render 1 « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

. Seems like an empty tbody or none at all should have been rendered. In IE, the bogus line seems to render as a relatively harmless 1-pixel line on the screen. In FF, you see a several-pixel high line with partial borders. ...

1. JSF/IceFaces Conditional Rendering

I am using Icefaces to conditonally render a component but it cant pick up the boolean: BeanCode:

    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return true;

2. jsf datatable inside datatable rendering problem

I am creating an online survey application using JSF with IceFaces component library. The survey can have any number of questions. Each question can be any one of the types checkbox, ...

3. View is rendered twice

4. Page takes forever to render

6. problems with rendering

Hi, this is my configuration: - Installed Icefaces 1.7.2 (and before: 1.7.1) under Eclipse - Using both Icefaces 1.7.2 and IceFaces Facelets 1.7.2 - using Tomcat 6.0 server environment - Apache Commons Library - SUN JSF RI 1.1.02 bundled with ICE Faces distribution I get a few problems with rendering: 1) etc.. tags get the space at ...

7. Server-initiated Rendering

9. Listening Render Phase

Hi everyone, icefaces is a great framework. But i am new on it. I am drawing a rectangle on a map/picture via javascript on client-side and i want to get mouse coordinates after user mouseup event. And send them into bean, so my map can make rectangle zoom. I have searched in google but i am confused, could anybody help me. ...

10. Incorrect rendering of empty dataTable

There is a bug in the dataTable rendering code. When the data model is empty, the displayed table contains

11. Evaluation of non-rendered elements

Don't know if this has been discussed; can't find it with any obvious forum search.... Suppose I have on a page two elements of which it only makes sense to display one or the other, never both. I put in something like ... ... A problem arises when the bean reports case1 and code associated ...

13. Render a component if the component id is in the list

Hi Matti, I am using MyEclipse 6.6 and yes it does highlight "$" but i don't believe MyEclipse JSP syntax verifier much. Though MyEclipse is a wonderful toolbut its JSP editor behaves weiredly at times. "$" sign gets highlighted but it doesn't work whereas "#" sign is not highlighted but it works. :) Just wanted to share it with others too. ...

14. ice:selectInputDate bad rendering with IE

I'm running into similar issues. I'm using ICEfaces 1.8.0 in a Liferay portlet with the xp-portlet theme. The attached files show similar but slightly similar results to yours. The selectInputDate appears as part of a dataTable row for in-place editing, which is when the problem appears. When the same code is used outside the dataTable for creating a new entry, the ...

16. Partial page rendering question?

17. Understanding render

19. Modifying rendered components in single cells of datatable

Is there any chance to highlight specified cell in ice:datatable? Now values are inserted to columns with valueExpression and that means that I can get only one component (outputText) per column. Is there possibility to generate datatable + columns so that I put directly a lot of outputText-objects to every cell? So I could keep the refecenses for every cell component? ...

20. Incorrect selectInput rendering

Maxim Sharai | Software Engineer | OPENSUITE CORPORATION | The information contained in this email is legally privileged and confidential. This email is intended to be reviewed by only the individual or organization named above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or ...

22. outpuResource strange behaviour: component no longer rendered after page update

There's a strange behaviour with the outputResource component: Using the following page structure, the outputResource component's will disappear after a page update (e.g. actionListener call to filter the list data). An outputLabel (instead of outputResource) will be displayed correctly. The initial view is correct, and after a whole page refresh per navigation rule the outputResource components reappears! Page structure: ...

24. render text on login

27. Ajax Push Rendering Problems

There is an ice:panelTabSet and each panelTab label has a name of one equipment (There is a list of Equipments on an Application scoped Managed Bean). Inside each panelTab I have specific data. The problem is: when a new client access the page, and the method SessionRenderer.render("groupName") is called, some panelTab labels change to Tab 0, or Tab 1 etc, for ...

28. Datatable doesnt render line break

I have a form that saves data from an inputTextArea to a database, then a datatable retrieves the value into the corresponding column. The problem is that the datatable doesnt render the linebreaks, it just renders them as a single space. I've already tried the escape="false" inside the outputText of the column but it doesnt work.

29. ice:datatable rendered

Hi I have a problem ....I'm new to sjf/ice... I'm trying to display/hidden some columns in a table; here is the code: ...

