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in something that doesn't influence table layout? (JSF2.0)

I have a <table>, and in it some <tr>s. All is aligned as long as none <tr> is wrapped in <div> or <span>. I have to wrap it because I'm using ...

1. Change radio button name javascript not working in IE

I have a few radiobuttons in a jsp page. I run a javascript method once the page is loaded that seeks for certain radio buttons and change its name so they ...

2. How to design in pure css similar to the big sites

What is the best practice/methodology for creating a web page that is browser compatible and purely in CSS, except for of course the content. I notice that big name websites like ...

3. Transform HTML to JSF

Hi there
I hava an unordered List navigation and i wanted to transform this to JSF code. Actually , there is no JSF tag .. Here is the raw-HTML Navigation :

<ul ...

4. Strange website navigation mechanism

I am performing UAT on someone else's web-based application. the system is quite large with tens of forms, and hundreds of seperate input fields. Overall it seems well built and usable. I ...

5. How to put a scrollbar in list box?

I want to how to create a listbox with a vertical scrollbar in it..

6. can't get html td element using javascript in jsf application

  <tr><td id="myId">
    <input type="text">
and in JavaScript
This is not working in JSF application. However, the same is working if I save the generated HTML ...

7. file upload in JSF

I am using tomahawk 1.1.9 fileupload component t:inputFileUpload It displays a placeholder for the file that gets uploaded and a button that has label "Browse". I want to hide that Place ...

8. html select label based on value in java script

Can I get html select option label based on option value

<select id="xx">
  <option value="i_Have_value">I Need This Label</option>
  <option value="i_Have_value2">I Need This Label2</option>
By using jsf selectOneMenu and rich:comboBox in single ...

width of h:selectOneRadio How to set the width of h:selectOneRadio using the styleClass attribute, I would like to enforce a similar width for all elements within the above radio button ...

10. How to zoom image on mouseover at some XY coordinate?

I display set of images(small). I need to show the larger image(300*300) at some XY co-ordinate when mouseover event occurs on an image while mousout larger image has to disappear . ...

11. Is there any problem when I mix JSF with plain HTML?

I have the next code:

    <h:form rendered="#{!loginController.session}">
        <h3>Inicio de Sesi&oacute;n</h3>
        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="7">

12. How to set h:panelGrid height in JSF?

In JSF, I am using panelGrid which is equivalent to table in html. How to set height=100% in it? width=100% exists but not height. Thanks

13. Show or Hide HTML DIV in JSF 1.2

When the Apache My Faces JSF 1.2 Implementation renders an HTML page behind the scenes , is it even possible to set/code something which will display a pure HTML Table / ...

14. How do i add a HTML Break
in the JSF FacesMessage I create

By Default , every JSF FacesMessage is added in a single row , I wanted to add a HTML
in the message itself, so that the error is shown ...

15. Rendering of in Firefox?

When we set disabled attribute for is set as true, in Firefox the button still looks like it is enabled but in IE it is working fine. Is it a ...

16. Embedding a link (or other html) in a JSF message

I want to embed a link in a JSF message, is this possible? When I try it, the rendered html of the h:messages tag escapes the html characters. I tried setting ...

17. How do I update row style on AJAX update?

I've got a datatable with row styling applied via rowClasses on the datatable. The rows contain AJAX buttons. When a button is clicked, it does some databasy stuff, updates ...

18. How to implement a possibility for user to post some html-formatted data in a safe way?

I have a textarea and I want to support some simplest formatting for posted data (at least, whitespaces and line breaks). How can I achieve this? If I will not escape the ...

19. JSF prettify/beautify HTML output

I want to correct indent before I send a JSF page to the user, because the indent is a little bit messy from JSF and it would be easier to do ...

20. JSF complex cascading radio buttons

I need to port an application from PHP to JSF 2. Everything is fine except for a rather complex radio button group: alt text When 'Process Application for:' is selected, ...

21. How to display HTML inside h:inputTextarea

How to display value with HTML tag inside h:inputTextarea? In DB I have column contain data, it contain plain text and HTML tag, I want display it on h:inputTextarea. How can I ...

22. JSF display HTML comment

I am using JSF 2.0 and have defined property javax.faces.FACELETS_SKIP_COMMENTS to skip comments in JSF code because there is a lot of other code, deveploping comments etc. But I need to ...

