trigger « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Can I trigger an IceFaces action using JavaScript?

If I have a simple button:

            <ice:commandButton value="foobar" 

6. Trigger a dataExporter from a managed bean

Setting renderLabelAsButton="true" on the dataExporter tag allowed me to trigger the dataExporter from my javascript call. This setting adds the component as an input instead of an anchor. Now I can have the user click a command button which invokes an action listener. In the listener I can do some pre validation to verify that the user hasn't reached a total ...

7. Trigger Simple Form Submit

Hi dear members! I would like to send a simple form submit command from my Backing Bean triggered by an event (doubleClick). I have made several attampt but no success: My EventListener: public void click1Listener(ClickActionEvent e) { if (e.isDblClick()) { JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), ";document.forms['steruletPopup'].submit();"); or another javascript call: JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "document.getElementById('steruletPopup').submit();"); } } I have also tried binding a form to backing bean property ...

9. SelectOneMenu does not trigger valueChangeListener

public class UserSessionParameters implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 777202849618067315L; private Locale userLanguage; public UserSessionParameters(){ this.initialize(); } public void initialize(){ this.userLanguage = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale(); System.out.println("User language initialized : " + userLanguage.getLanguage()); } public Locale getUserLanguage() { return userLanguage; } public void setUserLanguage(Locale userLanguage) { this.userLanguage = userLanguage; } public void changeLanguage(ValueChangeEvent event){ System.out.println("Calling changeValueListener in UserSessionParameters managed bean"); String ...

11. Tree triggers PaginatorActionEvent - Why?

Hello all, I have a wired problem here in my ICEfaces 2.0.2 application using Tomcat 7. On my page there is a ice:tree and a ice:dataTable including a ice:dataPaginator. The whole webpage is inside one single form. The tree is working fine. It can be expanded and collapsed using the mouse. Selecting a node is calling an action listener in my ...

14. Change Partial Submit trigger event

17. selectInputDate with required="true" not triggering error

We are also experiencing the same problem with required="true" attribute on selectInputDate component. This didn't seem to fail until we recently upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.7.1. Any update on this problem would be appreciated. I'm going to try a few other things and report back, but there definitely seems to be a difference between 1.6 and 1.7 relative to required attribute ...

20. required does not trigger on inputText and inputSecret

philip.breau wrote: And don't forget, if partialSubmit is true on the form, then that applies to the commandLinks or commandButtons too, so they will unset the required setting on the input components when they submit. If you want this not to occur, set partialSubmit="false" on the commandLink or button. Philip That's the point. Thanks! Can you help with another confusing ...