32. rendering performance

Hello, i've just deployed an icefaces application using most classical Icefaces Jsf components. Most screens are painting dataTable with paginator. I'm using Glassfish v2, icefaces 1.8.2, JPA, Spring IOC and Spring Security 2.5. After having a look at the users feedback about the performance, i saw that the application is difficult to use under 25 KB/s per user. This seems to ...

33. Create a personal Custom Render Kit for accessiblity

<ui:insert name="title">My Application</ui:insert>

50. WML rendering using ICEfaces

Hi, I just wanted to know how to render the web page ( which is currently developed using ICEfaces) on mobile devices using WML. Do we have to use any particular rendering Kit ? If so, how do we need to integrate this ? in the web.xml /face-config.xml Please let me know if we have any sample code which gives a ...

51. Render problem with IceFaces - Incorrect data!!!

Hi everybody! I have a real problem occurring in my IceFaces 1.8.2 application deployed on AIX 5.3 server (app server is JBoss 5.1.0): I have a simple page with one datatable, and from an input text I digit the customer id and the datatable should show the customer data: randomly (but very often) if i change customer id the datatable shows ...

52. SelectInputDate partial rendering

53. Too many method calls during rendering

phru Joined: 25/05/2011 04:51:13 Messages: 4 Offline Hi all, I am quite new to ICEfaces and I am facing the following problem. I want to display a list of days which contains a list of meals which contains a list of foods. The days and meals should be displayed in collapsiblePanels. After invoking the database call the right value of entries ...

54. Icefaces 2 don't render component

55. Changing rendered attribute on client side

Hi! Is it possible to change the rendered attribute only using client side, e.g. using JavaScript (even better if there's some more 'friendly' way to do it)? If yes, where can I find instructions how to do it? (I have tried Google, but I don't if I'm putting the wrong key words, but I just can't seem to find anything). Thanks ...

57. WriteText method cannot write null text - possible rendering issue?

Hello, We are running ICEfaces 2.0.2 with Mojarra 2.0.3 and on specific pages we keep running into a rendering error and can't seem to narrow down where it is occurring. The primary error is: NullPointerException: WriteText method cannot write null text at org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMResponseWriter.writeText( The pages are facelets pages and use facelets includes. Partial state saving is disabled, and skip comments ...

59. IE tabpanelset rendering issue

I have an application where the screen is split into two columns. On the left I have a fixed width pane and on the right a pane that should take up the rest of the width of the browser window (width style set to 100%). I recently updated the application so the right hand pane was an ice:paneltabset. For some reason, ...

60. Entire site unusable if one page cannot be rendered + more

So far, I do not have a repro but it seems like the following scenarios are true: 1. If user tries to open a page that contains a markup error (say runtime exception in initalization) then subsequent loading of *any* pages becomes impossible. This is true even if user types in subsequent page URL in browser. At this point the only ...

61. rendered="false" is still rendering

62. icefaces, include and page rendering

Hey, I'm having some trouble with my

63. ice:dataTable not rendering correctly

65. Question about server rendering

66. Problem in rendering datatable at runtime

Hi All, I think the problem is all with session handling. In faces-config.xml if I make the scope to request,its is working fine but the problem is that I have update and delete functions to the data table. I put a checkbox to each row,on slection of checkbox i can get the data but when i check the row and click ...

70. Rendering

72. 3d rendering is it possible?

Hi I just wondered if it is possible to do some simple kind of rendering 3d images with ICEFaces. Lets suppose that we have 3D Clothes shop for example, where all images of the models are 3D and you can rotate them left and right. Do you think that it is possible to be done with ICEFaces somehow?

73. [ Server Side Rendering ] Javascript callS

Hi icefaces community! I open a new thread since this is a specific issue I'm encountering. Since sometimes I code my webapps with your handy Framework and I'm very pleased. Server Side Rendering is one of my favourites functions in JSF app but I don't find how send multiple Javascript calls from server. I'm thinking about multiples solutions : - JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall ...

74. Server Initiated Rendering in 1.6

75. No UI-Updates after Server-initiated Rendering...

Hello, according to the documentation i tried to implement some server-initiated rendering with the help of AsyncRenderers instead of "low-level-api-usage"... My Understanding is: if i obtain a GroupRender (IntervallRenderer, OnDemandRenderer, DelayRenderer) from the (application-scoped) Rendermanager with a given name, every session-scoped Renderable should obtain the same GroupRender for that given name. So a call of requestRender() for this Group will result ...

77. allways full JSF page render -> DOM ?

