servlet « JSP « JSF Q&A

1. avoid javax.servlet.ServletException

I am getting a javax.servlet.servletException while executing the following code.... "<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%> "<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%> "<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="tiles"%> tiles:importAttribute scope="request" /> h:panelGrid columns="2" >

<f:facet name="header">
 <f:subview id="header">
  <tiles:insert attribute="header" flush="false" />

2. Easy way to get started with JSF?

Does anyone know of a good way to get started with JSF for a servlets/JSP person? I'm interested but not sure where to start! Thanks,

3. Are Java web frameworks really worth the hassle?

I'm relatively new to Java programming (About 2 years) but not to web development. I started out with HTML and ASP (pre .NET), and have recently started messing with J2EE. ...

4. What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?

Is JSP = Servlet? And JSF = Pre-build UI based JSP (like web control)?

5. Data transfer between Servlet and JSP

I have a JSF/JSP page, a managed bean, and a separate file/class that extends HttpServlet with the doPost method. I have a separate test program that sends a xml object to the ...

6. Best way to develop the frontend(GUI) & controller parts of a moderately complex web application developed in Java

What would be a good strategy(framework etc to choose) to develop the frontend(GUI) & controller parts of a moderately complex web application(social portal) developed in Java. What framework if any are ...

7. JSF or MVC with Servlets/JSPs?

I am working on the development of a social web application using Java. I need to develop the frontend GUI of my application for the web browsers. I am wandering ...

8. HttpServletRequest for jsf

i have a jsp site where i get an attribute using request.getAttribute. i'm looking for a way to get that attribute in jsf (running in the same tomcat). this is what i ...

9. java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method javax.servlet.jsp.JspApplicationContext.getExpressionFactory()

I am using JSF 2.0 in Eclipse IDE. When I tried to implement JSP and Servlet, I get the following error:

java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method  "javax.servlet.jsp.JspApplicationContext.getExpressionFactory()Ljavax/el/ExpressionFactory;" the ...

11. SRVE0068E: Could not invoke the service() method on servlet /faces/welcome.jsp

I am running an application which uses oracle adf components, hibernate. When i run the application, the login page comes up, but after authentication it shows a page cannot be displayed message. below is the exception stack trace found in SystemOut.log [6/18/08 9:40:11:996 PDT] 0000003a ServletWrappe E SRVE0068E: Could not invoke the service() method on servlet /faces/welcome.jsp. Exception thrown : javax.servlet.ServletException: ...

12. JSF vs .HTML/JSP and Servlets

13. Data transfer between Servlet and JSP

I have a JSF/JSP page, a backing bean, and a separate file/class that extends HttpServlet with the doPost method. I have a separate test program that sends a xml object to the doPost method via a HttpURLConnection. What is wanted: 1) Start the JSP page with temporary data (works). 2) At a later time, send a new xml object to the ...

17. Source code for implementing SEARCH feature using Servlet (JSP/JSF/Java method)

Hi all, I'm a newbie but a keen learner. Please help me with the source code for implementing Search feature using servlet (JSF/JSP/Jave). I've tried but can't seem to work. Could someone give me an example using the data below:- (search by Name, Dept or DOB) Employee Table Id Name Dept DOB Date Search By Name, Dept, DOB Id Name Dept ...

18. Can a Servlet be used for Storing Objects with both JSP and JSF used on it?

Hi, Pages I have: SearchEmployee.jsp This page has a search engine that search out the Employee. This Employee Object will be stored inside a Servlet(controller) for future references by other pages. I used JSP, html tags for forms, and request.getParameter() to built this search engine. Problem: I have a JSF Form that wants to DISPLAY the employee which I have found ...

19. Need Suggestion about JSP/Servlet OR JSF2.0

I am new to Java and working on it as fast as possible. Got 5+ years experience in ASP.NET C#. I have covered basics of Java and now want to jump into web development by making a project by converting one of my ASP.NET project. I have explored Servlet/JSP and JSF2.0. Want to learn only one from them and put all ...