24. Grabbing an HTML value with JSF

I have a javascript that edits a hidden field in my jsf page:

<h:inputHidden id="data"  value="" />
and when I click on "Submit" I would like to get the new value of ...

25. Conditionally displaying HTML elements

First, I am new to Java EE, came from a strong ASP .NET development background. I have gone through the net, and I might miss this but it seems like there is ...

26. Dojo byId() method

Does anybody know, how dojo.byId() method searches the specified DOM node? It seems to search recursively from the current DOM level and the goes up. Is it true? I have tried to search ...

27. Unable to render image which has a space in the url

<h:graphicImage value="/sky blue/img/logo.png"/>
Unable to render the above image which has a space in the URL, how should I encode the space between "sky" and "blue"

28. How to display html code which is load from db in jsf screen?

I have html code in one column. Loaded html code to one bean. My question is how to display this html code using jsf tags.

29. How to make div match the height of the containing td?

I have three "panels" laid out along the row of a table. One is taller than the other two and I want all three panels to match the height of the ...

30. generate html code in span?

I want to generate some html code for the jsf page I have (I am not on jsp so I cannot use out.print), so I use icefaces component ice:outputText:

<ice:outputText id="txtCaptcha" escape="false"></ice:outputText>
I ...

31. How can I fill in the blanks to display just my image?

           <h:inputText id="email" value="#{}" title="Email" onchange="this.form.submit()"

32. using mailto to send email with an attachment, html or jsf

How can i send an email with an attachment (either local file or a file in the intranet) using outlook 2010?

<a href=" report&body=see attachment&attachment=c:\myfolder\myfile.txt">
doesn't seem to work. I need a solution in ...

33. Embedding HTML within XHTML

I have a JSF page which is outputting XHTML (from a facelet). One of the fields has user-generated HTML which is causing parsing errors in my web browser (Safari). I understand that ...

34. Disabling Ctrl+C

While registering to a website, it has 2 fields. Email and email confirmation. The thing is, people are copying what they're writing on first field and pasting on the other field. I'd like ...

35. Performance of using jsf outputText to render html

A quick question, which is better performance and memory wise:

<t:outputText escape="false" value='<tr><td>'/>
or just a straight
I ask because I haven't found any documentation regarding which is best performance wise and for general ...

36. JSF doesn't output the non-strict html

I need to output the html text, which is stored in database. The text is generated by the rich editor, so contains bad-formed html (non-closed tags like <br>). So I have ...

37. Sun Development Studio for Java Server Faces, all links dead!

I am new to Java, and want to develop an Enterprise Application for a Weaving Mill, but the problem is technology, it needs to be web based because it is required ...

38. JSF - add favicon

how to add favicon to JSF project? perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but this <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favicon.ico"/> doesn't work. Could you help me? That's my head:

 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="#{request.contextPath}/images/favicon.ico"/>
 <title>#{conf.textHeadTitle} ...

39. Where Should I put the `images` directory in order to use it in css as `/images/...`

Using JSF 2.0. Got an app running with CSS and Javascript running from /Servlet/resources/css and /Servlet/resources/js accordingly. I would like to add an images folder so I can refer to the images ...

40. f:ajax not working

I have trouble getting f:ajax to work on a h:panelGroup. Here's what i'm doing: JSF code:

<h:panelGroup id="contacts_tab_contacts_list_list">
        <c:forEach ...

41. a4j Command Button get focus on pressing Enter Key

I have a4j command button on my jsf page , when I press Enter Key anywhere in the page this command button gets the focus and excutes its action ...

42. How to add horizontal ScrollBar in t:selectOneListbox?

I can't display the entire content of my elements in my <t:selectOneListbox> which renders a HTML <select> element. How can I add a horizontal scrollbar to a <t:selectOneListbox>?

43. Pragma no cache and javascript

Does the pragma no-cache mean the browser will not cache javascript scripts? e.g. Will the pragma no cache tag stop the browser from caching the ...

44. Conditionally display pure HTML elements

I would like to conditionally display the following elements:

  <h:link outcome="mypage" value="My Value" />
So my condition should determine if the <li> tag and all it's children would be displayed or ...

45. maxlength for JSF TextArea

I am using <h:inputTextarea maxlength="50" /> I already have a javascript inplace where it will read the maxlength and only allow 50 characters (in our example) it works fine with textarea ...

