where'aa'] at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.throwPropertyException( at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.toType( at org.hibernate.persister.entity.BasicEntityPersister.toType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.FromElementType.getPropertyType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.FromElement.getPropertyType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.DotNode.getDataType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.DotNode.prepareLhs( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.DotNode.resolve( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.FromReferenceNode.resolve( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.FromReferenceNode.resolve( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlSqlWalker.resolve( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.expr( ...

53. Unable to A Simple Search

public static ReviewStatusType findById(Session hSession, String Id) throws HibernateException { ReviewStatusType reviewStatusType = null; try { Criteria crit = hSession.createCriteria(ReviewStatusType.class); crit.add(Expression.eq("reviewStatusTypeId", Id)); ...

54. The Search for this forum lacks essential features

1. There doesn't appear to be an ability to sort the results by relevance. This is a huge omission. 2. 'Search for all terms' doesn't appear to work correctly. Try searching for 'Hibernate 3'. No results!! Furthermore, I'm not even sure what this is supposed to do. Find all messages with any search terms or find all messages with all terms ...

55. Search words with accents / special chars

Thanks for the reply but this solution can not be used because I need to perform this kind of search for all posible words (not just Ramn), so doing in that way will decrease the performance of the system. I was looking for an API method like ignoreCase() (which allows you to perform a search ignoring case for all string-valued properties), ...

57. will someone please fix the forum search!!!!

Hi The hibernate forum here might be the worst resource on the internet for getting information about hibernate. You would think it would be the best, but you can't friggin search!!! Click page 2, no results met your criteria every time!! It's been like this for months I can't believe nobody has even attempted to fix it. Obviously some lousy programmer ...

58. Bug With the Search link of this Forum

If you use the search link of this forum to search for an item and it returns multiple pages on search list, as soon as you click on page 2 of the search results it gives an error saying nothing matched the search criteria. The first page shows 600 some hits and multiple pages on search response for me.

59. Setting search_path in PostgreSQL

60. search in a CollectionOfElements

61. Hibernate Search and JDK 1.4

62. Search and Similarity

63. Q. about Hibernate Search

64. hibernate-search FSMasterDirectoryProvider

65. Problem with Hibernate Search

66. Searching best practices to Synchronize Clients

Hi, Hibernate 3.3 Annotations Other technologies : Spring JSF Pattern: Open Session In View Web clients, with lot of ajax and reverse ajax I'm searching best practice to do the scenario below : _ there are 3 users online : A, B & C. These ones are logged into a same "project"; _ User B and User C are on the ...

67. Searching lazily from a tree structure.

Newbie Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:13 pm Posts: 1 Hello, I am having a problem to map my objects in a way to fetch them better later. I used the design pattern Composite to organize projects and subprojects down to activities and i am trying to make dependencies between the activities. When I fetch a dependency, i would like only ...

68. Best way to search...

I currently have an app that searches through data and returns a max number of results per page to the user. It also returns the total number of results for the query. I also return subcategories from the query where a user can narrow their search. The problem is, I want to show how many results are for each subcategory as ...

69. Hibernate Search - only get items to a certain score

I'm using Hibernate Search in order to perform fulltext searches on my domain objects. It just worked out of the box and the documentation is also great so thanks a lot for this project. However I wondered if there might be a way to tell lucene that only results with a certain score value (I don't know if score is the ...

70. Hibernate search: endless loop in tree structures

Senior Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2003 7:22 pm Posts: 124 Hi, I seem to be running into an issue where an indexed class which also references itself to create a tree structure leads to an endless loop on indexing the item with Lucene. This is the relevant class (abbreviated: Code: @Entity @Table(name="Categories") @Indexed public class Category{ @Column(nullable=false) ...

71. Advance Search using hibernate.

Hi All, I had implemented searching single column at time in the table using hibernate successfully. Now i have to search for more columns say more data which are present at different tables and same table also , i can say Advanced Search . Could any one provide some tips how to get started to wrap up the task ? Any ...

72. Search recommendations

I'm plagued by a development issue. Should i return my search results as a list or a set? I kind of want both! I know the criteria searching returns a list. Is there a way to return distinct values of that list? Should i just convert it to a set? I still want things to be ordered though and i'm afraid ...

73. Variable arguments search

public static void main(String args[]) { Session session = HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); Criterion c1 ="id", (long)2); Criterion c2 ="id", (long)8); Criterion c3 = Restrictions.isNotNull("emailAddress"); User user = new User(); user.setEmailAddress(".com"); Example c4 = Example.create(user); c4.enableLike(MatchMode.END); c4.ignoreCase(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(User.class); ...

74. want to Interate "Hibernate Search" in exsisting

hi to all.. i have a web application which using struts and hibernate.. this application is basically about the product searching from MYSQL db data.... i read abt the "Hibernate Search" and now i want to integrate it in my application for search a Products... i read many web resources but they all confusing and didnot help me out to use ...

75. Hibernate search, cyrillic symbols

77. hibernate search