binding « Component « JSF Q&A

1. How does 'binding' in JSF work?

I've created custom component which shows chart. Now I need to make binding support for this component i.e. generated chart-image should be available (as array of bytes) to backing bean via ...

2. Passing "binding" to an embedded in a composite component

Let me preface this question with the note that I am VERY new to JSF development and I'm certain that my lack of experience and understanding is making this harder than ...

3. What is the best way to bind element? 'all attributes separately' or 'the entire component'

In client-server technology, what is the best way to bind element between 'binding all attributes separately' and 'the entire component' (or another way) ? For example in JSF : -<h:inputText value="#{bean.value}" rendered="#{bean.rendered}" disabled="#{bean.disabled}" ...

4. JSF 2 composites and binding for validation

I have a problem with a JSF composite which validates internal input fields. Following code snippet works as long as only one composite is included.

<div id="#{cc.clientId}" >

5. JSF component bindings and EAR classloader

6. How to bind methods to components

7. use of component binding

I use component bindings to make custom validation a little easier. Binding components to backing beans allows me to have direct access to the components in the backing bean validator functions without doing a getViewRoot().findComponent(). Another example is if I needed to display a property of the component on the page *outside* of it's body tag. For eg. ...

9. JSF Binding Components