46. why isn't this jsf/ajax code submitting the values?

I'm embedding here a simplified version of a code that is not working for me. What happens here is that there are 2 forms. The first form contains an ajaxified <h:commandLink> (Using <f:ajax>) The ...

47. JSF el inside html

Can we use JSF EL inside a HTML tag? For example, inside a HTML <td> element can we use EL #{bean.color} for the bgcolor attribute?

48. How can I output a favicon in the HTML head section using JSF 2.0?

Using h:outputStylesheet I can embed CSS resources in the HTML head section, but how can I build a <link> for a favicon image resource which renders HTML like in ...

49. how to set default focus on the submit button in a popup window

please help me someone,,,, i write some code to get the popup window using the following code.

<div id="EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_PENDING" class="popupContact" style="z-index:10003;">

50. t:selectOneRadio is not working in tomahawk version 2.0

I am using and I have used tomahawk <t:selectOneRadio> in my jsf page.

<t:selectOneRadio id="myScript" value="#{bean.myScript}" layout="spread">
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue="Every" />

51. JSF: how to add TH to each row?

I need this HTML output:

I don't do ...

52. Floating window in JSF in mozilla

I have a JSF page which has two portions. One is a main page and there is an exception message window which is a floating window that appears on the screen ...

53. JSF 1.1 - embedding HTML in h:messages

I'm facing a similar issue as this one : Embedding a link (or other html) in a JSF message
I want to embed an anchor tag in h:messages. This solution ...

54. JSF SelectOneRadio button can't be disabled

I've two radio button which are backed by two instance variables of a Backed bean in JSF{That is the requirement, not to bind with one variable.}. And, If one is checked, ...

55. Checkbox's onchange method not working with jsf and javascript

My codes are bellow, JSF :

<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="bundleAdded" value="#{accountAdjustmentBean.bundleAdded}"
       required="true" onchange="if(this.checked != bundleAdded)  {

56. How should I handle HTML Entities in JSF

I'm working to upgrade an old web program written in PHP with a MySQL database as the backend. The database is full of text like this &lt;P&gt;&lt;STRONG&gt; Which obviously is an encoded ...

57. Change the image of a JSF commandbutton with DHTML event onmouseover

I want to change the image of my button when the mouse goes over it. I rode the DHTML event onmouseover, can do that for me, but how? Do i need to create ...

58. CSS issue between and for same style

In my sample application am having 3 action buttons in bottom of JSF page and it's designed by 2 command button and one by command link . ...

59. JSF of java support for HTML5

Is it possible to use JSF(Java EE) to create html5 pages instead of xhtml ? If so are there many support issues due to html5 ?

60. Designer friendly JSF 2.0 : quickly converting a html mockup into jsf app

I have a html mockup with lots of css images refs etc. and need to convert it to a jsf 2.0 app. I know of the facelets attributes jsfc, but as i ...

61. JSF/ Styling h:outputText tooltip

I would like to create a custom look for a tooltip.

<h:outputText value="blarg" title="tooltip">
Plese do not tell me to use rich:tooltip as I have tried and they have a bug where it ...

62. Alignment one cell in h:panelGrid

How to align a particular cell inside a h:panelGrid in jsf 2.0. I am able to align whole table by adding style in the h:panelGrid. But I need only one cell ...

63. How to hide h:selectBooleanCheckbox

I am using custom check box idea Ryan Fait's Idea Where you can use custom images in order to create custom check boxes. But I am unable to make ...

64. Sending data with GET in JSF

I have a search form on my website that I build with what I learn in the book I am reading and I have a question about the "name"-part of the ...

65.  how to display content with fixed length?

I have a string like this:

<p><strong>Make sure you’re paying the right price for your household and trade services with pricing calculators from Australia’s largest online services marketplace, </strong></p>. 
I want ...

66. JSF change auto generated meta elements to allow download files with ssl

I have a JSF 1.1 web application, where I use ssl for lets say all pages. So when I try to download file with Internet Explorer 8, the classic security exception ...

67. JSF from HTML

68. Html based framework vs Java based framework

If what you mean by Html based framework with a mention of Tapestry means that you can build your UI using old fashioned HTML and then supply special attributes of the HTML tags, then I wouldn't really toss JSF out of this camp. Like Tapestry, JSF can also be used in a similar manner to Tapestry where you simply code in ...