Hey, Gustav. Thanks for your interest in ICEfaces. When a change to the page is made, either by client interaction or something triggered on the server side, a new DOM is re-rendered on the server and compared to the existing DOM. The difference is calculated and those changes are sent back to the browser and inserted into their correct locations. So ...

78. What could cause my page to be rendered in full twice?

I have an Icefaces + Facelets webapp that I'm converting from JSF + JSP. I have it mostly configured now, but when the page renders, everything gets rendered twice. Any ideas on how this might be possible? The 2 rendered versions of the page are almost the same but not quite. The second rendering of the page includes a hidden input ...

79. Correct page is not rendering...

81. Problem with ui:include when rendered attribute is false

That error message might just be a poorly worded way of saying that fileBrightnessTablePager is null. But, assuming that the error message is correct, one must remember that binding attributes are set in earlier phases than RENDER, since they have to be accessible in APPLICATION. Could it be that currentEntryAction is initially null, when the binding is being set, but later ...

83. Problem with client rendering

84. head rendering

85. Q: state.navigateTo fails after Server-initiated rendering

Hi all. I'm writing a web app to a legacy application (using ICEfaces 1.6.1 in a Glassfish v2 environment). When a client logs into the application, the first thing it does is retrieve a local cache of static data that may have changed since the last logon, which is used to drive the client application. When connecting for the first time ...

86. Server Initiated Rendering

87. Rendering problem

88. Problems with server-initiated rendering (server push)

Hello all, I use server-initiated rendering in my ice application. Unfortunately, it dies not work as expected. Browser page does not get updated immediately after invocation of the RenderManager.requestRender(), but first after hartbeat ping. Here are some debug logs with my comments: Code: // browser sends initial GET request [2008-01-17 18:07:19,344] DEBUG com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.PathDispatcher - path: /schips_ice/test/main.iface // logs skipped: el computations, ...

89. dataTable render problem

91. Custom Components / Renderers

92. Individual Interval Rendering

Our design for our UI is that we will have a small frame, a part of the main page, have a custom clock being updated by the server every second, this works perfectly for now, the second specification is that a label has to change text every 15 seconds. From A to B and from B to A, every 15 seconds. ...

93. IE rendering issue

94. immediate=true breaks direct to dom rendering?

Hi, I recently posted a different question about popupPanel not receiving updates from the server side backing bean. I traced this to setting immediate="true" on some of the buttons in the popup. My question is, is it intentional that setting immediate="true" would break server-to-client direct to dom rendering, is this a bug, or something else? If this is intentional, what is ...

95. Partial rendering, is it possible?

Let's say I have two components on my page - tree and table. Both have respective backing beans which extend parent class where render method placed. It calls PersistentFacesState.render() When I updated the tree component through server-push I expect only tree should be updated but it looks like the whole view is updated including the table component even if there is ...

96. selectInputDate not rendered

richard.fagot Joined: 22/04/2008 00:00:00 Messages: 21 Offline Hi all, I use Icefaces 1.7.0-beta1, jsf-api 1.1_02, jsf-impl 1.1_02 and jboss 4.0.5 GA. When I attempt to display a selectInputDate : I get the following stack : 2008-05-06 12:01:01,828 ERROR [com.icesoft.faces.facelets.D2DFaceletViewHandler] Problem in renderResponse: null java.lang.NullPointerException at com.icesoft.faces.component.selectinputdate.SelectInputDateRenderer.encodeEnd( at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeEnd( at com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler.renderResponse( at com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler.renderResponse( at com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler.renderResponse( at com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler.renderResponse( at ...

97. Does latency plays a role in rendering DOM views?

r1a1v1i1 Joined: 14/03/2008 00:00:00 Messages: 68 Offline Hi, I am implementing an icefaces tree in liferay. The page has a tree which is dynamically generated and nodes are expanded dynamically. To get the tree top level nodes or child nodes i need to access a machine through VPN and do some operations. This whole thing takes around 2-6 minutes. I am ...

99. only rendering icefaces component

100. Effect fired before page is rendered

bfridman Joined: 11/04/2008 00:00:00 Messages: 48 Offline Here are the two dump stacks, please let me know if there is more information that would be beneficial. I appreciate you taking a look. The first call: Code: [] 22:28:18,307 DEBUG [//10/] [PageBean] [http-] [] REQUEST HIGHLIGHT EFFECT [] 22:28:18,307 DEBUG [//10/] [PageBean] [http-] [] mark.collette.request: [] 22:28:18,307 INFO [//10/] [STDOUT] [http-] [] ...