ItemValue « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Cannot submit an accented ItemValue () in a selectOneMenu

Hello cagatay, now it seems that I cannot ajax submit an accented ItemValue in a selectOneMenu : When selecting the form is not sent!!! Is it normal? ...

2. PickList getTarget returning itemValue instead of var

This has already been reported as "BUG in Picklist". I'm using 3.0.RC1-SNAPSHOT 28-Nov-2011 22:23. Just like the original post says, PickList getSource()/getTarget() returns itemValues instead of vars once it has been ...

3. autoComplete itemValue, can't get the right value

10 Dec 2011, 22:47 by mehdaoui autoComplete itemValue, can't get the right value Hello, I have an autocomplete method that send me a list of places objects, the Place class contains ...