jsp « Transaction « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate and JSP Transaction per Request    stackoverflow.com

Hey, I'm building a four tier software system (Presentation - JSP, Problem Domain, Application Logic, Persistence) and I want to have my transactions in hibernate per request so that I am ...

2. how to use session.commit in a filter with hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I am using Hibernate and jsp to write a blog system. I want to use a filter to manage the session and transactions. now i write a filter:

public class SessionFilter implements Filter ...

3. Data not committing ins database. Using Message Driven Bean/ Hibernate. Container Managed Transactin    coderanch.com

Hi All, I am try to add a record in the database using Message Driven Bean. I am using Container Managed Transaction. The MDB's onMessage() picks the message from the queue processes it and further gives it to Business Logic implemented through another Stateless bean which is container manged.From this the data is saved in the database using Hibernate. The code ...

4. JPA Transaction management    coderanch.com

Hello, We are developing an Application Managed JPA application. The structure of the application is Business Components which have business logic. Tool generated DAO layer (JPA Managers and JPA Entities) The usage would be like public class JPAEntity1 { String x; public String getX() { return x; } setX(String _x) { x = _x } } public class JPAEntity2 { String ...

5. JPA and JTA    coderanch.com

6. JPA optimistic lock problem    coderanch.com

Hi All, Following is the code i wrote for updating into database using JPA. package com.iflex.locking; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; import javax.persistence.Query; import com.iflex.jpa.Liability; public class TestLock { private EntityManager em = null; private EntityManagerFactory emf = null; public static void main(String[] args){ TestLock tLock = new TestLock(); tLock.updateLiab(); } public void updateLiab(){ em = JPAEntityManager.getInstance().getEM(); Liability ...

7. EJB - Enable optimisitc locking with hibernate JPA provider    coderanch.com

Hi Friends, I am migrating from toplink JPA provider to Hibernate JPA provider. But I see that version collisions are not being reported with Hibernate's JPA provider. Earlier, with Toplink's provider in place it used to work. What may be the possible reason for this. Do I need to enable it explicitly for Hiberbate by some configuration? Thanks and regards, Pushker ...

8. hibernate Transaction with Jboss(CMT)    coderanch.com

I am Using CMTTransaction. as soon as it come to this code session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();[code] [code]public Session getSession() { try{ if (session == null) [color=red]session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();[/color] return session; }catch(HibernateException hex) { hex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } hibernate crg.xml com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

9. How to do transaction with EJB/JPA and JDBC    coderanch.com

I'm trying to do 2 deletes, one managed by jpa and other by jdbc. The jdbc delete is made by jbossesb api, I don't have any control. I can delete when I do 2 methods for each delete using @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) . But I need the both delete in same transaction, because or delete both or any. Follow my situation: jboss do ...