facelets « Component « JSF Q&A

1. Resolving facelets components at runtime    stackoverflow.com

do you know a way to select a different facelets component at runtime? I've got some of code similar to this:

<s:fragment rendered="#{r== 'case1'}">

2. How do I package a Facelets composite component for use in another web app?    stackoverflow.com

Let's say I've created a simple composite component in one of my JSF 2.0 web applications using Facelets. Now, I want to use that component in another webapp. Rather ...

3. Quick way to create JSF custom component    stackoverflow.com

I know of two ways of creating custom JSF components: 1. Native JSF way: creating JSF component class, tag, etc. 2. Facelets way: defining component in a xhtml file and then creating appropriate ...

4. JSF 1.2 facelets custom component    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to develop custom control in JSF 1.2 (using facelets). I followed steps from different tutorials (defining .tld, taglib.xml, registered component in faces-config.xml and implementing UIComponent (component renders itself) and ...

5. Customize where components within the composite components will be placed in the webpage    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to specify where the components within a composite component will be displayed on your webpage? I have a composite component with a label and a textbox in it. I ...

6. Is JSF2 allows Component class and facelet xhtml together?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to use both composite component facelet (xhtml, cc.attrs and etc. ) and component class ( extended from UIComponent) in one component?

7. Modify JSF h:link href result    stackoverflow.com

I'm curious about the possibility to alter hrefattributes of all generated links. Let's assume I have a web page which looks something like this:

  <h:link outcome="/foo.xhtml" value="a link" />

8. What is the difference between Custom Components and Composite Components?    stackoverflow.com

What is the difference between JSF Custom Components and Facelets Composite Components?

9. JSF 2 Nested Composite Components Question    stackoverflow.com

I've read some articles about writing composite components in JSF 2 and even about defining nested composite components, but I haven't found the example to defining a composite component that ...

10. JSF 2.0 composite component into jar    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying create a composite component to use across my projects, so, I've created a project called "componentes-ui-web" and putted 2 xhtml files that are my components. The structure of the project ...

11. Making a Composite Component in JSF2    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem with my composite component in JSF2. I implement a list using ui and li. But if I use my component nothing happens. My list-tag is not replaced ...

12. use validateRequired through composite component    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to forward "f:validateRequired" validator through a composite component without using required attribute. How to get its value inside of my component ?

<aa:myComponent id="specificNotice" value="#{edit.specificNotice}">

13. cc:renderFacet with scoped variable    stackoverflow.com

I have a composite component that can accept a facet to override the default rendering of an item that is in a c:forEach loop. Here's my simplified implementation part:

<c:forEach items="#{cc.attrs.value}" var="item"> ...

14. Deploy JSF composite components for shared use    stackoverflow.com

I work on a Java EE project which is planned to become quite large in future and I want to share as much code as possible. This included not only Java ...

15. JSF Custom Component - Facelets    coderanch.com