filter « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. How to do column filtering using datatable in ICEfaces? Please suggest

How to do column filtering using datatable in ICEfaces? Please suggest with examples.

2. How to create a Filter for an IceFaces based web application?

I am using IceFaces 1.8.2. I want to create a Filter so that people cannot access unauthorized URLs of my application. I attempted to created a Filter like this:

public class AuthenticationFilter ...

3. Help with filters in icefaces

Hi all , I am a newbie here . I have a problem with implementing filtering functionality in Icefaces. I want a user who types in extension jspx to be redirected to iface extension. I use .jspx as my extension to my pages and access them as (url).iface , which is done generally in icefaces. I have the following filter code ...

4. Datatable Filtering

Hello, I am trying to implement type-ahead filtering in my JSP. In this forum, I read the following: ...'there is a simple way to do filtering. Just include an inputText in the header, and add a server call to the onkeypress event, then update the dataTable's model accordingly on the inputText's valueChangeListener: ' So, I have the following as a column ...

5. Filters in inputFile

6. inputFile upload closes Hibernate session (OSIV filter is used!)

Good morning all, This is driving me crazy and I think I am missing something blatantly obvious to others ... I am using tabs that have information persisted by Hibernate. When I do a file upload the Hibernate session is gone and I am getting a bunch of Lazy initialization exceptions. I know of the Open Session In View filter and ...

10. DataTable Filter feature

11. dataTable auto filter and sort

12. Servlet Filter doFilter() is not called in async site updates

Hi! In my application I have a servlet filter for authorizing the user in our backend system. Everytime the user requests a page the doFilter() method is called and the user gets authorized. But now I want to implement async updates of a progress bar (ice:outputProgress). When I use the AsyncRenderManagers requestRender() method, then the method doFilter() is not called, therefore ...

14. Composite component Filter Table - non filter Column sort

The ice-cc:column sortable is not working : Admin or exper, please provide me a example for filterTable with a non filter column which is sortable, In my appliction i have given the attributes as follows , , column and contents is displaying fine but on click of the header "Launch Date", the column is not sorting. ...

15. Problem forward in Servlet Filter

IceFaces version : 1.8.2 com.icesoft.faces.concurrentDOMViews : true Server : Websphere Application Server v7 We have a security filter in our homemade framework, when the filter receives a request to a secured URL it checks if the user is authenticated, if not it redirects the request to the login page (ex : login.iface) using "RequestDispatcher("login.iface").forward()". --> An exception is thrown when the ...

17. Filter Table Composite Component adjustments

Hi, We are a small group of students creating a small application for a company. We need a component such as the filter table composite component, but in addition: for each row we need some icons that perform actions for that row item, such as delete, edit etc. The actions (and corresponding icons) will be the same for each row. Is ...

18. Filter

19. request scoped managed bean is getting instansiated before servlet filter

I have a servlet filter which gets NT credentials from the browser and sets them in httpsession.Filter is invoked for all the pages with url pattern *.jsf. When I launch my application,index page routs to homepage.jsf which contains login user information.User information is binded to backing bean named userInfoBean which is set to request scoped. User info bean is getting instansiated ...

21. filter

25. How to implement a filter for a dataTable?

Hi, I'm currently migrating my application from Tomahawk to ICEfaces. I managed to replace all Tomahawk stuff with ICEfaces. So now I'm checking if all the features in my application are still working. I think there will be more posts from me asking how to implement special features since not all features behave like they should after the migration. I'm using ...

26. Data Table Filtering

Are there any plans to add filtering functionality to data tables? Has anyone tried to implement filtering on icefaces data tables themselves? I have searched all over the web and these forums and have barely found any examples of people who have done this and the only ones who have are charging $500 for the download. Thanks.

27. Filtering list in Autocomplete

public void updateEmployeeList(ValueChangeEvent event) { String searchCode = (String)event.getNewValue(); try{ setEmployeeCode(searchCode); System.out.println("Employee Code : " +searchCode); } catch(Exception e){ e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } } public List getEmployeeSearchList() { List EmployeeList = new ArrayList(); try{ int index = 0; for(Iterator iter = getEmployeeAutocompleteList().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); index++) { EmployeeReference empList = (EmployeeReference); EmployeeList.add(new SelectItem(empList, empList.getEmployeeNo())); System.out.println("Employee code: " +empList.getEmployeeNo()); } Collections.sort(EmployeeList, LABEL_COMPARATOR); } catch(Exception ...

28. Filter url-pattern

29. McAfee Phishing filter caused problems with application using 1.7.1 on IE

This is just for information... We have an icefaces 1.7.1 application which ceases to work when the McAfee Phishing filter is turned on with IE7 Using a http sniffer we were able to see that send-receive-updates was always occuring twice and somtimes in different sequence. This caused the application using icefaces 1.7.1 to fail on IE7 On Firefox 2 there was ...