ViewScoped « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. @ViewScoped Managed bean loads many times during postback

I have a calendar, editor, fileUpload and a dataTable primefaces controls on a jsf facelet. Code is as follows,

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<ui:composition xmlns:ui=""

2. JSF 2 : ViewScoped Problem, bean not persisted when redisplaying the same page

Im sure why, but my viewscoped-bean doesnt get persisted when redisplaying the same page. Im wondering if this is because of the use of facelet templates ? Here's what i did to ...

3. Problem with viewscoped beans and datatable

Hi Cagatay, I'm noticing a problem with using lazy loading on a data table when the bean backing the table is viewscoped. (This is probably the same issue reported here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1241&start=0 ...

5. @ViewScoped with multiple forms

07 Jul 2011, 18:00 by Ryland @ViewScoped with multiple forms My page is broken up into 3 sections using templating and there are multiple form's between the sections. My ViewScoped bean ...

6. graphicimage & @ViewScoped

7. p:filedownload from p:datatable with ViewScoped managed bean

p:filedownload from p:datatable with ViewScoped managed bean wont work. It calls the methods prepareFile and getFile twice. In first call of the methods I mentioned it sets the first file from ...

8. @ViewScoped reinstantiated after ajax commandButton?

Hello, maybe i don't understand thwe @ViewScoped well, but i think its strange, when my managed bean is again instantiated, when h:commandButton , or p:commandButton is clicked and just a method ...

9. rating component + ViewScoped bean + primefaces 1.01

13 May 2010, 10:28 by svkap rating component + ViewScoped bean + primefaces 1.01 Hi. I am using primefaces 1.01/02 and RichFaces 3.3.3. For my application I am using JSF 2 ...

10. Invoking @PreDistroy of @ViewScoped whith LazyDataModel

Executing locally /prime-showcase/ui/datatableLazy.jsf of primefaces showcase, the @PreDistroy method is invoked in all ajax requests. I add two methods: init and destroy, and put a systrace in contructor: Code: ...

11. p:schedule works only in @ViewScoped

Hello. I've found that this element is working only in view scope...In session scope it is not working (you cant add your own event like in show case). Also.. I've found, ...

12. eventSelectListener null in @ViewScoped managed bean

Hi I'm having some problems when using the p:schedule component coupled with a ViewScoped managed bean, each time an event is selected the appropriate method is called but "getScheduleEvent()" returns always ...

13. StreamContent in ViewScoped

Hi, I'm trying to display dynamic content from my database using the StreamContent API, but is only displayed on my view when my controller(mb) is set to SessionScoped. When set to ...

14. @ViewScoped Managed bean loads many times during postback

>> << devendra_kailas Posts: 7 Joined: 15 Jul 2010, 10:39 15 Jul 2010, 11:05 by devendra_kailas @ViewScoped Managed bean loads many times during postback Hi, I have a calendar, editor, fileUpload ...

15. ViewScoped / ConversationScoped problem with datatable

>> << derek Posts: 54 Joined: 24 Aug 2010, 00:56 Location: Canada 24 Aug 2010, 01:06 by derek ViewScoped / ConversationScoped problem with datatable primefaces version: 2.2 M1 server: glassfish v3 ...

16. Primefaces 2.2.M1 and @ViewScoped

I upgraded my test application with primefaces 2.2.M1, but the "ViewScopeds ManagedBeans" pass by the constructor to all requests (ajax or non-ajax). Someone is going through the same problem? I use ...

17. CommandButton in dataTable facet breaks @ViewScoped bean

... ...

18. NotSerializableException exception thrown using ViewScoped

Advanced search FAQ Register Login PrimeFaces Forum Board index Community PrimeFaces Core Print view Next topic | Previous topic | NotSerializableException exception thrown using ViewScoped ...

19. Lazy Loadin' with remoteCommand; ViewScoped doesn't Work!

15 Dec 2010, 18:58 by bumble.bee Lazy Loadin' with remoteCommand; ViewScoped doesn't Work! I'd like to use the remoteCommand component to lazy load content on my page (the content is not ...

20. Primefaces does CDI ViewScoped?

I think a saw a presentation of Cagatay telling that he ported JSF ViewScoped to CDI? Its true? I am interested in that, because the CDI @ViewScoped implementation from JBoss is ...