MySQL « Validation « JPA Q&A

2. 3.3.0 GA with MySQL 5.0 throws table validation exception

protected void registerVarcharTypes() { registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "longtext" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, 16777215, "mediumtext" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, 65535, "text" ); registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, 255, "varchar($l)" ); }

3. Hibernate validation problem with MySQL blobs

Hi, I'm getting a very strange error after upgrading Hibernate to 3.3.1.GA. I have an entity with a @Lob property which used to validate fine but now throws an error: Wrong column type in freetextanswer for column answerText. Found: blob, expected: longblob However the underlying table column is defined as blob. If I yield to the error message and try setting ...