Application « Struts « JPA Q&A

1. Best Practices/Helpful pointer for Web App with Struts/Hibernate

Hi All, First post. I am returning to web development after a period of 2 1/2 years. I have the requirements for a project which are as follows. The application is for a Bank, the number of users concurrently hitting the DB is 3000 and it would be using Struts/Hibernate/MDB/SQL Server 2005 with an App server I want to ask you ...

2. Entire Code for j2ee Application with struts and hibernate

OK, but there are a few cautions here. This is my Technology SandBox app, so it's where I learned how to do things. And sometimes, how NOT to do them. So it's not very pretty. I've provided the URL down into the persistency layer, which I don't organize in quite this way anymore. You can see the rest of the ...

3. hibernate2.1.2 + struts + sun one application server 7?

Hi guys! im deploying my web application in sun one application server. i configure the connection pool and jdbc resources in the admin module. then in the hibernate.hbm.xml i use : java:comp/env/jdbc/eon this hibernate.hbm.xml is being loaded in my SQLManager class ........................... public class SQLManager { private static final String CONFIGFILE = "/hbm/hibernate.hbm.xml"; private String _configFilePath = null; private static ...

4. Q:Write a web application with Hibernate & Struts

Author Message dmhorse Post subject: Q:Write a web application with Hibernate & Struts Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:28 am Newbie Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:09 am Posts: 2 Write an Cat example according to the . Follow my habit, I write DB operator for Cat. But I can ignore the DB operator,and put all of ...

5. Stack Overflow in Struts Application

Newbie Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:58 pm Posts: 2 Hi I am trying to retrieve data from MySQL table using session.createQuery(). All I am doing is a simple user authentication. Here is my method Code: private static final String QUERY_USER_BY_USER_PASSWD = "from Users as users" + " where ...

6. application design with struts and hibernate

Thanks for the response and I apologize for not being clear. I see what you mean about ActionForm itself being mapped by Hibernate, but lets say ActionForm has a collection that will be populated with objects, can those objects be Hibernate persistent? Or should I create an object that will have its values copied from Hibernate object and than add it ...

7. org.hibernate.AssertionFailure in Struts/Hibernate webapp

Newbie Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:08 pm Posts: 5 I created a time management system (webapplication) with the struts and hibernate framework. Everything works fine (saves, inserts, updates deletion of data) but sometimes, but not always users get following Exception, right after the login: Quote: 755716095 [ajp-8009-8] ERROR pers.PersonalMaXisDAO - find by property name failed org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null id in com.ris.db.det.DetErfassung ...

8. Executing Hibernate with Struts Application in WSAD5.1

First Let me explain Situation. I am trying to perform database access using hibernate from Struts. I am using WSAD. Please help me in this situation as i am getting an error. Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: hibernate.cfg.xml java:comp/env/jdbc/MYDSREF true org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect

9. HB runs ok in standalone java application, but not in Struts

Dear All, I have the following code to read data from database through the Struts. The web page is up and running good but I find problems in displaying the data. Whenever changes are made to the database, the changes are not reflected on the webpage, so I write a few lines of code to test the HB config and connection, ...