dependency « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. Meaning of @PersistenceContext in JSF 1.2 Managed Beans

JSF 1.2 specification allows injection of an entity manager into a managed bean via the @PersistenceContext annotation (JSR 252, p. 5-13). What is the semantics of such an entity manager regarding transactions ...

2. Using CDI (Context & Dependency Injection) backing beans instead of Managed Beans

I rode that is recommended to use CDI beans as backing beans instead of JSF managed beans. So i decided to create a little example, to understand how it works, for a ...

3. Unable to inject Datasource in Managed Bean

Hi i am trying to load list of Students onload of a Page in JSF using h:datatable tag

<h:dataTable value="#{studentBean2.studentList}" var="student">
now my ManagedBean is as follows
public class StudentBeanTwo ...