prerender « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

2. prerender question

Hello Mike, i have the same problems. My application is diffrent but i am using/mixing JSF pages and faclet technology. Everything else is working but in the debugger i can see, that the prerender method is never executed. In my faces-config.xml i have the following entries: com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.faces.ViewHandlerImpl com.icesoft.faces.facelets.D2DFaceletViewHandler May be this is a misconfiguration, but ...

3. ICEfaces 1.8 not calling init or prerender methods in NetBeans 6.5.1

I have a project that works fine in NetBeans 6.5 and ICEfaces 1.7.2. I loaded NB 6.5.1 and IF 1.8. The load and install seemed to work fine. I copied my project into a new directory and accessed the new directory from withn the NB 6.5.2 / IF 1.8 environment. The login page displayed, but when I attempted to process the ...

4. Cannot access lifecycle methods (prerender, init, etc) with Icefaces and Facelets

I've been searching the forum and internet for a solution for this and I can't find one. Here is a facelet related posts without resolution: Here is a solution that doesn't work with facelets only JSP: We are trying to migrate a legacy project to use JSF/IceFaces/Facelets. We like the Facelets technology but unfortunately this issue is about to ...

5. prerender(), init() and facelets

6. how to add prerender() method in my java class? pls help

hi All; i used to woodstock with netbeans, but now i try to icefaces i install netbeans 6.8 and add icefaces plugin which is 1.8.2 i have welcome page and i add java class. when i use woodstock, page java class extends AbstractPageBean which has prerender() method which class can i extends ? and How can add prerender() and init() method ...

7. Facelets has no prerender

8. Why doesn't prerender() get called?

Using NetBeans 6.0, CE 1.6.1 I have a login page with a background image that navigates to a menu page with another background image upon successful login. Here is what happens in the debugger for a project without ICEfaces. 1) User enters login info and pushes login button 2) Menu page init() method is called 3) Menu page prerender() method is ...