liferay « Development « JSF Q&A

1. Liferay problem

When I run Liferay then there is an error:

    [java] Caused by: CreateProcess error=2, The system ca
nnot find the file specified
     [java]  ...

4. JSF 1.2 going into infinite load

Yes this issue is there in the Portal Pack 3.0.1 also. JSF page Navigation works properly in IE but doesn't work in Firefox. It shows blank portlet and then you need to reload the page to see the components. But there is a workaround as mentioned in the previous post. From the jsf jsp page remove webuiAll="true" attribute from tag. ...

5. PortletEvent in JSF BackingBean

6. Missing JSF Example

hi Andrea, thank you for the fast reply, but i can' find the example from the pdf :-(. I need this example, since it is using the PortletPreferencesManageadBean from Liferay to load/save Portlet Prefences at runtime. Unfortunately the PDF doesn't explain the "how to" in detail, so i'm looking for the corresponding example, to see how it works. Thomas

7. Liferay and JSF 2.0

8. JSF liferay Portal

9. JSF and Ajax

10. JSF Tab in liferay

12. EJB, JSF 2.0 in Liferay??

13. Sample JSF 1.2 Sun and Liferay 5.0.1

Hello! I've a problem, in the previous versions of Liferay (4.4.2) I had the problem that I couldn't place two JSF portlets on the portal, when I place the second portlet I get an error like this: 14/04/2008 05:19:39 PM com.sun.faces.portlet.LifecycleImpl phase INFO: PS_CSFP0033 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class at com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getRenderResponseImpl( ...

15. Sample JSF 1.2 and Liferay 5.0.1

Hello! I've a problem,in version 5.0.1 sample JSF portlets doesn't work ..., when I click on the the portlet just reloads without showing the result nor any message and in the address bar I see a long string like this: http://localhost:8080/user/test/2?p_p_id=sample_jsf_1_2_sun_facelets_portlet_WAR_samplejsf12sunfaceletsportlet_INSTANCE_0e1a&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-2&p_p_col_count=1&_sample_jsf_1_2_sun_facelets_portlet_WAR_samplejsf12sunfaceletsportlet_INSTANCE_0e1a_com.sun.faces.portlet.VIEW_ID=%2Fview.xhtml&_sample_jsf_1_2_sun_facelets_portlet_WAR_samplejsf12sunfaceletsportlet_INSTANCE_0e1a_com.sun.faces.portlet.NAME_SPACE=_sample_jsf_1_2_sun_facelets_portlet_WAR_samplejsf12sunfaceletsportlet_INSTANCE_0e1a_ Has anyone the same problem?... Is there a way to fix it? ... Thanks. Greetings!!! Sarah.

16. JSR168 with jsf on liferay6