Parent « Version « JPA Q&A

2. Version of childrent are increased when modify parent????

Hello everybody, I have a web application, which uses the session-per-request pattern. I load an object (and also its children) in a session for user to modify it. After that, I save it to db in another session, this make the version of parent increased and its children's version increased, too. The problem occurs when there is an exception occurs (ex: ...

3. deleting a parent, constraintviolationExc. & version pro

I am using hibernate 3.05 and postgresql 8.0 I have users table and a userdetails table. the relation users.hbm.xml is [code] [/code] I use versioning. I create a version field in all my tables. and I define it like that [code][/code] Now to ...

4. @version at parent class field

public class Super { private int version; @Version public int getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(int v) { this.version ...