liferay « Portlet « JSF Q&A

1. (inter portlet communication) IPC in liferay 6.0.5 and JSF1.2

We are trying to implement a portlet communication that will be able to simulate the classical redirect, but without success for now. This looks to be a common question in the portlet ...

2. Liferay: Can't see the deployed portlet

I develop a sample JSF portlet for the Liferay portal. After I had deployed it (no errors in the console and the .war file from the liferay/deploy directory is removed to ...

3. Liferay: Facelet portlet is empty

I have developed a simple facelet portlet. Changed the ViewHandler in the faces-config.xml as it is said in the book:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config
1.1//EN" "">
<faces-config ...

4. Problems with displaying image in portlet using jsf

I need some help with showing images in my portlet. I have images somewhere on HDD. I wrote servlet ImageServlet with doGet() method. I registered servlet in web.xml with mapping /images/*. The problem begins ...

5. Ajax file upload in JSF 2.0 portlet using Portletfaces in Liferay

I am trying to use javascript libraries like this one to ajaxify my file upload in a JSF 2.0 portlet running in Liferay using portletfaces. But the library ...

7. Portlet Configurationpage for JSF Portlet - not working?

ConfessTests /icon.png com.liferay.portlet.googleadsense.action.ConfigurationActionImpl com.sample.jsfmyfaces.portlet.LogURLEncoder true ...

8. How do I retrieve the list of article types from a JSF portlet

Hi Jean-Noel, my problem was similiar to yours. I solved it in the following way: I created a bean, which contains service-methods. I will call it ArticleService. It is a managed bean with the name articleServce in the faces-config.xml. Now, you build a method ArrayList ArticleService.getArticleList(). In this method, you can read the list from the database and return it as ...

11. IBM JavaServer Faces portlet in LifeRay throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExcepti

Hi I've just successfully installed LifeRay on top of WebSphere Application Server 6.1. I'm using RAD (Rational Application Developer) 7.0 to develop my portlet applications. I also managed to successfully install a JSR-168 sample portlet and add it to a page. However, when I create & install a JavaServer Faces portlet using RAD, the portlet window displays the following error: 'PORTTestFaces ...

12. Resource Handler for JSF Portlet

Resource Handler for JSF Portlet December 11, 2008 2:05 AM Answer Burton Burton Rank: New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: November 28, 2008 Recent Posts Hi everybody, just got started on Life ray and we successfully run our JSF Tomahawk web application in as a Portlet in Liferay. The only thing that is missing is to include the css styles and ...

13. Character encoding problem when using Visual Web JSF to develop portlet

(Netbeans 6.5 + Visual Web JSF + Portal Pack 3.0 + Webspace 10) I create a simple project of Visual Web JSF and Portal Support, and then create a simple Visual Web JSF portlet page, and drag a staticText woodstock component to the design page, and set the text to some Chinese words like "". Then when the project is deployed, ...

14. Deployed JSF Portlets Error

After deploying a JSF portlet I get this, never had this error before. Bootstrap.js I believe contains all the webui defs which causes all the components in the portlet to fail. Using Netbeans 6.5 PP 3.0 Latest Liferay 5.2.2 Glassfish v2 Windows Has anyone seen this before. Error: illegal character Source File: http://localhost:8080/testwebapp/theme/com/sun/webui/jsf/suntheme4_2-080320/javascript/bootstrap.js Line: 1 Source Code:  Error: webui is ...

15. JSF portlet with Liferay

Dear all, Would you please show me some directions to change a jsf app to a portlet in Liferay ??? I have followed some instructions but when I installed it into Liferay, it showed error in console and did not work. I downloaded it. I also added 2 files for Liferay: liferay-portlet and liferay-display. But it did not work. ERROR ...

16. JSF Portlet

17. JSF portlet liferay locale

Hi all, I'm developing JSF portlets for liferay. A requirement is to have everything internationalized. I know how to add internationalization to JSF pages but there is an issue with the locale stored in liferay. The JSF-components always take the locale from the browser. Does anyone know how to tell the jsp, which contains the JSF-components how to take liferay's locale? ...

18. jsf portlet problem

jsf portlet problem June 16, 2009 7:04 AM Answer daniel strand Rank: New Member Posts: 5 Join Date: February 4, 2009 Recent Posts Hi, I have a Liferay portlet written using IceFaces that i'm trying to convert to plain JSF 1.2 (Mojarra) by replacing all icefaces components with vanilla JSF components. I'm using the OpenPortal JSF Portlet Bridge 1.2.3, as recommended. ...

19. Refactor Portlets using JSF?

20. JSF Portlet

21. JSF Portlets using EL in Faces-config.xml

Hello, I am trying to create a Portlet , which uses JSF 1.2 ( SUN RI) on Liferay. I created a class which has a action() Method, which returns a string. My faces-config has the following configuration : DeleteUser com.test.actions.DeleteUser ...

22. JSF Portlet

23. set PortletMode in JSF portlet

25. JSF portlet

28. JSF Portlet - can not find out correct versions

Hi, I am trying to develop my first JSF Portlet and deploy it into liferay 6.0.3. But I fail and I can't figure out which versions of jsf-api, jsf-impl, jsf-portlet is the right one. I have downloaded the sample-jsf-1.1-sun-facelets-portlet.war This sample Portlet works well. So I take the sample war file as a kind of template. Now all .xml config files ...

31. How to create a JSF 2.0 portlet in Liferay 6.05?

Hi all, I only developed extension plugins in Liferay using jsp portlet but the others in my new company only know about jsf 2.0. So I'm finding a document about creating jsf 2.0 portlet in liferay portal 6.05 step by step, can you help me? What's the best and quick technology for developer develop portlet in Liferay 6.05?

32. Liferay & JSF 2.0 Portlets - Table links in grids

Experiencing issues when using Liferay & JSF 2.0 Portlets in conjunction with the need to navigate to another page after clicking hyperlink contained in a table record. I have a feeling this is a problem with the parameter associated with the hyperlink. Has anybody else experienced a similar issue, any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

33. JSF portlet in ext env

34. Portlet with JSF, using Plugin SDK and Service Builder

Hi, I have a portlet implemented with JSF, i use Plugin SDK and Service Builder but i have problems accesing DB. I get the following error: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creati ng bean with name 'liferaySessionFactory' defined in class path resource [META-I NF/data-source-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception i s java.lang.NullPointerException at Factory.initializeBean( at Factory.doCreateBean( at ...

37. frameset+jsf portlet

38. Not able to download file by using JSF portlet

Hi all!! I need to download file by using JSF(richfaces)command button action In my action method the code is like FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); PortletResponse response = (PortletResponse)context.getExternalContext().getResponse(); //Reading files String Files = "D:\\test\\err.txt"; File f = new File(Files); FileInputStream istr = new FileInputStream(Files); BufferedInputStream bstr = new BufferedInputStream(istr); // promote int size = (int) f.length(); // get the file size ...

39. Maximize portlet from jsf

40. JSF portlet in helios