StaleObjectStateException « Update « JPA Q&A

1. Problem with saving after StaleObjectStateException.

I'm having trouble trying to save objects after having received a StaleObjectStateException. Here's the background: I have three classes: Class A which contains a Set (one-to-many, cascade=all) of class B which contains an instance (many-to-one, cascade=all) of class C. Class A has a version property for recognizing stale objects. I have several message-driven beans running in parallel, all modifying the same ...

2. StaleObjectStateException during saveOrUpdate of new record.

Author Message hibernate1 Post subject: StaleObjectStateException during saveOrUpdate of new record. Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:55 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:42 pm Posts: 11 I'm getting a StaleObjectStateException with a message: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect) for gov.nasa.msfc.repository.submittal.model.businessobject.NasaGeneral instance with identifier: 0 The identifier for this instance ...

3. StaleObjectStateException when saving a bi-directional relat

Hi, I get a StaleObjectStateException when I try to save a bi-directional relationship using hibernate. I read the Item/Bid example in Hibernate in Action, and I cut-and-paste that part of the mapping in my code, but I still get this StaleObjectStateException. Can someone please tell me what did I miss? I really appreciate any help. Code: WARNING: An operation failed due ...

4. Updates no rows but doesn't throw StaleObjectStateException

Hi, Perhaps I have missed something obvious but here is my issue... I'm testing the concurrency handling of Hibernate3. I have code that I'm expecting to throw a concurrency exception but it is not. The update sql generated updates no rows silently. I'd expect it to see that 0 rows where updated and throw an Exception? I have tried a couple ...

6. StaleObjectStateException when save an object and update it

I use tiemstamp to auto version. the map file for timestamp perperty like this: The type in model object is java.util.Date, in DB is date. When execute to transaction.commit() StaleObjectStateException thrown. Code: beginTransaction(); ...

7. StaleObjectStateException on flush

Newbie Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:52 pm Posts: 7 I have the following code : Code: Transaction transaction = null; try { SupplierDao supplierDao = SuppliersEMDaoFactory.getInstance().getSupplierDao(); Session hibernateSession = ServiceLocator.getCurrentSession(); transaction = hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Supplier supplier = new Supplier(); supplierDao.generateKey(supplier); ...