69. HTML in FacesMessage?

70. JSF and HTML

Can you expalin in detail how browser converts JSF into HTML. because not only in JSF, If we create web pages using any technology. all those pages will convert into HTML before going to server, and after recieving response from server again the page will be HTML. so, can you expalin in steps with some pratical example. Thanks, Vinutha.

71. is there any way to include or show html files inside JSF files in runtime?

Hi Thank you for reading my post. is there any way that we could include some html files into jsf files in runtime? imagine that we have tens of already designed static html pages and it is growing, we should include this pages into one of our jsf pages in runtime based on user inputs in prev JSF pages. What i ...

72. html inside a h:panel

73. JSF conditional HTML

75. Help in table conversion from HTML to JSF

Hi, I am having a problem in migrating a pure html/jsp table to JSF, I don't know if I am still not used to think in JSF terms but I kind of get the impression that table components in JSF miss lots of features that were present in html/JSP. I iterated over an Array and formed rows in a table as ...

77. Forcing JSF to output malformatted HTML

78. Html Editor in JSF

79. JSF HTML Editor

80. including HTML file

81. DynaFaces in IE7 - not allowing to use HTML element input type=file

Hi all, I am using DynaFaces ajaxZone to refresh a form. Inside the form I have a html tag . When I load this page in IE7, the component is displaying. When I click the 'Browse' button it is not opening the FileOpen dialog. But in Mozilla it is working fine. Can anyone help on this. Thanks in advance. ...

82. Embedding large generated HTML files to JSF

Hello, my application generates large (>50MB) html reports. These report files are stored on servers file system, displayed right after generation and also on user's demand. Reports are embeded ("dumped") right into JSF page structure (see source code). ...

84. Create JSF Html Element through javascript

If you would like to use AJAX instead (I like a4j), then you can easily have your button call something in a backing bean which changes a rendered status. Or, if you have a binding to a panel or other container, you can create the HTML components dynamically and add them as children to the panel. Another option would be to ...

86. Unable to include html file in textarea

87. Html inside f:verbatim not getting rendered the first time

First this: is there room to upgrade to at least a JSF 1.2 implementation? Since the change of the view handler in JSF 1.2, you can just write plain vanilla HTML inline without the need for those nasty f:verbatim tags. If there isn't any room, then check if there is a newer version of MyFaces 1.1 implementation available and upgrade to ...

88. How to print a HTML file in core java??

89. jsf to html converstion problem

90. Output HTML-Code

91. how to populate dependent

hi,I am using netbeans6.5 with struts1.2.9 framework.In a jsp page when the user selects a value from the list,based on that value next tag options has to be populated from the server.For this i am extending myaction class to dispatchAction.I have also added the method to be invoked when the user selects a value from the first select LOV(list ...

93. HTML table to JSF table

You could probably use panelGrid if your data is static. If you have dynamic data, use the Datatale. By the way in your html code, I see that your second row has only 3 columns while the others have 4. I guess you have missed to add colspan attribute there. Let us know the correction and also let me know if ...

94. JSF Expression Language and HTML

Just as a general precaution, however, I don't recommend having the backing layer emit display elements (HTML). There are times when it's necessary and I'm presently working on an app that does so. But that's because the app uses an HTML editor to input and display data (rather like the one that JavaRanch uses for postings). I've seen - and suffered ...

96. Native HTML not Rending properly

Alright, maybe I don't fully understand how a JSF page is FACT, I don't! But can someone explain to me why this isn't working as I would expect? I'm including a header.jsp into my page, but the div and br tags are being rendered seperately from the generated JSF code. If I copy and paste the header code directly into ...

97. JSF including HTML within a method

98. Mixing websites written in html and jsf

Hello everyone. I am a little confused with respects to jsf and html webpages; i hope someone can clarify for me. 1. How do i mix websites written in html,that are already written and running, with jsf 2.0? Do i just copy and paste the code from the website into the jsf facelets page code and let jsf assume the role ...

100. Upload a select HTML

Personally, I took an html ready for a designer. What do I need to do is load the result of a select and put in html, like so: The result brings me three schools, then I put it like this: School 1 School 2 School 3 I have no problem with the sql, just put the result in a certain position, ...