WrongClassException « Table « JPA Q&A

1. WrongClassException With 2 Persisters --> 1 Table    forum.hibernate.org

I have a situation where I have two classes, Statement and InProgressStatement that both map to the same table, statement. InProgressStatement extends Statement and adds the context of parsing an electronic statement, but does not add any additional persistent fields. I had to promote InProgressStatement to a persistent class, however, to persist the statement. What I am seeing is that when ...

2. org.hibernate.WrongClassException with Table Per Class inher    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using Spring 2.0, Hibernate 3.2 & annotations for pojos I have a scenario with Table Per Class inheritance.I also OpenSessionInViewFilter. Code: @Entity @Table (name = "eligibility_criterias") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @GenericGenerator(name="id-generator", strategy = "native", parameters = { @Parameter(name="sequence", value="ELIGIBILITY_CRITERIAS_ID_SEQ") } ) public abstract class ...